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RE: RED ALERT - Mt. Gox 2.0 Brewing - Bitfinex May Be Issuing Unbacked Tether To Paper Over Banking Service Loss - What We Think We Know (Part 1)

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Chinese exchanges (ie. are moving away from Tether and starting to use bitUSD, which is backed by 200% collateral on a blockchain so it's completely decentralized and risk free - no shady corporation making promises. bitUSD and bitCNY currently have three second transaction times and can do over 3300 transactions per second - one of the fastest, largest, oldest, most used and most secure blockchains in existence. See Honest money, no bullshit!


I only wish Bitshares had more adoption, but it is doing fairly well at recovering post-Bittrex de-listing.

Hmm maybe the coin that is listed on these centralized exchanges receive some kind of bonus payment that decentralized exchanges don't provide. I really wonder why is it such low adoption of coins with bitshares. Isn't decentral exchange much more safe?