BTC rallies to 5000 USD, biggest gainers and losers + Opinions on that

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Everybodys watching BTC, trades close of 5000 but didn't touch the base yet.

4936 was maxed on BitFinex for now.

On such rallies usually other coins are all red, but not this time.

Biggest Gainers

LTC obviously due to Lighting Network transaction (those that will make you buy coffee and not overpay), ETC as a brother of ETH always gets its times. NAV is a coin that always comes back from dumps, PIVX is DASH fork and actually other forks are doing good too. ARK is something LISK a like, and LISK had great gains lately. ICN have been dumping for last days, but China has moved it up.

Biggest Losers

MCO was supossed to make Visa cards, but now its official - Visa is not affiliated with them. Im not surprised its dumped. district0x will be delisted from Bittrex due to legal issues, so that is a sell too. GAS is going down with NEO but i think both coins will come back. Tierion still needs more exchanges, for now trades on HitBTC mostly. Byteball is a great coin and has those cycles of going up and down, its still looking for its price.


Dont panic, keep trades going. This time despite BTC pump people are not going out of all their altcoins. What does that mean? Decide for yourself ;)

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips!

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It's already all the way back down to $4,500 but that pump was exciting. I wander if next time it climbs that high if it'll be able to maintain and keep the slow climb.

Benchmarks like this often lead to corrections after a pump but as long as it doesn't fall too far, it'll reach it and surpass it more stable next time.

I remember when bitcoin was just at $20 and everybody was in the chats every time it increased/decreased by more than $2 all the way up past $140 at which point the $ shifts throughout the day got a bit more volatile.

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Was watching when it ticked over $5k! Then got slapped back down... The daily plus or minus on my Bitcoin balance is getting intense these days! haha

Lol, I just stepped into actual trading myself and am stoked to see the market moving so intensely.

Where will it reach to? Nobody knows just yet haha.

It's cool to see all the altcoins going for big rides as well. Lots of money to be made.

I could not see when it hit the 5k. How much time was it in $5,000, until the automatic triggers were pulled and went to $4,500?

세계인구를 모아 비트렉스 사이트 대상으로 펌핑작업 하고있습니다.
우리의 세력힘은 정말 강합니다.
그렇기때문에 당신은 좋은 결과가 올수밖에없습니다.
발빠르게 움직이면 보다더 많이 수익 얻을수있습니다.
못믿으시나요? 참여 안하셔도되니 관망만 해보세요^^
법적 규제가 심해지기전에 참여하시어 많이벌고가세요~

텔레그램 설치하고 들어오세요.

PIVX is a Dash fork? Why even use it then, didn't they disable darkspend or whatever on Dash?

Nav seems interesting, like a more obscure coin mixer, with segwit activated, and PoS with 5% annual interest.

DASH is PoW then there was EXCL then PIVX and theres also TX CRW and few others


Thanks for sharing this great content. :)

Many people says it is a bubble and gonna brust falling to $1800~2500
Will it happen?

Other way around, some people say that it may touch $10,000 or above by this year end. We can more concentrate on making on short term profits and leave the market after that. I can recommend you one channel for free trading signals on telegram and their results are awesome. Check it on

Why are the blocks so small?

Nice work !!!
I'm a newbie in this world but i like it and take my time to learn...
Some expert already talk about bitcoin going to 5000 in december
It's very exciting
Hey @kingscrown @geemo-from-paris

Not just $5000 but the prediction is to cross $10,000 or above by this year end. This could be best in this week to buy bitcoin since it is falling down to $3500-3600 range after nearly touching $5000 mark. You can follow < > above free telegram channel to know more trading secrets for free initially.


Cant believe the rise of bitcoin the impact it is having its even more amazing because none knows the inventor Satoshi Nakamoto

I think that was the whole point. There are rumours that Satoshi Nakamoto might be a group of individuals as well. But the point was in blockchain it is the system that matters and not the individual. TRUSTLESS.

Very true, its even more amazing that no one has taken the credit yet too

I am a novice in the cryptoworld. Steemit has been looking quite happy this week as well. Does the Bit Coin surge offer any significant clues to the future status of Steem Power?

It will help drag the value to go up, but keep in mind Steem is independent to other crypto.

Thank you.Follow me @Yehey

Btw, for some odd reason the word crypto makes me smile. I guess it's because I've heard it discussed for years, and now I am officially a part of the cryptocurrency world.
Praise God!
Btw, You are welcome, regarding the follow..
Peace.Many thanks, @yehey. Thanks for the reminder that what Bit Coin does has little to do with Steem.

Moving your valid and topical comment up the comment thread and above the spam!

Many thanks! I believe this is something the developers might be trying to correct; because I have several of your post replies in my queue which have been grayed out...unreadable...
So, be aware, you are not alone with your frustration with scammer-spammers. What's the agenda for the spam?
Does it affect the true crypto value of Steem?

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세계인구를 모아 비트렉스 사이트 대상으로 펌핑작업 하고있습니다.
우리의 세력힘은 정말 강합니다.
그렇기때문에 당신은 좋은 결과가 올수밖에없습니다.
발빠르게 움직이면 보다더 많이 수익 얻을수있습니다.
못믿으시나요? 참여 안하셔도되니 관망만 해보세요^^
법적 규제가 심해지기전에 참여하시어 많이벌고가세요~

텔레그램 설치하고 들어오세요.

Hi @dvapump I just joined your group in Telegram. Regards

district0x lost lots of value but seems silly that it was just due to this legal issue, they'll likely have more organic growth from now on, still holding

I for one am waiting for at least a 20% retracement before I start buying back

hope noone sold on the 10% btc dip

I remember Steem and other altcoins went up to 10-15 percent for every BTC 100 bucks move, now we didn't come to even previous maximum of 2.7. Is it because of a season? BTC grows despite all seasonal cases

Wow, 5k already! Not so long ago people were saying Bitcoin would never reach parity... with the dollar hahaha :)

And, there's still a long way to go!

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Please check out my post on steemit vs facebook here
@cryptoeagle I won't concur with your thought.

I think September is for FACTOM, Sia, NEO, XEM

ETC gets its times as a brother of ETH? Yea well not so much for the past months, was only just recently that ETC was getting it's times due to being a brother of ETH.

This is a miracle for me! :))))))

The cypto world is really full of surprises but one has be very watchful in times like this. We might be sitting on gold and not know. All we have to do is wait and do not make panic-sales. Great and informative posts @kingscrown

Nice mention of byteball. The next distribution in Sept 6th.

LTC will be HUGE it will reach 100$:)
this the start of a very strong coin

The entire crypto space is crazy! No rational at all...even worse than stocks..

You have to research each token, individually, and really get an understanding of it - who created it, who supports it, how it is mined/maintained, and what are people using it for? You have to know which tokens will maintain their demand for future transactions. The top 10 cryptos, maybe top 20, are solid. If you bought some of all of them & waited a couple of years, you'll be a big winner. Some - a minority of them - will fail, have trouble, and/or fall - but most will rise. Once you know what a coin is, what it's used for, and how to trade in and out of it - you're in a great position to be able to make some profits.

It seems like it is going to hit 5k sometime soon.
I can't believe the huge growth in such a short amount of time.
Looks like the holiday season is over and investors are pumping into the market

Bueno si esta a punto de llegar a 5 mil $, con la implementanción del segWit ayudo a que las transacciones fueran más rápida y eso ha ayudado al incremento del valor del btc

as soros said btc hit 5k. and if they are right about the correction it will go back to 3k.

Join us in Discord.This post received a 20% vote by @minnowsupport courtesy of @kingscrown from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

Is @kingscrown a "minnow" ?!?! Does he need minnowsupport? This seems kind of strange to me. 0.o

I mean, I don't recall seeing any real minnows getting 20% upvotes.

I think it will be cross 5000$ in monday

After rallying to 5k, the whole market has retraced and this is a GREAT time to purchase more cryptocurrencies. Buy the dip!

Let's make it happen 5000 tonight :)

sounds like good :D

I've been in crypto for a month so please take this into consideration with my comments, but from my perspective we have a lot of different people playing this game, short and long term investors, miners, speculators, fund operators and people earning a living with pay checks, dividends and other interactions happening now in the crypto world, if we didn't see some movement I would be more concerned than with what I see today.
Keep investing and enjoy your earnings.

In short in my opinion if you want to make it rich quick, buy a lotto ticket.
If you want to retire early with a buttload of mooola, invest wisely into crypto currency.

Best of luck everyone,


Run as you may! You cannot escape...the Almighty Bunghole!

Coins on the discount rack now. Im buying!!

Con la implementación del segwit era mas que obvio que el btc se encaminaba seguir creciendo por eso los grandes inversionista no se desesperaron y para mi opinión este seguirá creciendo en su valor

Yeah I'm happy and angry because I bought 10 BitCoins on ~3500$ and sold them at ~4800$ so big percentage but I'm also angry because I didn't buy more.

I see a lot of posts of bitcoin reaching new highs. Now it's crashing like other coins, that ended fast. No new post on the price declines though.

What do you think @kingscrown about the rumors of BTC hitting 8k-10k by the end of september, start of october?

Nice post!

2 months ago people were saying btc was going to correct and come down to 1500. now everyone is saying up.. be cautions.. we know that every run btc has its 10x then back down to 2x. so yes 10 k is possible, but back to 2k is after the run. Its just the pattern of btc.

Truly anything is possible in cryptoland. The rules really dont apply right now when it comes to future prediction as well as most would have you think. Which is why theirs so much miss information. Truth is this, the more people that learn about it and get involved, the higher the value. And on a global scale its just now scratching the surface, new developments are now abroad creating more uses and more attention. Until a better technology replaces it, the sky is the limit, and none of us truly knows what its capable of reaching, or when.

looks totally possible :)

If the volatility remains on Bitcoin, then other coins will go into growth and be sure Steem !

0ooooooooooo intresting

I am LTC, BTC, and ETH and, of course, Steem.

nice portfolio!

Thanks...been sticking with the big boys to get my foundation in place. Might add some spec plays later but with the returns on LTC, ETH, and BTC, who can really complain.

Esta muy interesante me gusta, pero está muy largo el post.

Saludos desde Ecuador :)

This BTC moonshot is creating some serious FOMO. My aunt called today asking if I could sell her some bitcoin. LOL

that is crazy :)

Read somewhere that on bitfinex exchange shorts out number longs on bitcoin possibly makin for a short squeeze higher

Those who still haven't bought BTC lost a good amount of money and I lost millions of dollars from March 2012 till today! I wish I would have bought some BTC's from my first salary, it was selling at $5 at that time.

You still have time to earn those dollars again. Start trading now in this market and you can recover this loss.. ;) You can try this channel for free trading signals on telegram and their results are awesome. Check it on . Give it try with a small investment... All the best

It's just another will go down again,and probably up much more with time. :)

Great post.
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CommentWealth trolls for trolls and spams the spammers... please be aware @mickyscofield that consistent spam comments like yours might eventually result in flags, which hurt your reputation and earning potential. Linking to your own posts in another Steemian's comment thread is really bad form. Next time, try engaging with the author in a way that builds true community here on Steemit!

Cool post!

Thanks for the stats and great post @kingscrown I can see BTC climbing to 10k easily.

Lot of good information...

@kingscrown sir, what do you think about the Flashcoin growth?

Nice exposition into what coins are good to quickly flip into profit. I'm all positive about Gas and Neo any day.

After the climb and skipping 5000, many traders will rush to buy the currency and be recognized daily by the banks and subject to the reality and will fly high

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