Happy 11th birthday Bitcoin- here’s your proof of keys

in #bitcoin5 years ago

As all crypto enthusiasts will be aware, today is Bitcoin’s birthday! On 3 January 2009 someone calling themselves Satoshi Nakamoto launched the first “Genesis block” and the Bitcoin blockchain was born.
Bitcoin logo behind dancer unplash.jpg
The white paper describing the concept was released a few months prior, on November 1 2008, so some like to see that as the birthday, but I prefer to see that day as the conception and today as the birth. And at only 11 years old Bitcoin is already a giant and will grow to be the biggest adult in the room. Why I love Bitcoin so much is simply because I have learned how criminal the banks and politicians are that run the world. And I see Bitcoin as being the saviour, the champion of the masses in liberating themselves from the banksters and mafia politicians.

I may be naive, but the concept of Bitcoin is truly revolutionary. It allows the individual to be their own sovereign bank, holding their own private keys or wallet address. The middle man or banker is removed, in this “peer to peer” system, as Satoshi called it in the white paper, and we have our own cryptocurrency in our own wallet and nobody can get in the way, block or remove our digital cash from our wallets without our keys. And it can be used anywhere in the world, being beyond borders. So good bye banks and good bye politicians.

As @Rhythmtrader said in a Tweet a few hours ago,

“Bitcoin isn't a get rich quick scheme, it's a get free quick scheme.”

It was just after the Great Financial Recession of 2008 that Bitcoin was released, and it came as an exact antidote to the corruption and criminality of the banksters back then, who used bailouts of taxpayers money to keep themselves from going bankrupt. “Too big to fail” and “too big to jail” meant that the person in the street paid while the bank executives walked away free. No one was imprisoned for the crimes of ruining the lives of millions of poor and middle class in the name of profiteering for the already rich elite. It was the crime of the century, and the banking system, the global financial system, based on capitalism and Keynesian economics, is a crime and a morally reprehensible business. I denounce it and accept Bitcoin as my saviour. I’m born again, bathed in the Bit.

We were born into slavery, into a system designed to impoverish us. It is a system that is built on debt. You get nowhere today financially unless you go into debt. And then you have to pay the interest on your debt to usurers who print billions of dollars worth of paper fiat money out of thin air with nothing to back it, at their leisure. And they use it to enslave us. You end up as a debt slave for life. Well the system has proven time and again to be fraudulent and criminal, and the people are waking up to it. The revolution is called GIABO – global insurrection against banker occupation. You can’t even go to university to study without student loan debt being placed upon you as a middle class worker. So you have to work for years to pay it off, if you can. Millions in USA are defaulting on their student loans. The number increases annually. This bubble will burst too, as did the housing bubble or sub-prime mortgage loans that triggered the 2008 financial collapse, knowingly given out by banksters to unqualified borrowers.

That immoral lending spree fuelled the 2008 crash and the next one is on the way. But Bitcoin and blockchain can rise beyond that and take us to the next level, to a world without the criminal Fed, IMF, ECB, who put entire countries into insurmountable debt, basically enslaving them by the new chains of economic slavery. There are zero percent interest loans for gigantic corporations and financial industries, but big interest payments due from you and I when we apply for a loan. Do your own research and find out how you have been born into a prison built by bankers. Well I have broken out and am a free agent with zero debt to my name, and Bitcoin is my game.
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The messianic rise of Bitcoin as the platform of the financial revolution is happening now and we are alive to witness it, so today on the birth of our saviour, we give thanks and praises. And we throw out the money lenders from the houses of the holy. That’s why China has banned Bitcoin. They are a dictatorship and keep a tight grip on their slaves. No religion, and no Bitcoin allowed. They may install their own central bank blockchain in place, for a digital yuan, and the world will follow in years to come, but it’s not decentralized or empowering to the masses like Bitcoin. It’s the antiBitcoin posing as the One, but is a usurper, a puppet, like the fake Dalai Lama that China is grooming from childhood to replace the real one.

Well we see through the fakes and the real king of coin is on the rise. Banks must fall. This was Satoshi’s desire. We know this because when he launched the Genesis block, he placed a picture of the Times Newspaper front page on the Genesis block as a type of timestamp, and ironically it said in big letters,

“Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”.

By pointing to this at the very first block, we see that the mainstream fiat monetary system run by centralized bankers, is the problem and Bitcoin is the solution. So take this time to sell your worthless depreciating paper fiat currency and invest in sub-$10k Bitcoin before it pumps to $100k. This is the final chance, this year of 2020 around the “halving”. By this time next year, when Bitcoin turns 12, he may well be much more valuable. And the global economy may be worse off, especially the value of your fiat. Now is the time to make the change and leave the banks in the dust. They are an old order of economic colonialist slave owners and their time is over. Bitcoin has only just begun.


On spot article! I guess you not the only one seeing things like this, we are on the verge of change!Free humanity!

Thanks for the positive feedback @konen22. Yes the Bitcoin blockchain is up and running and acting as our bridge to liberation. Now we have to defend it for the coming century ahead. Blockchain technology is the next great evolutionary invention after the printing press, the internet and sliced bread.