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RE: Bitcoin & All Cryptocurrencies Are Collapsing! We Are Witnessing The End of Blockchain!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

My point exactly. And you certainly don't want to follow someone who freely admitted that he watched a company worth $244 million turn into a piece of dog shit like Jeffey boy did. This clown learned absolutely nothing about how market actually worked. Now the pressure is on and he has to actually make a buy call to try and help out all of the lemmings he suckered in with his "champagne and cigar" celebrations at teh exact wrong time. And he did it twice now. Once before memorial day when bitcoin traded to appx $2770 on Th May 25th. That morning it made that high and then dropped about $500 in 2 hours of trading. He comes on and says >>> "Looks like bitcoin went a little too far too fast." Well no shit, Sherlock! Here's his spew.

May 25th, the exact day the high was set. Posted "after" teh drop began. The low for that Dollar Virgil enduced drop was $1880 that following sat night. Show me where he said buy

He certainly "nailed" teh next high though.

We'll see how slick he is. Anyone who listens to this clown deserves everything that is coming to them. Anyone want to bet a $50 lunch that I will call the next tradable bottom before the "pied piper" of bitcoin does? I hope the markets wipes the smirks right off of his face. I'd love to see this crap that is bitcoin trade to like $800 on this move. The best thing he could do is just stf up and go work on his next scam. He's a bigger misallocator of funds than Janet Yellen could ever dream of being. He's no different that the banks and hedge funds he wants to take down. Do your followers a favor, Dollar Virgil....take yourself out.


I got a minute into one of his videos before realising he was a grade A crackpot on the level of Alex Jones or David Icke. I like his posts though as I find his brand of insanity to be quite funny.

If you want a good laugh, ask this government-hating an-cap about the time he got ripped off with Galt's Gulch and had to get the government involved to try to recover his funds.

Steemy McSteamFace - A Steam inspired dark-coloured skin for Steemit

Too funny. Dollar Virgil, turning millionaires into people living doooown by the river in a van. I guess he has been a consistant dummfukk since the tech bubble blew up in his smug face. He still hasn't learned anything. I also find it fun to watch idiots like him implode as a result of his own doing. He talks about Peter Schiff. I'll be "shocked!" if Dollar Virgil is still around ruining peoples lives in another year. Here's his "excuse" article about galt's Gulch. read it an get ready to weep all of you Dollar Virgil dick suckers. You were forewarned about what's coming your way.

Hey, since you are as big a Jeff Berwick fan I'd appreciate if you stopped by my blog and check out the spew I posted in his honor today. First one on my blog list. I'm not even looking for an upvote. I'd just like to know what you think. Thanks.