These are the World's Top 10 Bitcoin-Friendly Countries

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Today the blockchain technology and the cryptoforeign exchange market are so appreciated around the world that many countries, such as Puerto Rico, Malta and Philippines, all by forces fight for influence in this industry. The question is in what country will win a cryptorace?

Puerto Rico — Puertopiya

For many years of Puerto Rico suffers from economic instability, however the new wave of cryptocurrency business — thanks to favorable tax rates and close ties with the USA — has been apprehended with enthusiasm, the country dreams to return the former status. The American actor and the businessman Brock Pearce is at the helm the expanding millionaire bitcoin group, building business in this tropical paradise to make it the new house. His purpose — to create here a cryptocurrency utopia, thereby helping those who try to get out of poverty in the region.

Malta — the Blockchain island

The population, including the junior Minister of Finance of Malta Silvio Scembri delighted with opportunities for attraction of foreign investments which come to the island together with the cryptocurrency enterprises. Binance, Tron and OKEx have already made Malta base of the companies. And "the small winner country" inspires other countries the example. Considering that English is recognized as a state language here, tax rates low, and rules for cryptocurrencies are designated extremely accurately, it is no wonder that Malta is quite often preferred as the place for development of cryptoprojects.

Philippines — Paradise for cryptocurrencies

The geography of Philippines is so various how many and her interest in cryptocurrencies, and the Philippine government and the Central Bank already recognized prospects of this technology. Having seen the potential for advance of the developing economy, the authorities adapted official policy to encourage advance of innovations. 5 million people from the 100-million population already own cryptopurses. MergeCommit, Bloom Solutions and Satoshi Citadel have also made out a potential opportunity and haven't missed chance to place the business in this paradise.

Costa Rica — Tropical technologies

Costa Rica — really attractive country for supporters of cryptocurrency. To show the respect for the industry, employers can partially pay out to the workers wages in cryptocurrency now. Choking with unemployment and public debts, Costa Rica is ready to pass to the cryptoforeign exchange market and a blockchain technology to change a situation in the country. Costa Rica has welcomed Green Earth Zero and BlockchainCR and also several others a blockchain companies.

Georgia — East Greenhouse

Georgia is a rising star a blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in Eastern Europe. Strategically advantageous position between Europe and Russia, extremely low tax rates — such factors along with low prime cost of the electric power do Georgia by the ideal place for production of bitcoins. Actually she takes the second place in the world on bitcoin-mayningu (on the first place China). Among a blockchain enterprises, placed in Georgia, Cyber Infrastructure Inc, Patientory and 10Clouds are registered as Dedicated Developers.

Gibraltar — Reliable, as the rock

Despite the small territory, in a blockchain Universe Gibraltar has considerable weight. At strong economy, low duties on import and officially registered cryptocurrency exchange (subsidiary of Stock exchange of the country), Gibraltar quickly turns into a haven for the European cryptobusiness. The Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange a blockchain technologies attracts interest from all continent to trade. Lendo has moved to "Rock", and it is quite probable that other large companies will soon follow this example.

Liechtenstein — the Principality of bitcoin

Liechtenstein can and it is difficult to make out on the world map, but on maps of the cryptoworld it — an outstanding figure. Membership in the European Economic Area allows him to bypass some from burdensome rules of the EU, continuing trade on the continent. In the country air, Chainium and Vimana are based, and the government plans to turn Liechtenstein into the European country, most open for cryptocurrencies, with new rules — for example, with introduction of the Law on a blockchain.

Denmark — the Polar lights

The road of Denmark — to new epicenter a blockchain Universe! Her advanced economy has attracted large a blockchain players and as they are interested in development a blockchain business seriously, were engaged in preparation of the fertile field for all industry with a low tax rate and the soft legislation. It is easy to understand why the blockchain company so involves the market of Denmark.

The Netherlands — the Dutch courage

The Netherlands known for the liberalism, naturally, too haven't stood aside and have intercepted a blockchain relay: here Dutchchain and FoodInsights were proved. The government also supports courageous approach, considering cryptocurrency as "low-risky" concerning financial stability. Besides in Amsterdam has appeared "bitcoin embassy" with the highest concentration bitcoin ATMs in the world while the government in parallel experiments with own and establishes De Nederlandsche Bank BNBcoin.

Singapore — the Coast of a blockchain

Interest in an innovative fintekh in Singapore is obvious. The blockchain concentrated mainly in the capital - business prospers at much the lowered tax rate. LINEL — only one of the main players in a blockchain sphere who have entered the market of Singapore. In this country where have mixed up English, Malayan and Chinese, and tehnobiznes prospers, innovative potential a blockchain technology and the cryptoforeign exchange market is indisputable.