Which Cryptocoin Could Overthrow Bitcoin? 哪种密码货币可以颠覆比特币?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

It's Not Easy to Admit You Were Wrong


Back in 2011, I came across an article describing a weird concept of a digital currency that wasn't backed by any central government or company. It was resistant to attack and could be transferred peer-to-peer in a trust-less manner for next to nothing. Plus it would free the people from the confines of the traditional banking system. I thought to myself, this must be a scam, but something told me to get out of bed and do a little digging.

Ever since that day, I have been evangelizing to anyone who would listen, about all the amazing benefits that bitcoin had to offer. If someone was interested in learning more and decided to invest I would tell them to start with an amount they were willing to lose because there are no guarantees when it comes to cryptocoins. I knew that this technology would be perceived as a threat to the banking world and they would stop at nothing to bring it down.

Fast forward 6 years and now here I am writing an article on what I believe to be the most powerful blockchain technology provider in the world and it's NOT bitcoin. I must sound like such a hypocrite to all the people who listened to me and invested in bitcoin, but at least they made a very handsome profit.

My Number One Pick


Throughout the past 6 years, I invested in countless cryptocoins that all sounded like the next best thing. All because I was chasing the next big payday. I was constantly reading articles about promising projects that would revolutionize the world with their advanced algorithms or unique usage of blockchain technology. I didn't realize until recently that I was investing into the hype, unproven technology, or non-scalable products.

Finally, one day I was looking through coinmarketcap.com and I came across a coin that I'd never heard of before. I visited their website, read through their informational material and decided to invest. At the time, I didn't think much of it but as the months went by, my investment increased by 4000%. This caused me to do even more research which led me to discover the true power that was backing my investment.

I introduce to you... BitShares


BitShares is the most diverse ecosystems I have ever come across. It offers investors more features than a Swiss Army knife which initially can be rather daunting. When you take the time to do your homework and start using the system you realize there's a rather steep learning curve. Having a smooth user journey is not one of BitShares strong suits, but that is being addressed.

BitShares is an industrial-grade decentralized trading platform designed for high-performance financial smart contracts. It looks to extend the innovation of the blockchain to more industries that rely upon the internet to provide their services. Whether it's banking, stock exchanges, lotteries, voting, music, auctions or many others. The digital public ledger allows for the creation of distributed autonomous companies (DACs) that provide better quality services at a fraction of the cost incurred by their more traditional, centralized counterparts. (1)

The BitShares blockchain is by far the fastest (2) and largest (3) in the world. As of today, BitShares has been proven to support 3300 transactions per second and 16000 operations per second with the potential to handle between 100K-180K TPS. That means at 3300 TPS is can already handle the combined transaction volume of bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, and Visa. You have to admit that's pretty impressive.
BitShares的区块链技术是目前世界上运算最快(2)和使用最广的技术(3)。截至目前,BitShares可以承载3300次/秒(TPS)的交易,16000次/秒(OPS)的操作。它还具有处理100K-180K TPS的潜力。在当前3300 TPS的能力下,已经意味着BitShares可以承载比特币、以太坊、莱特币和维萨(Visa)总的交易量。不得不说这是非常令人惊讶的。

Logo DarkBlue + BitShares Blue - Gradiant.png

Is BitShares a Company?


Since BitShares is a Decentralized Autonomous Company, is it registered somewhere like a traditional company? The answer is NO, it's not registered because it's actually a software protocol just like bitcoin. As with bitcoin, there is no central leadership or single point of failure.

The mastermind that created the concept of BitShares is Daniel Larimer. A few years ago he moved on to create many other amazing projects. Today his father, Stan Larimer, acts as the unofficial spokesperson for BitShares and spearheads several efforts to ensure that people learn about the power of blockchain technology and BitShares.
Daniel Larimer最先提出BitShares的概念。几年前,他就创造过许多优秀项目,今天,他父亲斯坦•拉里默(Stan Larimer)做为BitShares的非官方发言人率先做了些工作以促进人们了解区块链技术和BitShares。

When people first learn that BitShares is not a traditional company it usually causes confusion and doubt. They wonder how can something like this not be regulated or governed by a central government. Again, it's being treated in the exact same way as bitcoin. Although, BitShares offers many more features and benefits then bitcoin.

Who Supports Ongoing Development


There is a core team of developers that actively work on new features, User Interface upgrades, bug fixes, and ongoing maintenance of the network. These are people just like you and me who have the skills necessary to push the BitShares technology even further.

How do these developers get compensated for their time and effort? There's actually a reserve pool of approximately 1 billion BitShares (BTS) that are used for exactly this. This reserve pool is not a slush fund for lavish vacations or expensive toys. The reserve pool is secured by a smart contract that requires shareholder approval before any funds can be released. The shareholders are any entity that owns BitShares excluding "Non-voting Accounts and Exchanges".

This reserve pool can even be used to fund new projects that will provide an added benefit to the BitShares ecosystem.

Your BitShares Account is Your Wallet and Your Gateway to the DEX


This information is extremely important for those looking to create their first BitShares wallet and transfer their cryptocoins onto it.

When you register for an account on either bitshares.org or any one of the 3rd party gateways (i.e. openledger.io) you're in fact creating more than just an account on an exchange. You're creating your wallet that will be registered on the BitShares blockchain.

It's EXTREMELY important that you SAVE your password because if you lose your password you will lose your funds FOREVER. The only way around this is by choosing to initially create an account via the "Local Wallet" option and then save your "brain key".

brainkey access.jpg

Regardless of which type of account you create, make sure you save your password manually. Write it down or save it on a thumb-drive and then back it up. DO NOT USE A PASSWORD MANAGER TOOL. I've already seen cases where people used LastPass and it didn't save the password. The customers didn't realize it until it was too late.

BitShares Compared to the Top Five Cryptocoins


The top five cryptocoins (BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, XRP) don't even come close to the performance power of BitShares.

Bitcoin can now handle 6-7 TPS but maybe 12 TPS after SegWit2X
Ethereum can now handle 7 TPS but may be pushed to 20 TPS with Raiden
Litecoin can handle 28 TPS
Bitcoin Cash can handle 56 TPS
Ripple 1000+ TPS but only focused on the financial industry
比特币(BTC)现在能处理6-7 TPS,SegWit2X(分叉扩容)后能达到12TPS
瑞波币(XRP)1000+ TPS,但只专注于金融行业

All of these cryptocoins are marketed as being the best of the best. Even though when you take the time to dig a bit deeper you soon discover they are unable to support global demand. Of course, these cryptocoins are all working on new upgrades which sometimes leads to forks or increased decentralization, but the changes are mediocre at best. There's no telling how long it will take them to achieve the same performance level as BitShares. I don't know about you, but I'm not that patient.

In addition to their inadequate performance, they don't even offer the same amount of remarkable features.

Some of BitShares features are:

  1. Market-Pegged Assets: (Think Tether, but 1 billion times better) These are actually backed by real collateral.
    Examples: 1 bitUSD = 1 USD which is backed by AT LEAST 2x worth of BTS as collateral, 1 bitEUR = 1 EUR, 1 bitSILVER = 1 oz. of Silver
    例如:1 bitUSD = 1美元,1 bitEUR = 1欧元,1 bitSILVER = 1盎司白银,BTS至少2倍实物价值做支撑

  2. User-Issued Assets: UIAs allow individuals and companies to create and issue their own unique tokens for anything they can imagine.
    Examples: Simple event tickets deposited on the customer’s mobile phone to pass the entrance of a concert or used for crowd funding. Also ownership tracking or even to sell equity of a company in form of stock. (4)

  3. Decentralized Exchange (DEX): BitShares was the first DEX on the market. Kind of like bitcoin was the first cryptocoin on the market.
    The phrase DEX was coined by the BitShares creator Daniel Larimer.
    You maintain possession of your cryptocoins at all time (unless you lose your password). Therefore, there's no risk of the exchange running away with your money.
    You will never have to worry about BTS being delisted from the BitShares DEX.
    Network fees to execute trades is only .01213 BTS for non-Lifetime Members and .00243 BTS for Lifetime Members.
    You can create your own interest-free loans through margin trades. Investors typically use as much as 4x collateral to back their loans. Below is a great video that explains how to create your own loans.
    DEX这个概念是由BitShares创造者Daniel Larimer创造的。
    不必担心BTS从BitShares DEX除牌。
    非终身会员的网络交易费用只有0.1213BTS,终身会员0.0243 BTS。

  4. Voting Rights: Each BTS that is held in a BitShares wallet is worth one vote which can be used to support the development of new features, funding of new projects, and many other things. You can select a proxy if you wish to allow that person to vote on your behalf.

  5. Delegated Proof of Stake: A new method of securing a crypto-currency’s network. DPOS attempts to solve the problems of both bitcoin’s traditional Proof of Work system, and the Proof of Stake system of Peercoin and NXT. DPOS implements a layer of technological democracy to offset the negative effects of centralization. (5) Basically, the bitcoin network requires the same about of electricity as Azerbaijan to operate. How is that sustainable? (6) BitShares doesn't require any mining and is supported by 19 witnesses/nodes which requires significantly less energy to function. (7)

  6. Referral Program: BitShares offers a generous referral program. Lifetime members qualify to receive up to 80% of all network usage fees paid by individuals who join their network. An important fact, this is not a multi-level marketing scheme because the program only applies to the 1st level of referrals. Example, I refer Tom and he refers Jane. I get a percentage from what Tom pays in network usage fees but not from Jane.

You can read up on all the financial asset features offered by BitShares here.

Why is BitShares Value Priced so Low?


I get asked this question almost every single day. I can understand why because people who do their research can't wrap their head around the idea that a software this powerful is valued at $.053 USD/BTS.
这个问题我也经常问自己。人们绞尽脑汁也想不明白,为什么一个有一定功能的软件就能价值0.553$/ BTS,对此我是理解的。

For those who have followed BitShares for a while, they know that the market treats BitShares like someone with leprosy. Maybe people think it's too good to be true. For those of us who use the BitShares system, we know that's absolutely not the case.

For now, BitShares reached an all-time high of $.42/BTS on June 10th, 2017 which equates to a market cap of $1.2 billion USD. What happened after June 10th was entirely out of BitShares control.
截至目前,BitShares在2017年6月10日达到了历史最高点$ 0.42 / BTS,市值相当于12亿美元。6月10日以后,事态的发展有些跑偏,已经不是BitShares所能左右了。

First, there was the ban on ICO's by the Chinese government and fear that the Chinese government wouldn't stop there. Before June 10th, there was a massive spike in CNY being invested into BTS so naturally when this news broke Chinese investors did what they felt was right and sold their positions.

Second, on October 3rd Bittrex, which is a centralized exchange, made the decision to delist BitShares effective 13 October. This caused massive confusion amongst BTS shareholders as they couldn't understand why a top 15 by volume cryptocoin would be delisted out of the blue. Thousands of customers reached out to Bittrex and BitShares requesting justification for the decision. BitShares development team attempted numerous times to reach out to Bittrex to see if there was a way to reverse their decision. As of today, no reason has been given to the customers of Bittrex or BitShares.

Rumors started to spread about what could have led to the delisting. Ranging from a pending SEC investigation against BitShares to network disruptions caused by unfixable code and finally my favorite, that BitShares was susceptible to a 51% attack just like bitcoin. All of these reasons are untrue and here's why.

  1. According to the Howey Test BitShares does NOT qualify as a security.

    In case you were wondering, here are the test results for Ethereum.
    Ethereum Howey Test Results.jpg

  2. Bittrex has been informed in the past of ways to reduce the amount of RAM needed to run a BitShares node. They have yet to implement the recommended changes.

  3. BitShares can't be mined. Any and all decisions have to be voted on by the shareholders prior to them going into effect. Any attempts to overthrow the system would be identified beforehand and thwarted.

So again, why is the price of BitShares so low? That is the $1.2 billion USD question.

Since the 10th of June, BitShares has NOT released any negative news that could justify the dramatic drop in price. In fact, BitShares only has positive news to share.

The development team has been releasing regular updates to the BitShares client/wallet file to improve the customer experience. This work is not done which is why the dev team is currently 6 weeks into a 6 month project that will dramatically redesign the entire BitShares wallet.

BitSpark.io has officially launched their Zephyr Token ITO and it's being supported by the BitShares blockchain. BitSpark is a remittance platform for money transfer businesses. They are switching from the bitcoin blockchain to BitShares because of how slow the bitcoin network is and how high the fees are. Watch this video to hear it from the CEO himself.
BitSpark.io正式宣布推出Zephyr Token ITO,它支持BitShares区块链技术。BitSpark是货币交易业务的汇款平台。他们正在从比特币区块链切换到BitShares,因为比特币网络不仅速度慢而且收费高。

The Billion Hero Campaign (http://billionherocampaign.com/) was launched and will teach people about investing in cryptocoins and understanding the significance of blockchain technology. In addition to the educational aspects of the BHC, participants will be identifying how a $1 billion USD prize will be split amongst 12 different charities of their choosing. 十亿英雄运动(http://billionherocampaign.com/)已经启动,它将教人们如何投资密码货币,了解区块链技术的重要性,包括BHC教育方面的。与会者还将讨论10亿美元的奖金如何分配给12个不同的慈善机构问题。

The BitShares DEX Telegram channel has grown dramatically since June 10th. Now there are nearly 4500 members. You can join the group via this link: https://t.me/BitSharesDEX If you would prefer to use the Discord App please use this link: https://discord.gg/GDp4Rm5 6月10日以来,BitSharesDEX推送大幅增长,现在有近4500名成员。会员加入请点击链接: https://t.me/BitSharesDEX。如果你想使用 Discord APP,请点击链接:https://discord.gg/GDp4Rm5

You can read up on the latest BitShares developments on the weekly "State of the Network" articles that @steempower posts on Steemit.com. Here's the link to the latest article. https://steemit.com/bitshares/@steempower/bitshares-state-of-the-network-3rd-october-2017 了解BitShares 最新进展,您可以在Steemit.com网每周“网络状态”栏目看@steempower发布的文章。以下是最新文章的链接.https://steemit.com/bitshares/@steempower/bitshares-state-of-the-network-3rd-october-2017

Now my assessment is that investors are still licking their wounds from the dramatic drop since June 10th. Those who still have faith in the BitShares system are looking for the right time to buy back in. Once that day comes I imagine we will see new ATH's being set on a regular basis. It's not a question of if, but when?

What the Future Holds for BitShares


BitShares doesn't have to promise you that it will have XYZ features developed within the next few months so you can begin using it. BitShares has a long track record of providing its customers with a working product that is way ahead of the competition. It may not be the most pretty or easiest to use, but that is being updated on a regular basis. The most important aspects of this system have been fully functional for years.

The main issue that BitShares has to overcome right now is liquidity and that is solved by higher usage of the DEX by those who understand the true power of a decentralized trading platform.

I strongly believe that BitShares will continue to grow as centralized exchanges become a thing of the past and it will establish itself as one of the top, if not the top, cryptocoin(s) in the market today.

How can you help?


You can help by joining the community.

Learning as much as you can about the awesome power of this system and spread the word with anyone that seems interested.

You could start MeetUp groups to create a professional way for people to come together and learn what you know.

分享关于BitShares有价值的推特文章,关注我的Twitter:https://twitter.com/kevinmesserlyShare any Tweet about BitShares that you feel is worthwhile. You can follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kevinmesserly

Transfer your BTS to the BitShares DEX and exercise your right to vote and start trading if that's your cup of tea.
将您的BTS转移到BitShares DEX并开始行使您的投票权,您要喜欢那就开始交易吧。

Talk to businesses about all the great ways that they can utilize the features offered by BitShares.

Remember there's no central team to blame if BitShares doesn't become a world-famous decentralized trading platform.

It's up to all of us to make this happen.

Image Source: bts-bourgeoisie (Keep up the outstanding work! You're creativeness is exactly what BitShares needs to gain the attention of interested users.)

I hope you found this information beneficial. If you see anything that's not factual please comment below and I will update accordingly.

If you would like to join my BitShares network then please use this link to create a new wallet. http://bit.ly/kimchi-king 如果您想加入我的BitShares平台,请点击此链接创建一个新的账户钱包。 http://bit.ly/kimchi-king

If you're interested in translating this article into another language just let me know.

Currently coordinating the translation into German and French as well.The Spanish version is being worked on already and will be posted here on Steemit by @dineroconopcion.



  1. http://docs.bitshares.org/_downloads/bitshares-general.pdf
  2. https://steemit.com/bitshares/@chris4210/1h30-min-bitshares-stress-test-of-the-15-march-2017-3300txs-14000ops
  3. https://www.cryptofresh.com/
  4. http://docs.bitshares.org/_downloads/bitshares-financial-platform.pdf
  5. http://docs.bitshares.org/bitshares/dpos.html
  6. https://digiconomist.net/bitcoin-energy-consumption
  7. https://www.cryptofresh.com/witnesses

Best post on Bitshares I've seen in a long time, well done! Resteemed and upvoted. Bitshares is headed for an epic moon shot that has been building for almost 4 years - new ATH by Christmas!

Thanks John.

I totally agree that BTS is headed to the outer limits of our solar system.

This will be a pretty nice Christmas indeed.

Everyone needs to take a look at this site. Blocktivity.info

This site focuses on the utilization of a blockchain rather than just the market cap.

You will be surprised at what you find.

No one can take place or go ahead of Bitcoin... I agree all these coins have great potential but will remain below Bitcoin.

$54 per BTS would do the trick.

BTS already handles 3300 TPS while BTC does 7 TPS.

BTS is basically Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and a safe version of Tether rolled up into one.

You sure it can't over take Bitcoin?

What does Bitcoin really offer? Store of value is not a feature, it's a byproduct.

Bitcoin was developed to be a trust-less P2P payment system and it sucks at even that.

I am very sure about Bitcoin, because it is mother of blockchain. Yes, BTS handles 3300 TPS but EOS can handle more than 25,000 TPS... These things will not make a coin take the marketcap, only mass adoption can... which i think only Bitcoin has achieved...

Remember this. All kings fall and someone will take his/her place. BTC is great, makes me money. But bitshares and with issues that tether is having will make people more aware. Bitshares has one issue. Awareness and understanding of the platform. They need to hammer that portion and make some tutorials. Its not hard but people have to be interested and once they are they will love it. Bitshares is what bitcoin was suppose to be.

best one i ever seen so far! thanks!

Wow, that's comprehensive! I'd have used your link to open an OpenLedger wallet, but i'd already done that while trying to figure out the system.

We share your concern about liquidity on the DEX, there just doesn't seem to be any! We'd like to experiment by trading some steem for NEM/XEM, but OpenLedger doesn't seem to carry it.

Is OpenLedger and DEX the same thing?

Can you regularly post some data on volumes on the DEX? Perhaps start with some historical data on how volumes have climbed and in which securities?


The trading volume on the DEX is growing every day thanks to increased adoption.

Also, the use of bitAssets by AEX.com is really helping as well.

To clarify, OpenLedger is a third party provider that is built upon the BitShares blockchain and shares the same order book. They offer features that the BitShares DEX cannot provide. Like fiat deposit and withdraw and deposits and withdraws of coins from other blockchains like BTC and ETH.

You can actually use your existing Username and Password to access your BitShares wallet from any of the gateways.

You can find a list of all the gateways in the Quick Reference Guide I made. http://bit.ly/BTS_Quick_Reference_Guide

You may want to check out crypto-bridge.org because they offer some very popular trading pairs and their volume is growing rapidly.

In spite of more and more detractors, Bitcoin continues its frantic race to new heights. After a week rich in emotions, a new $ 8,100 ATH was reached this Sunday.

The little beast that goes up ...

Between Wednesday and Sunday last week, the price of bitcoin fell sharply from $ 7,700 to under $ 6,000. Since then, we have witnessed a rise that becomes usual. We had been waiting for a while to see the price exceed $ 8,000, and the week proved us right.

it would be difficult to overthrow but may be the ethereum in the future

no one has to overthrow bitcoin. But bitshares could easily be a coin worth 50 bucks one day. I truly believe that if it does I will retire.

Amazing post man! I have 10k bitshares. Holding on to them with my life! Alsready up 50%. I truly believe what you are saying. Bitshares down the road I believe will be the coin you wish you held! I did research and your article explained more than I ever knew about bitshares.

KK...i wanted to ask you something about Bitshares...i tried testing the liqudity and sold a measly $6000 worth of open.BTC for BitUSD and it took forever to get filled...i used the lowest bid listed on the order book...do you suggest market orders??? i was surprised that there was not enough orders to fill this small request..and plus i thought BitUSD filled almost immediately since they are comparable to the USD..how can anyone with real size be confident they will get filled ????thanks for any feedback friend..cheers

Hi Shawn,

The bitUSD market is not as liquid as it should be, but thankfully AEX.com just added real bitUSD trading pairs on their site so the volume is picking up nicely. This will help with liquidity issues in the near term. For now, bitCNY is the most liquid bitAsset on the DEX. It works the same way as bitUSD so maybe you can try that next time.

AEX.com will be adding new bitCNY trading pairs next week so that's going to bring in a significant amount of capital into the DEX.

FYI, these bitAssets are not like traditional cryptocoins (funny to say traditional when referring to crypto). BitAssets are created when a short position is created and BTS is used as collateral to support the creation say bitUSD. Once the short position is closed out the associated bitAsset is removed from the market. Therefore, the available bitAssets on the DEX is always changing.

Thanks for the great response KK...really appreciate it...cheers friend

KK...i had one more question..i hope i'm not taking too much of your time..i know you are busy with the great tweets and being an ambassador for Bitshares...Is BitCYN just as stable as BitUSD? I'm not too familiar with the chinese yuan..ive heard stories that it is manipulated by the chinese government and has had some wild swings in the past when they intervine...does the collateral backing soften this volatility? Also, i use the same sign on password and account name if i decide to use another DEX that is using the Bitshares blockchain??? or do i create a new wallet? An example would be if I see a coin that's not offered on Bitshares, but it's on CryptoBridge, do i need to set up a new local wallet with them and create a totally different username and password, or do i use the same info as on my Bitshares account? Thanks for any help friend...cheers

Sorry for the delayed response. I wish that Steemit would notify me of your questions, but maybe I need to check my settings.

So bitCNY is the same as bitUSD as it is pegged to the underlying currency. That being said all MPAs use the past 7 day average to smooth out any potential volatility. This isn't going to stop the price from dropping if it continues for more than a week, but it does give you time to get out if you learn of some sort of negative government influence.

Regarding your account, if you have a local wallet and have your .bin file and/or brainkey (make sure you have a copy of your brainkey saved) you can use your .bin file and password to restore your account on any gateway. There's no need to create a new account. With the brainkey, you can restore your account and create a new password, without the need of your old password so this info is extra sensitive.

If you don't have a copy of your brainkey, just go to Settings --> Backup --> Change the drop-down menu to Brainkey and then click the button below. Write the line of texts somewhere safe and store if properly.

Here's a link to a Quick Reference Guide I created yesterday. It's filled with all sorts of links and important information.


Kevin..just looked at your re-steems on this site and what a great plethora of useful information...the Arise team up is huge news...i don't think it's really sunk in yet for everyone...I wanted to just ask you which DEX you feel comfortable moving some size to...to me it seems Bitshares has the most liquidity...i've seen a steady increase in volume for not only BitUSD and BitCYN but for other coins...if you were dealing with six figures would you feel Bitshares is the most reliable? The reason i ask is because if i decide to move on BTC or others i want to make sure there is enough liquidity for my fills...if you know of any links of sites that show current liquidity on DEX's I would appreciate it..thanks for any advice or personal experience Kevin..thanks so much for all you do for the community...cheers

Hi Shawn,

You can use this site to see the trading volume for the DEX, to include all of the gateway coins.


If you're trying to move six figures then I would try the DEX first to see if there's enough demand. The more liquidity the DEX has the better. It will bring other major traders to the DEX and increase your ability to execute the trades you want.

If the DEX falls short of your needs, then there really aren't any other viable options that have a well designed working product and enough liquidity to support the volume you require.

Perfect...thank you kindly Kev for the responses..you've been extremely helpful....im encouraged by the increase in the volume on the Bitshares DEX in the last 2 months...i have seen a substantial increase but i just wanted to ask another person that has moved some size before to get another perspective...Thanks for all of you contributions here and on Twitter and other outlets..you have been a great ambassador...cheers friend

Hello Kevin...i've been doing my best to educate newbs thinking about investing in Bitshares and using the exchange..there are a few videos out that are telling people they must buy BTS to use as collateral if they want to use BitUSD or other stable assets...it's my understanding that you don't need to put up collateral unless you are borrowing or using leverage..i was never asked to put up BTS collateral when i park my funds into BitUSD...isn't it already backed up by allocated BTS and then verified by Witnesses?? thanks for any clarification..im going to clarify these things on these videos so people can get correct information..cheers friend

Many thanks KK..this was extremely helpful information..i'll make sure to do my part and share this knowledge with others to help them on their journey to the DEX..i've got my bin files saved in safe locations...thanks again my friend

Nice post on bitshares. A few typos though in chinese translation, such as 0.553$/ BTS, 2007年6月10日.

Thanks for sharing that typo.

I have updated the article.

Thank you for this long and detailed anlysis! I read it all, BitShares was something i was not really inside, but now i am going to get all the information about it...

I'm happy to hear you took the time to read it all and look forward to you becoming a part of the growing community.

If you have any questions please let me know.

I see you are located in Berlin, do you speak german?

I only speak a small amount of German.

I'm an American living abroad.

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I'm long on BTS. With that said, I believe NEM/XEM could be the first coin to be adopted by a nation and that country will most likely to be Japan.

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