I made a list of bitcoin documentaries and videos worth watching

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Banking on bitcoin

let's get the elephant out of the room. This is probably the most well known bitcoin documentary. It covers a lot of the bad but also the emergence of this new technology. It talks about the transitional phase that bitcoin was once in where it was associated with criminal activity. This bitcoin documentary covers some of the early startup founders involving bitcoin. It mentions the bitcoin foundation as well as the Charlie Shrem story. This tale is epically told in this rightfully popular bitcoin documentary produced by netflix.

The Bitcoin Phenomenon

This bitcoin documentary follows the early rise of bitcoin. The early days where Satoshi Nakamoto was still involved and the new heir to the bitcoin throne Gavin Andresen was still a shining star within the cryptocurrency space. This documentary shows the steps bitcoin took to become the king of cryptocurrency as we know it is today. This covers some of the early bitcoin entrepreneurs are feature as well. People such as Trace Mayer and Eric Voorhees.

The bitcoin Experiment

This bitcoin documentary is a basic introduction. If you do not mind reading subtitles I think this is a great introduction for you. The basic question that this bitcoin documentary is trying to solve is “ is Scandinavia ready for bitcoin”. The problem is, cryptocurrency is a grassroots movement

The blockchain and us

Although the blockchain and us is not entirely a bitcoin documentary, it is a great video that explains the future implications and possibilities of the blockchain. The blockchain is what makes bitcoin work in the backend. It is an encrypted way of distributing something that has some sort of value. The blockchain and us has a ton of great guest interviews that bring credibility to the entire documentary. People such as Elizabeth Stark, the head of the lightning network. R Jesse Mcwaters is another person who is featured that brings a great sense of credibility to the bitcoin related documentary. R Jesse Mcwaters title is the financial lead innovation at the world economic forum. The blockchain and us documentary is so good because of the energy of the guests and where they see the blockchain leading us in the future.

The rise and rise of bitcoin

At the end of the day bitcoin has crashed over a lot. Over and over again bitcoin seems to crash but it comes back stronger than ever after each crash, so far these are the bitcoin obituaries. The rise and rise of bitcoin is a bitcoin documentary that covers the obsession that allows it to regain its price and bounce up to its prior highs. This documentary is for the skeptics, the people who are on the edge of supporting bitcoin and cryptocurrency. This covers everything from the early Mt. Gox and even the spread of the Bitcoin to China. Having guests such as Brian Armstrong and Gavin Anderson.

Bitcoin in Uganda

One of the most important things that we overlook is finances. Finances are often overlooked in your own life, yet alone another country. Uganda is being heavily affected by this financial revolution. Bitcoin is helping people connect one another. He documentary shows how bad Uganda is financially. The government officials are not helping its people like they do elsewhere in the world. This bitcoin documentary shows how behind the curve companies like moneygram and western union. It follows the story of a young man in uganda and the struggles he faces with finding money. The system is rigged against him, yet his family helps him survive through Bitcoin.

Bitcoin: The end of money as we know it

Possibly the most interesting thing about bitcoin is the fact that it is rapidly changing. The blockchain space is moving quickly. Thing are changing and money as we know it will soon be a thing of the past. This bitcoin documentary is very informative compared to others. It highlights the fact that money is a basic need for humans. At this point in time money is going through a transitional phase from a physical currency to a digital cryptocurrency.

Life on Bitcoin

One of the most crucial arguments that the bitcoin naysayers have is that you can not use it to buy simple small items, or can you? This bitcoin documentary follows a newly married couple and showcases the “struggle” to live off of bitcoin. There are multiple ways to go about living off nothing but bitcoin. The life on bitcoin is much easier than lets say life on Ethereum, but with technology coming a far way from even when

All of these bitcoin documentaries have one thing in common. They are all about Satoshi Nakamoto's vision. The same whitepaper that whoever Satoshi is wrote up in 2009 is what we are all interested in. bitcoin brought upon us the greatest financial revolution in the history of mankind. Bitcoin is the fastest appreciating thing in history. While we are all watching these bitcoin documentaries I'm sure there are a ton of people changing the world through cryptocurrency