BITCOIN - For Beginners

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Today we steemians speaks more about a single concept. #BITCOIN. How many here knows what is a #Bitcoin and What is it deals with??? Do you know whether a #bitcoin deal is a good one or not??? How many countries support #bitcoin and how many state them as illegal??? Who is the administrator of the #bitcoin shares??? Have anyone asked these questions oneself ever before??? Lets have some tint of information about #bitcoin here now...

What is #BITCOIN???

#Bitcoin is a #Cryptocurrency transaction over the #world.

This is what the answer everyone says about #bitcoin. But none says the exact definition for the beginners. #Cryptocurrency is a digital asset. This digital asset (#Cryptocurrency) is designed for exchange mediums. #Cryptocurrency uses #Cryptography method to secure its transaction system and to verify the transfer of these assets.

Basically #Cryptocurrency is a type of #VirtualCurrency. These #Cryptocurrencies works through #Blockchain. #Blockchains are nothing but the information chain developed by the continuous record flow. As we already said #Cryptocurrencies are #VirtualCurrencies, they uses decentralized control that are opposing centralized electronic money and central banking system that are followed in many countries.

How to transfer #Cryptocurrency???

To transfer these #Cryptocurrencies, they introduced #CryptocurrencyWallet. These wallets are used to send, receive and spend #Cryptocurrencies. The wallet stores the public and private keys. These keys are used while sending and receiving currencies.

Countries listed #Bitcoin and #Cryptocurrencies as illegal:

#Algeria, #Morocco, #Bangladesh, #Nepal, #Cambodia, #Indonesia

Countries Listed #Bitcoin and #Cryptocurrencies as legal:

#Australia, #NewZealand, #India, #UK, #Germany, #Spain, #Japan, #China, #USA, #Canada, #Malaysia, #Singapore, #Mexico, #SouthAfrica, etc.,

1 #Bitcoin equals :


This was awesome, thank you!

Thank you @dani-tips for reading my post... Lets grow each other...:)