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RE: Why Bitcoin Could Fall Lower From Here

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I do like a well-written piece ;)
There's pundits on this very thread politely hinting a the demise of outdated bitcoin in the name of more efficient Ripple, and hey - it's so practical, you can directly use it from your bank - you know, the guys you always trusted with your money !
Just scroll, if you've been in the business you'll immediately recognize the approach.

So this is indeed what's going on, via several levels The explosion of crypto must be led into controllable channels before the chance is lost. Most people in this market aren't used to strategic thinking in a world of secret banking/intelligence services, so to speak, and will in doubt follow the simple explanation...
simple neurophysiology at work.
While I'm at it, have you looked at Stellar Lumens (XLM) as opposed to Ripple ?

It's a token that could be used by anyone who buys some and can convince people to use their services much like a Western Union booth, or yourself, to send around the globe in seconds, fully decentralized (as opposed to Ripple), can be integrated with external exchanges, you know the sort - like ? Or with Amazon, or Walmart, and it's at this time being used as a banking transaction system in the South Pacific, that IBM helped setting up...

Of course, the article says, this is expected to be only temporary, as the little and large nation-states will soon develop crypto "of their own", and so will of course the banks, won't they. Ripple, or SWIFTCoin...
So the question is, will the little people understanding that they have to invest where it benefits them ?
They seem to understand virtual money as opposed to paper as opposed to gold but can they ever understand that freedom is preferable to being comfortable ?
I don't think so, just watch what's going on in the streets.

So everything depends on marketing and market forces, and we're at this moment as on a darkling plain, watching the market forces at work, playing the people, who can't think of anything but short term gains.
I will visit your link in a second ;)

P.S.: what's a pay phone ?


@jojof, you sound like a crypto-anarchist. A very good crypto-anarchist!!! Great post.


Me, an anarquista ? Nevar ! Just trying to not be insufficiently paranoid. Venceremos ;)

Hablas la verdad! But insufficiently paranoid sounds suspiciously like an oxymoron. Can one be insufficiently paranoid?


Absolutely - humans are insufficiently paranoid by nature, they tend to prefer positive delusions to reality - it's a survival technique that favors herd animals through dreary periods, by keeping the suicide rates down and desperation at bay... however, it also causes ridiculous conflicts and unforeseeable (!) actions in better days. Everybody hates Cassandras for the very reason that they countermand the general, hard-wired "don't-worry-be-happy" outlook that is also furthered by religions and the media... no problem, you'll be rewarded in the afterlife, sheeple. There is no climate change, everything will be all right tomorrow, and so on. It leads us directly into destruction and a healthy amount of paranoia is an asset that can give you the decisive edge over your co-primates ;)

Nice thoughts on long term crypto land. As I told my mom...centralized crypto currencies will be a sign of the Apocalypse.

Not to nitpick but do remember that XRP is not meant to be used as currency. Not that your over-all message changes...just a large confusion even for what seem to be XRP investors.

Okay, XRP is not really centralized, and not meant to be a currency - just an exchange token. It's being controlled. In essence, we should be using something like dash ;)
Which I'm right now looking at, waiting for it to break out of the triangle. I'm also looking at Bitcoin again ;)

Dash has master nodes :D

LOL its a booth Clark Kent uses to change into Superman =)

I did check out XLM and definitely viewed it as a more "friendly" form of banking transfers vs XRP which I found unsavory and a naked attempt at banking to offer a product in this new asset class. I will admit that FOMO'd hard with the recent pump but the feelings passed and I am glad to not be a part of that train.