When you say and we say (actually all of us) that (Japan accepts and tries to regulate Bitcoin), although a step in the right direction, Bitcoin or any crypto currency for that matter will not gain parity with available currencies until it allows us doing two things. (a) pay our taxes i.e. the IRS starts accepting taxes in Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies, and (b) the banks accepts them as repayments for debt. But we are a long way from there and you are right, the volatility in the prices do it no good. As a trader I would be skeptical in accepting payments in bitcoin unless I have the ability to immediately book my dollar value on the bitcoin payment and be certain of the expected margin I am supposed to make from a trade / transaction.
Probably all of us will find this article interesting but read between the lines. They say that what Japan has done does not mean that Bitcoin has a status parallel to the Japanese Yen. To quote from the [article] (https://cointelegraph.com/news/japan-officially-recognizes-bitcoin-and-digital-currencies-as-money)
"In terms of a government's perspective, until you can pay your taxes with it, it's not on par with the government's money."
Good point with that articles, especially the quote.