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RE: Community, Crypto and Freedom: Jeff Berwick On The Freedom's Phoenix Podcast

in #bitcoin8 years ago

You did not answer my question, what is the time frame for your proposed "reset" and what evidence do you have for it?

The US you term "pocket change" is actually backed by trillions in debt, with zero intrinsic value. It is the definition of "ghost money", it does not exist, it is fiat! Junk silver, aka quarters and dimes that were minted before 1964 indeed already have intrinsic natural value due to their silver content. But today's pocket change is made cheaply, with inexpensive materials that hold insignificant melt values. I think that you are grasping at straws and leading people to a false conclusion.


For one... A Digital or Paper Dollar is very different than a Dollar Coin, be it Gold, Silver or a Hundred, Copper plated Zinc Coins... It's not the metal value in our Coinage that gives it Value as a Workable Medium of Exchange... It's the Constitution of the United States of America... You ask for a specific time line... Anyone would be considered a Nut Case if he or she attaches an exact date to the Reset and Transfer of Wealth... Sorry, I can't fall for that kind of Trap... By the time the Reset happens, it will already be too late, to be "in on" the Largest Transfer of Wealth the World has ever seen... Do yourself a favor... Buy a hundred, one dollar coins... If I'm wrong, at least you'll have some U.S. Issued Cash outside of the Banking System when their Doors are Slammed Shut... If I'm right, you'll have a big smile on your face... There will be no losers because of the Reset... Only winners...

... $7.77 ... ... 1 Vote ... ... Reset