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RE: Roger Ver, The World's First Bitcoin Investor Is Now On Steemit!

in #bitcoin9 years ago

Wow Roger, i'm a really big fan of yours. Hello and welcome to Steemit :) Can you please make a post on your initial thoughts so far after you've had enough knowledge about it. It would be nice to know your insight about it. By the way, i love those beautiful drone footage you take. It's beautiful and that drone looks badass :) The video quality is amazing. Anyway welcome again :)


I'll gladly make that post once I know enough to have a worthwhile opinion. I'm glad you liked the drone footage!

Wow. First of all, thanks for replying. Thanks to technology, the internet and Steemit to be specific, I'm able to directly communicate with someone I've been following for a long time. It's amazing. Thanks for the playlist link of the drone footage, I'll definitely catch up on the ones i haven't seen. Thanks again Roger :)