Ada Cryptocurrency is part of a large entity known as Cardano. Cardano began in 2015 as an open source platform, from IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong) including Charles Hoskinson- one of Ethereum's earliest developers.
In the ethos of Ethereum (and NEO), the platform can execute decentralized apps and Smart Contracts. The team is looking to solve a lot of the scalability issues by:
- Creating more layers to allow for easier maintenance (i.e. soft forks)
- Infinite amount on Ada currency
- Utilizing network fees, based on volume
In conclusion, this is a pretty neat cryptocurrency. I like the fact it's supported by one of the original Ethereum developers. Some articles ( cite this as "Japan's Ethereum/Neo". I'm not sure I would go that far (yet)... I'll definitely be purchasing some ADA for my own portfolio.
Price of ADA: 0.00003060 BTC (approx. $0.55 USD)
Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. Invest at your own risk.
Let me know what you think???
Love you Guys!
Well, I've been enjoying the rise #ToTheMoon on ADA.