Bitcoin to $500,000 within 3 years or he'll eat his what?!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Legendary Cyber Security founder bets his manhood on it.

John McAfee said in a tweet yesterday that if Bitcoin doesn't reach $500,000 per coin within the next 3 years he will eat his dick on national television.

Don't believe me?

Check it out:

Rut roh, it's now on the blockchain John...

I am not sure how that is anatomically possible, and I am sure it is likely to be taken with a giant grain of salt, but that just goes to show the kind of conviction he has about the future price of Bitcoin.

The name sounds very familiar...

You may have heard of John McAfee, he is the original founder of McAfee Associates, which created the very first commercial antivirus software by the same name. 

Still haven't heard of him? 

Well, go check your old laptop or computer, you have likely used McAfee antivirus software at some point in your life.

The blockchain doesn't forget.

Unfortunately for him this tweet is now going viral and I am sure 3 years from now, it will be brought up again.

For his sake, and even more for all of our sake's, I hope Bitcoin is above $500,000 per coin by then. 

Not only because it would make us rich, but because I really don't want to see that...

Can you image what the price of steem might be in that scenario?

Stay informed my friends!


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We will see in 3 years;) Let's hope steem has reached 1k by then... any believers?

I think it could hit $10 quite easily. If things go right and steem eventually becomes one of the cryptos of choice, $100 could even be possible. $1000 I am not so sure about... although anything is "possible" I guess. :)

Well.. I hope so;)

he'd better practice now
but you know what I'd like to believe that :)

haha funny guy ;)

He is a very peculiar individual. At the same time, there is some substance to his prediction. Just imagine 7 years ago when bitcoin was virtually worthless at fractions of a cent; what if someone had said that it would be worth over 2,000 dollars by the year 2017. That person would have definitely been ridiculed and criticized of being a lunatic. Fast forward to the present, I would really like to interview those skepticals now....

Hello! I'm @evgenya86, nice to meet you! I hope you enjoy my blog, I will follow your account, please follow me ... Good luck in everything :)

if Bitcoin reaches 500k then it will put steemit at a price of 274 USD, that is if steemit price is 0.0005600 BTC like today. But realistically I think steemit will be at least 100USD by then...I will be happy with half that amount.

I keep thinking that we'll see a steem price of $100 within the next 3 years, idk why but it feels right

I'll take it!

That would be great if STEEM was at a $100. We would all feel very good about ourselves!

He is a very peculiar individual. At the same time, there is some substance to his prediction. Just imagine 7 years ago when bitcoin was virtually worthless at fractions of a cent; what if someone had said that it would be worth over 2,000 dollars by the year 2017. That person would have definitely been ridiculed and criticized of being a lunatic. Fast forward to the present, I would really like to interview those skepticals now....

yep, but if you look at his other comments on this tweet you'll see he talks about his math and that actually predicts btc to be between 1.5 mil-2.5 mill

so your prediction of steem is possibly more accurate.

he just says 500k to play things conservatively

I think steem price will be atleast 50-100 USD.

In 2015 an esteemed politician staked his hat on the outcome of the general election in the uk - he lost the bet but has yet to eat his hat, so I doubt that JM will ever have to do what is actually physically impossible, besides who would put such a low price on his own manhood? Great post @jrcornel - very amusing!

Haha wow seems like we better start investing in bitcoin ASAP. This is an awesome post @jrcornel - I do hope steem goes up as well. What do you think bitcoin and steem will rise to in 3 years? @jrcornel

My guess is we see Bitcoin over $10k and Steem over $10 at some point within the next couple years. I know I know I am not as exciting as some of the others...

Thank you for your insight @jrcornel and I agree. I think 500k and the whole "dick eating thing" was to shock and grab peoples attention lol. It would be really nice to see steem go above $10 for sure! Fingers crossed :)

He has something. It would be interesting to see what it is. Worth a bet he is right?

Lets hope hes right....

even if he isnt, ill make sure im watching it online, because itll be priceless to see people show him the tweet in 3 years haha

I think he will win his "bet."

This doesn't surprise me at all with McAfee! He is very intelligent, but seems like these last few years he appears to be a little off.

I hope it gets to $500,00 for all of our sakes!

He is eccentric that is for sure. But really... that is outlandish. I am a huge Bitcoin bull, but I think $50k is a much more reasonable target within the next couple years and I am not betting my manhood on that. ;)

I am not betting my manhood on anything! haha

I think $50,000 sounds realistic given the state of the economies of the world.

Although if the USD were to hyperinflate (which seems to be unlikely) that $500,000 could certainly come into play!

I would rather want to see BTC reach $500k than what John said he would do if BTC did not reach $500k in 3 years.

Hahaha me too

everyone HODLING is praying Mcaffee is right

That's a big name. I wonder on what basis he is saying that, though if his prediction comes true we all could be millionaire and if it doesn't I wonder how he would do what he claims for? Though I am not interested in seeing that. So I wish Bitcoin crosses half a million so that he could retain his important asset (may be significantly important than Bitcoin's price).
So everyone, let's pray to save McAfee's asset and be millionaires at the same time.

Both of them are equally important!

Nah, Bitcoin is far more important! I'm pretty sure McAfee is rich enough to buy himself a new bionic asset, better than the original.

Hahaha I love this post!

That's crazy! If Bitcoin does go there, we'll all be rich from investing in cryptos today :)

Great post and info makes me feel better! Being, that my account is worth less than my SP! but I have to keep moving forward. I know things will pick up again soon.
John is a funny man!!!

Now there are at least two reasons to hope he's right lol!

People rarely live up to bets like those ones..

What if he's right. He's a smart cookie, he's been around for long enough and he has deep understanding of the game. Cryptos are on the rise, but Bitcoin will always be the king. It hold value and to my knowledge there is a final count of 21 million bitcoins. That's not that big of a number. The world population is going up so there will be more people as the years pass. So the demand will greatly surpass the supply. Bitcoins also get lost... that shortens the supply more. And as less and less people hold it as the price increases, the demand goes through the roof. If you hold it you wont trade it or buy anything with it. Not any more, now that you've seen the potential. My friend bought mushrooms with 3 bitcoins a few years ago, another friend was buying chocolate on the web with it... 3 coins per bar. We all know this stories don't we?! But now I know a guy who bought a sport car with it. So, the game just got big, and people that are smart cookies, have been around for a while, and played a few hard games are running the show. I'm going to say one thing. I'm keeping my ears down like a little puppy and follow their leed. If anything, John McAfee is an eccentric and controversial figure that doesn't fit the main stream and speaks his mind as he feels. But he's right and he's rich. This just might really go high up guys... really high. As a disclaimer i should mention i'm a noob in this game, new to Steemit even. But it seems to me that now that bitcoin has survived this attack, nothing can stop it. It will gain a role of digital gold. 500 000$ ain't that big a number through those glasses. Just think those chocolate bars ;)

Let it drop first so I can buy in! August 1st oh my

I'm all on steemit now.. not in bitcoin.

And this is the same guy who fled to Belize and was hiding from the world? Let's hope hes right !

Yeah, McAfee has quite the sense of humor. I remember when he made that YouTube video back in the day with the hookers, guns and blow in the background, letting everyone know that he was no longer affiliated with the antivirus software.

I hope so! I think bitcoin has great future and usd and fiat is in a bubble for so much time!

@jcornel i love u. Please join me on whaleshares discord ;)

That really funny. $500K is quite a hurdle, but we'll see what we can do. Actually, let's get Steem to $500,000 instead and just turn off the TV when the time comes.

Haha! That sounds like a great plan to me. :)

I'll run with that - it would be life changing for all of us!

Haha I hope for his sake it will come true...and if it does...boy will there be a lot of happy cryptoholders as well!

That's quite a statement! I can't wait to see what happens in 3 years!

amazing !! good info, thank you very much

Great post !! keep them coming!

Great project..
Until now I still use McAfee antivirus on my laptop.
Thanks for sharing @jrcornel

He's a really smart guy too, and he's being conservative in his estimates. Bitcoin is about to hit the biggest BOOM in human history!

It's a ridiculously bold statement... not sure if he's trolling or if he really expects it to rise so astronomically in three years. I don't know if the bitcoin community is prepared to handle that speed of growth yet.

I think he had a few too many mid day cocktails and got to talking a little too much. Maybe he meant to say $50k?! :)

Haha, ya he just added an extra zero and then everybody wrote articles abut it... he wakes up from his drunken nap like "aw shoot"

Well ... I hope for him he is right, because eating your own sausage doesn't seem a very pleasant experience to me personally.

But jokes aside, this is a real possibility. Total market cap of crypto ballooned from $15 billion to more than $110 billion in a mere 6 months this year. Three years is a lot in cryptoland and crypto could be a goliath in the financial market by 2020 ... !

Wow... The stakes just got pretty high. This will give new meaning to the saying 'you are what you eat'. Hahaha.

Haha that's funny.

Didn't he also run for president? I think 500k is a bit much but as with the presidency anything is possible. I would settle for just his hat.

Yes he did. He was on the 2016 ticket for a while, on the libertarian side I believe.

if one share of bershire hathaway can get to 250 thousand , maybe bitcoin can get close to at least 100 thousand . hopefully !

I'm looking forward to see him eat his own dick, but I don't think this is going to happen.

I hope he has lots of whale friends who can drive the price up last minute, should it be needed... everyone will save this tweet and set a reminder for in three years, LOL

probably up to 10k but 500k is too much :OOO

Bitcoin will be a great deal after 3 years but not as much as he said in his tweet. People are not that much fool to blindly invest in Bitcoin. It's never going to replace fiat and that's is the option it had to reach at great value. Fiat are irreplacebale, and infact no one knows about bitcoin for now, after 3 years it wont make any difference as such . @jrcornel

If bitcoin does not pass for 5 thousand, then we are waiting for an interesting sight. At least something:)

By August 2017 there will be fall in bitcoin! $500,000 Won't ever happen in next 3 yrs!

Hahaha! Either of those end results is a win!

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Hello! I'm @evgenya86, nice to meet you! I hope you enjoy my blog, I will follow your account, please follow me ... Good luck in everything :)

Ohhhh my goodness!!! So funny!

We have all heard of putting your money where your mouth is, but this guy is taking it to a whole other level...

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