"The $1 million dollar Bitcoin argument predicates that the total market cap of Bitcoin in the world would amount to $16.5 trillion. This compensates for the approximate 4.5 million Bitcoin that have been lost and are now unrecoverable for various reasons."
Thank you that is a great article, alot of very good info there. It's certainly possible for bitcoin to reach this amount if it's spread out amongst enough users and the demand is high enough.
"The $1 million dollar Bitcoin argument predicates that the total market cap of Bitcoin in the world would amount to $16.5 trillion. This compensates for the approximate 4.5 million Bitcoin that have been lost and are now unrecoverable for various reasons."
A must read - https://hackernoon.com/the-case-for-the-1-million-dollar-bitcoin-1602e8840fb8
Thank you that is a great article, alot of very good info there. It's certainly possible for bitcoin to reach this amount if it's spread out amongst enough users and the demand is high enough.