Bitpanda is a system that allows people to buy vouchers for cryptocurrencies and they just started selling those in postal offices all over Austria.
The system is simple you take cash and buy a voucher for 50, 100 or 500 euro and redeem money on their website
Other than this..
just like CoinMama you can buy BTC there with CCs and even Paypal.
Obviously there is big fees on this services but they make it easy for non-techy people to adopt and get their first cryptos.
Hope one day we can see STEEM or SBD there!
Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips! |
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nice post thanks for information if possible for you please check my post i wish the best for you and your family
Yip, there are major fees charged when buying crypto without using an exchange. I guess it it easier for a non-techie to purchase crypto this way but that is going to have to change if we ever want crypto to become mainstream...
Security with your private keys etc. will also need to become a lot more consumer friendly...
One day, just one day ;)
Nvm, I'll guess I'll buy it online
Definitely the best (and cheapest) way 😁
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Risk free? Nothing is risk free!!
I will buy the coins on that site. I think they give best rates.
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Hi @kingscrown that's a good news i really hope one day we will be able to do the same here in Thailand, but i believe it come slowly as we start to have some bitcoin ATM and it become more and more popular among the young. THX ^ and follow you
That's nice! I wish this was available in Belgium (or even Europe) to! Thanks for sharing! It's very nice they sell it in a post office, making it more accessible for the big masses!
Austria is in Eu and quiet close to Belgium. At least they told us so at school.
I am living in Austria and well... I am pretty sure we are in the EU ..
At least for now - hope there will be no Öxit haha
Haha, sorry, it is late, my brain is tired, I thought it was "Australia" :p my mistake! Cool!
I like your profile pic
If it's of any consolation, I was sure that this post was about Australia until I read your comments :P Haha
Nice thing! Especially for me, because I am from Austria.
But you have the possibility to buy BTC from ATMs even in Belgium.. you can check them out here:
Thanks for this informative reply! ☺️
read my blog thank me later
Amazing to see another step for further integration of crypto in the everyday conditions is being made. I see that crypto is being adopted in my Country too, slowly but steady. Cant wait to see what the future holds for us using crypto as an everiday source of income and sustainability.
I tried to use Coinmama to buy some nonverified amount and yet it still says NAH YOU GOT TO VERIFY. :'-(
That's good news, once you go crypto, you can't go back.
Well, more like you don't want to, but same difference.
I can only agree with that!
Wow that is a big change for Australia.
Wow. Thats seriously amazing!
This is news to me! That's awesome.
Now we are talking! Change is imminent - and whether BTC hardfork leaves market up or down temporarily - all worthy projects are going to rise!!!
Thank you for sharing! upvoted.
I can see this tech EXPLODE! This could for sure be one of the easy ways to get normal people into crypto. Also this would be a good way for stores, and vendors in your country to accept these also as payment! very good post!

That's a big news. Way to go Austria, hope rest will follow. Countries which implement such infrastructure are helping their people as it's not only adopting the new technology but the community would benefit by investing for their better financial growth.
Austria does seem to support alternatives to fiat currencies - they have a very reputable mint which produces great gold and silver philharmonic coins - so it makes sense that you Austrians would embrace cryptocurrencies before others. Thanks @kingscrown
I wish we had this in Brazil....
interesting article, thanks for sharing
Nice thing !!!!!!!!Great Information
This is really cool! Being able to buy crypto easy and secure is extremely important if we want more non-technical people to join, so this is a big step in the correct direction :) Hope to see this happen in more countries!
This is huge. Lately, I've taken a liking to Cryptopia, since it has really low minimums and a wide selection, but maybe soon I can go USPS for TerraCoin ?
And we all knew crypto would go 'postal' :)
thanks @kingscrown - as always, well written and informative.
Pretty cool. They need something like this in the states.
States are one of most unfriendly countries for cryptos...this is not going to happen any time soon IMO, but really cool to see how other countries adopting...
The Federal Reserve doesn't probably want to see the crypto do well in the states. It will stop their dominance over currency.
We can only hope that the US will follow if most other countries adapt for crypto in some way or another.
Mir Österreicher san die besten, kane sone Voildroutteln wia i Deitschlond!
Another fantastic article from Kingscrown, thank you! From what I hear Bitpanda is a pretty cool. It accepts cash, credit, and of course, bamboo.
another step to new world
WHAT????? We need this in India toooo....
India is a perfect candidate for crypto imho!
Yes, indeed. The crypto market here in India is growing faster than any where else in the world.
That's a great post for Australians, and I glad that people down under can have access to that stuff. However, for people in America it is very hard to buy and trade/sell cryptos because it is hard to purchase cryptos with American money. I made this video to help Americans (and everyone).
tantas cosas por conocer wauuuu me encanta explorar esta nueva forma de generar dinero, gracias por compartir
Great news. Amazing how generally one country starts with something small and it becomes the norm. Hopefully other countries will follow. The challenge is to keep transaction fees low, which will separate cryptocurrency to already existing money transfer institutions.
thanks post
very nice.. lit!
I read " Australia " instead of " Austria " lol
I am from Austria, and trust me... this happens ll the time!
Haha, I do that all the time when someone is writing about Australia or Austria!
segwit2x hardfrok should run permanent solution
Thata a good idea
Nice stuff... will share with my friends!!!
Excellent, more and more are accepted the crypto currencies in different countries. This serves for other countries also to join and hopefully so.
i hope this will happen in india soon
Janitor unit cannot buy digital monetary units from post office in swamp. Janitor unit thinks this is worth much pine sol. Janitor unit reposts and follow @kingscrown human unit. Much upvotes.
damn $500 for this post NICE yes we need to all email them and we should provide a base email for us all to change and modify to customize and hit END and flood their email with requests to add steem and sbd!
I see steemit still likes to promote steemit!
we should all be working on steemit promotion campaigns! we should buy adsense campaignsto adevryise steemit, spend $100 on it, and watch steemit help u PAY for the ad campaign with making MORE than $100 back on your post SHowing the steemit ad campaign!
we should all be doing this! @jerrybanfield style!
wow lucky you
This is amazing, I have been waiting 24 hours now to get BTC from Bitstamp, the process is currently WAY too hard
Good post
I get too much mails from them so it looks like a scam. Maybe they need to send less mails.
A big step forward for cryptos. I hope other countries will do the same in the near future.
that's great news mate
thank you so much for sharing this with us
Digitization ls fast gaining ground virtually in the most advanced country.what a welcome development! thanks for sharing.upvoted resteem and can do thesame.lets steem on!
The post office!? and here I thought POLONIEX was slow...
Wow that's awesome, wish we had that where i'm at, cryto technology just keeps getting better and better