BitFinex Paid People 60 Million USD Lost in Hack!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Last year we had one of the biggest hacks on BFX and 60 million dollars in USD had been lost.

After the hack BFX gave people tokens called BFX which were worth 1 USD each.
Of course it traded on free market for long time so it wa worth cents. Congrats to those who bought right before news.. Maybe not company insiders ;)))

BFX is a top USD volume BTC exchange and if you are not there - possibly you should be for biggest BTC moves.


My previous guides for the exchange to make your life easier.

Volume Today

So yes you can buy there more currencies and also margin trade them. Worth having an accounts.

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @kingscrown creator of blog for 0day cryptocurrency news and tips!


It was probably a lot less, since many of us sold BFX tokens for cents on a dollar after the hack.

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Pretty sure Bitfinex are lying bullshitters. They probably stole the money in the first place. Now that they've made a bunch of money off it, they can pay it back. How gracious of them.

Yeah we still dont know what happened there ;)

Just trying to understand how posts can get 220+ votes, but only 31 or so views, would it not be much more honest that an article can only be voted on if it is viewed?

also... you need to take into account, that a lot of people are reading content posted on Steem blockchain via. services like or cannot know how many views were generated on all those platforms.

There are groups that vote in blocks: for example, some people run bots that vote based on how someone else votes.

there is over half views than votes. but of course u came here with a comment, read the post but didnt vote at all. maybe users who dont read have to make up for those who read but dont vote.

Glad to see they changed the terms on BFX. Originally it was only going to be "original holders" who would get redeemed at $1. Everyone else would get mark to market. Either way, glad I got out a week or so before the hack. Just had this strange feeling something was about to go down.