It is important that our private information stays safe and under our control. Our own data could be the cause of harm to ourselves if the wrong people get it. Everything from spam to identity theft is possible if our data isn't kept secure.
There is a problem with keeping data safe and that is companies treat it like a commodity. The truth is, so many companies been treating our data like a commodity for some time and now our data really is a commodity. It is bought, sold, and stolen. A lot of people make money from our data but most of us are not part of the few getting rich in this data market. Data can be used for bad but the most common buyers are companies trying to learn more about their customers.
Data is important to companies' sales and marketing. The problem with the data right now is that there isn't a good permissioning system for it. MobileBridge Momentum is making a marketing platform in which data will be permissioned. MobileBridge creates loyalty programs for companies and people will use this service to sign up and use loyalty programs of different companies.
Platforms have the Power
Companies that create marketing technology, like MobileBridge, have the power to improve the data market by giving customers rights to their personal information. Companies use a lot of marketing technology and the services they use involve a lot of data. If the companies that make the marketing technology put limitations on what data they will work with, companies will have to gather data the right way.
MobileBridge is using its platform to let companies get data from customers in the right way. Customers will have the control over their data and they will decide what data to give to companies. Companies will get important personal data from their customers, but only the parts people are willing to reveal. This makes sure the only parts of a person's private information being used for business are the ones that do not make the person uncomfortable.
Another important thing is that MobileBridge lets companies create their own tokens and these tokens can be paid to customers for showing different types of loyalty. Giving a company data so they can improve is one way of showing loyalty and that's why the platform will give companies the option to give customers their brand tokens for the in return for data. People will begin to give data to the companies they like and will in return get loyalty rewards.
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