It would be interesting to see the correlation between traditional assets and cryptocurrencies in the next recession. With the amount of speculation in the crypto markets at the moment, I believe it will follow the same direction.
I don't think Bitcoin has managed to establish itself as a secure store of value yet but you never know what happens when people lose trust in fiat and there are no other exit nodes as seen in Venezuela
I think central banks are learning also, and are willing to make everything to avoid the loss of trust in the currency and the monetary system. (Like in 2008, Lehman Brothers crash.) For example, "the Draghi put": We make all possible steps to defend the Euro, he said.
Big crashes tend to repeat itself every 60-80 years in history, the memories of the last one are helping to avoid one similar in the next decades. IMHO.
With that being said, the extent of global debt will seriously limit their options. Given that they have not effectively addressed this issue, I wonder how much longer they are going to be taxing the future. Even at the current moment, I would say the economic fundamentals are on really shaky grounds.
With robots, globalization, internet, blockchain and cryptos, taxing have to change also, may be completelly, from the fundamentals.