There is a conspiracy taking place to cause a flippening from BTC to BCC. The whales, miners and powerful that be, have set this project in to motion. Not only did they double their holdings by splitting the chain into two (thus holding the same number of coins on both chains) they then sold off their BTC and accumulated huge amounts of discounted BCC. The 8mb block size that was recently mined was to show how great an reliable the BCC system is. They claimed there was an attack on the system, thats bullshit, they initiated the attack to gain public trust. They will intentionally sabotage the upcoming SEGWIT activation in order to cause a mass influx of market capital from BTC into BCC. The rich get richer.
Some spot on Observations here. Great Teaser Here. Get em while you can. It's a second chance. Everyone Deserves one.
Bitcoin Cash - BCH - Everything is in Reverse!?
Dont you think this hole story is only FUD??
To Bit Connect (BCC) or to BITCOINCASH (BCH)
All the information about the so-called CONSPIRACY is on my blog.
Check it out!!!
Upvoted you!
Thanks i have read it i like it