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RE: The harshest critics of Bitcoin either don't understand it or work in the industry Bitcoin is going to replace

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I agree with you about the upgrades. Though I have read some that say the lack of upgrades is a positive as opposed to a negative. They say that is what makes bitcoin important as a store of value. The fact that it doesn't upgrade and change every month likely will help give people more confidence to trust it as a store of value.


It likely shouldn't be updated every month, but it certainly is annoying when you can't use a coin because the price spiked. Ideally, anything should update as much as they need to, but not too often.

I just found it funny that what many say is a criticism of bitcoin, others say is a feature. One man's trash is another man's treasure I guess...

They say the same about Linux distros...and they're right to a point. I'm on a bleeding edge distro. Occasionally I have issues with conflicts, but not so often. Supposedly other distros are more "stable" by using code that is often months or even years old...but they also are a security liability. Nowhere near what Windows is, of course.