Where Will Bitcoin Go Next? The Chart Master Weighs In

in #bitcoin6 years ago

After getting pummeled for much of 2018, Bitcoin has staged a nice rally off of the lows, but what could be next?

Bitcoin got as low as about $6,500 several times over the last month, but has since rallied all the way back up to get right near $10,000 before pulling back.

That is nice and all, especially if you were a buyer at $6,500 and a seller at $10,000, however, where do prices go from here?

One of my favorite technicians, Carter Worth, was on CNBC's Fast Money last night and he says a big move is coming in bitcoin, and he is betting that big move is up.

Where does Carter Worth say prices go next?

If you are not familiar, Carter Worth is known for being a very good technical analyst, in fact his nickname is "The Chart Master" and he is featured on CNBC just about every week.

Though not always right, he is one of the best chart guys in the world.

Regarding Bitcoin, he says that the price is currently breaking out of a rather larger wedge patter.

To get that pattern, Carter basically drew a trend-line line from the lows of 2015 all the way up until now, and then a drew a line from the highs of 2017 until now.

The resulting pattern looks like a wedge as shown above, showing higher lows and lower highs:

What does this mean?

In his eyes this means that there is some indecision going on. Some people say it's going to the moon, others say it is going to zero.

The wedge is a representation of that indecision.

However, just recently the prices have broken out of that wedge to the upside, a very good thing according to Carter.

Which means that the next move could indeed be higher as prices get resolved to the upside.

The interesting thing about wedge patterns is that they often resolve violently. Meaning that when a direction is ultimately decided the move is often a significant one.

Which means this really could have some serious legs.

Another reason Carter thinks the next move is up:

Carter also noted that when prices retested those February lows in early April, they didn't get all they back down to the lows.

Instead they held up right above there and then turned back up.

Another sign to him that says the path of least resistance from here is up.

Carter concluded by saying it looks to him like the next move is higher for bitcoin, if he had to be short or long here, he would be long for sure.

The full video can be found here:

Stay informed my friends.

Follow me: @jrcornel


I feel it may be getting ready to make a solid move. Was watching the charts ladt night and they were hunting hard for stop losses so that is a very bullish sign for me

Currently, based on price data over the last year, an 11.7% stop loss at $7909 is ideal.
Good luck trading!

Cnbc is a great contarian indicator.

I wonder what Carter's opinion on price would be after seeing this chart:


He just deals in technicals, so probably wouldn't even look at it. :) Though that is a pretty interesting chart.

Wouldn't that be something :)

Just hope that BTC doesn’t give me a Wedgie

I'm new to Cryptocurrency, but have been trading for many, many years. It's strange to me to understand more of the technical chart conversation than I do the underlying security, which is Bitcoin in this case.

It seems that Bitcoin is the legacy or standard flavor in the cryptocurrency world, much like the dollar is in traditional currency. But there seems to be more and more players everyday. I just saw a post advertising a new crypto for porn...I guess it's so porn lovers can buy and trade without shame? I dunno.

However, I'd like to know those of you with more expertise if you think that the deluge of new "coin" in the market dilutes from Bitcoin's value or strengthens it? Normally, more players in a market dilutes value (supply and demand forces), but in a crazy world where new coin can be created for any given reason (like porn), it seems the crazier it gets, the stronger a long lived, well established coin like Bitcoin will get.

Admittedly, I don't have enough expertise to make a confident judgement on that yet, but if anyone has thoughts, I'd appreciate hearing them. Thanks!

From what I have seen in my last 5 to 6 years of cryptomining is nice new shinny coins help to boot BTC, ETH and LTC as outside investors have to use these cryptocurrencies to turn their fiat money into a cryptocurrency they can then transfer to an exchange to trade for the new shinny coin. The more attractive a new coin is, the more new money it brings into the crypto universe, the higher the top base crypto coins go.

A good example is the porn coin you heard about. That coin is called Verge or XVG, it is actually not an exclusive porn coin, it is actually what is known as a private coin that uses a technology called wraith protocol to make it to where it can not me traced, making it a private coin. This coin was actually started as a hobby in a guys basement which it later gained popularity with its promise of the wraith protocol and after a few failed attempts by the XVG devs to make XVG relevant they finally brokered a nice win/win with the recent partnership with PornHub (aka the Netflix of the porn world).

So to make a long story short,(as I plan to better explain all this in an upcoming video), now those that never indulged in paid porn content because of fear or embarrassment of it being linked to them via credit card recipients can now do so anonymously but only after they inject their most welcomed fiat money into the crypto universe by buying BTC, ETH or LTC in order to trade for XVG as most of the bigger exchange's like CoinBase will only allow you to buy these three with fiat money.(You could aslo use Bitcoin Cash but those other three are the main three used). At this point the rules of supply and demand come into play making the cryptos I mentioned more sought out, and in demand, and as such; helps to raise their price.

Sorry if this reply was too long as I tried to make it as short as possible without becoming too confusing. Hope this answers your question. Happy mining/investing.

That's a fan-damn-tastic reply...thanks! Admittedly, I'm catching about 70% of what you're saying, but I'm learning, and that's the important thing. I'll be following and looking forward to your future posts!

If you get board, check out the two videos I posted aimed at newbies thinking of getting into the crypto game. I think you will find some good info in them. Most newbies dont know that there are two different crypto types. You have your coins and you also have your tokens. Coins are simple currency where as tokens can be compared to owning stock in a company.

We have certainly broken above the huge downtrend line. so it only makes sense that we go up from here according to TA


I was bearish but now i`m neutral not selling and not buying

mkt looks good overall

Next stop $100,000!!

I think the price of bitcoin will keep going higher

Reblogged. Always a big fan of your posts.

I love when the market is rising! 😁

the time couldn't be better. Everything seems to be aligning pretty well. Technically the chart looks good, fundamentally technology is improving to reduce transaction costs and speeds, and most important of all, institutional interest is going up which means increase in daily volume in the future.

may & june should be good for bitcoin and crypto in general.

Hopefully, Carter Worth is right!
and we will see a big move up from here!
I'm thinking to convert my 130 sbd's to bitcoin after reading this:p what you say?
Holder Holder!

That is up to you. I personally like having Steem Power as opposed to holding SBDs as it allows you to earn each day according to your Steem Power stake. A way of mining profits. That being said, I own a lot of steem and btc.

yeah, i know but i don't have much sbd's to convert them into steem power!

Do what u think is best but I’d hold on to some steem and power up.

that would be great!
best of luck!

Great analysis, thanks for sharing. I've smashed the upvote button for you!

Also, if you are looking to get some tokens without investing or mining check out Crowdholding (https://www.crowdholding.com). They are a co-creation platform were you get rewarded for giving feedback to crypto startups on the platform. You can earn Crowdholding's token as well as DeepOnion, ITT, Smartcash and many other ERC-20 tokens.

Real deal btc. Future is already here.

CNBC has got almost every move wrong! Just pumpers and manipulated views! Though this time I’d have to agree haha! Even a broken clock is right twice a day

What moves have they gotten wrong? If you are referring to Brian Kelly and his supposed ripple call, if you go back and watch that, he never was calling to buy it there, he was showing how you would buy it if you were trying to. It was a teaching lesson, not a buy it right now lesson. Though, as usual, the facts are less important than perception and everyone jumped all over the guy. Are there other examples you are referring to?

hopefully we can take the right opportunity to make decisions and always success for steemit members

It is a high time for trading. Thanks for best analysis and share to us

In his eyes this means that there is some indecision going on. Some people say it's going to the moon, others say it is going to zero

I say its going to the moon

Carter concluded by saying it looks to him like the next move is higher for bitcoin, if he had to be short or long here, he would be long for sure.

Im totally with Carter on this one, im optimistic

In order to get confirmation of the reversal in trend we need to see consistent volume while breakthrough some key levels above. One technical is the 200 DMA and the psychological levels of $10k and $12k. If we are able to achieve these with good volumes, even shorts will be forced to buy leading to a new uptrend for the foreseeable future.

I believe it is going up. because it was just testing the current market. Before a full swing to the top, it will some more time. until then, it will play around 2000 usd from current market.

I have faith Bitcoin will go up. Definitely it will. ^^

I'm betting on somewhere in 2021 Bitcoin will be at 50k and bounce from 37k to 80k in that year. Hoping for more sooner^^

You can not stop things like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere and the world will have to readjust itself. Bitcoin will do to the banks what the email did to the postal industry. We have decided to put our money and our faith in a mathematical structure that is free from human or political mistakes.

The solid move is starting earlier, buy until the world banking systems accept fluid ways of exchanging and outright purchasing, the overall marketcap will struggle to break a trillion. Once that happens, that is when it will run.

Thanks for this great post!

Nice post

I have little to no vested interest in the performance of bitcoin. STEEM however is where all my eggs are.


We will slowly see Bitcoin value flow into alts. What a lot of people aren't talking about is that bitcoin has been going +/- about $300-$400 every so often. Except each time it retracts, it appears as if alts aren't necessarily falling with it. Seems like more of that increase is flowing into alts. So while bitcoin might be going through some swings, it seems as if the alts are sucking up that value.

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Good luck and prosperity!

Please begin citing the source of your photos to continue using @sneaky-ninja. According to his Abuse Policy rule 8.

I took screen shots of the video I posted the link to at the bottom, like I mentioned several times in the post.

Sorry, we are still training, just a mistake. I see the source.