Crypto Bubble 2018? Programmer explains.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Cryptocurrency bubble is an extemely interesting topic and in this video we talk about previous bubbles in history and try to draw parallells. We also discuss the recent bitcoin pullback and altcoin correction. What do you think about the crypto bubble? Do you agree with my thoughts? Let me know in the comments!

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Ivan on Tech by Ivan Liljeqvist

There are 2 pages

Just in. South korean officials caught insider trading..Spread the word. Let it flyyyy

Bubble is such a powerful word cause it somehow states that the whole market is based out of nothing. Corrections are normal in all markets and I think that many alt coins are over valued. With that said, not saying it won't continue going up. I'm bullish on crypto and will continue to hopefully make gains while being cautious not investing too much in coins with non existing fundamentals.

Here's a technical analysis I just posted. An example of a coin that I think will blow up soon:

Library Credits (LBRY) - Analysis

Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 16.48.36.png

Holy crap! I'm not surprised that they are doing it, but I am surprised it has came out so soon and they are being investigated so soon. Market manipulation was always going to happen in an unregulated market. manipulation happens on a much larger scale in regulated markets. Silver has been manipulated for years by Deutche Bank amongst others. No one gave a shit when they went to trial for it. They didn't lose any credibility. Just a small fine, and you're good to go. Please stop begging governments to regulate cryptos. We don't need or want regulations. Regulations means that we grant only a select few to be able to manipulate (bankers). Manipulations in a free market is not a problem. Free markets sort things out themselves.

No surprise that it was Government people manipulating. And that's the kind of people you want to regulate cryptos?

People must learn that free markets means you have to do your due diligence and don't be stupid. Like with this FUD the past week..if you had the basic knowledge of markets, news, and fundamentalt of cryptos - and done the math and compared it to the dotcom bubble for instance, you'd KNOW that you should hodl for a LONG time.

In a free market you can't blame anyone but yourself. Sure, some will try to manipulate, but if you've done your research you won't fall for it. That's harder when governments and bankers have the sole rights to manipulate.

Thank you for the insightful talk!

Awesome work! I`ve re-steemed!
Must be supported...
Thank you for your wonderful work 😊😊

thanks :)

Nice video, Ivan! (Привет из Риги)
We think that any new tech or even paradigm tend to skew to overvaluation at first stages. Cryptos are not an exception. But we do believe that we have a substantial room for a growth!
We are trying to compare DotCom bubble event with the current state of the Crypto market in our article here: . Shortly speaking, we do agree that this is a normal, logical stuff that bubbles are formed during the times of technological breakthrough - trains, dotcoms, etc... Risk-taking investors is the driving force of this processes!

Subscribed! real gem in the bunch of useless articles.

Based on your video I should invest more in EOS and Steem. Thanks for showing us the bigger picture. ;)

Sounds like a great plan.

Yes indeed! These are the two projects I can really stick with long term.Hodl hodl. When EOS hits $800 I will be doing pretty darn well. When Steem hits $100 I will be doing just as well.

BTS, Steem, EOS, they are a very solid track record of BM. I agree with you that EOS would be successful. However the way they do EOS ICO is somewhat greedy.

I don't think it is greedy at all. Think of how many ICOs go so fast the average person can't get in on the action. With the EOS token distribution you have a whole year to get in. It is designed to work like mining but without the extreme consumption of electricity.

this is the right time to makeup your steemit a big one ,because steem is came to very dip we can buy & grow our steemit account for future.

Great stuff!

Love EOS & Steem. Thanks for sharing.

Yes - looking at the big picture is important. Understanding the technology is key.

Maybe it's the governments or banks tryin to cause all these crash bloodbaths, lol...
but stopping crypto traders from trading its like:

ha ha ha exactly .. future is blockcain .. and no one can not stop the wave .

I like the bubble gum!

Great video Ivan!

Excellent video, thank you... upvoted

@ivanli the real question is: with all the central banks of the world printing money like crazy, what is not a bubble today?

Lower classes are punished by hyper inflation, potential solution valuable, useful, cryptocurrency..? Bottom line, our governments have proven they can't handle inflation.

Thanks for the info!

I don't know a lot about cryptocurrencies as of yet. I do see it as compared to the stock market. as for bubbles I think I have seen it with some types but its definitely got ability and potential to grow and pop and lose everything just the same. But again I don't know enough about it so...

You know you're a veteran when you welcome "crashes" for consolidation....

I hope we survive the crypto bubble blast & probably the blast below never happens and peace & prosperity reign!

well said Bro.
You did a great work there,,, Cheers

Well you have a good way of putting it. I believe in the tech long term so I'm going to keep on collecting coins for the long haul :)

Very thought provoking Ivan. In the UK before the railway bubble was the canal building bubble. Canals were seen as quicker way of transporting raw materials needed for the textile industry. Canals were built all over the country and help develop the infrastructure needed for the textile industry. Then railways came along and made canals redundant, Where I live a canal was built by private subscription. It was never used for commercial traffic as the canal bubble collapsed due to the emrgence of trains.
I fully agree that bubbles have both postive and negative roles.

FIAT the endless Money is the real Bubble... And it will pop up not so far from here. I ❤️ Crypto ! Nice Post @ivanli

I agree that the talk about railroads and the internet is pretty similar to the talk about blockchain technology today. I was happy when the extreme valuations dropped these past two days for two reasons: I got out just before and I bought back in at the lows.

Unfortunately, I am not yet convinced that we are back in the territory of the bull run. Hopefully the "prepaid ICOs" deliver on their promises in due time. While I haven't personally participated in an ICO (missed my first one with Civic last year and didn't return to them), I often advise my fellow cryptonians to only invest in ICOs with at least a beta product.

I've been listening to your videos on youtube for a while @ivanli, but I have only just started being active on steem and I'm glad to see you here. Keep up the good work.

Bitcoin is bubble only for the people who are not holding any kind of cryptocurrency.

Great work, I completely agree that there is always an aspect of a bubble when it comes to new, innovative technologies. It is important to look at the big picture.

I love seeing other programmers analysing cryptocurrencies. I work full time in the cryptocurrency industry and I really value your unbiased analyses of different cryptocurrencies based on their underlying technologies. I would love to talk more if you're available on Steemit chat or Discord - my handle is @lukebrn.

I found the history of railways and dot com surges insightful and entertaining. To pinpoint exactly where we are in the evaluation of technology I find complex and I question anyone that says they have it figured out completely. Excitement, publicity, and hype will tend to get us ahead in valuation of the true progress of a technology. I don't completely agree with the article I'll mention here but I think it is good to look at things from all sides, not excluding things because of our core beliefs. Bubble Warning Article:

Very good comment, thank you!

Eos will be huge in 2018. So undervalued considering what it is offering right now! Remember: Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful

When thinking about Bubble, it has to be burst, but when talking about Crypto-bubble, we should be cautious about it...

Always love your videos. Keep up the good work.

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I read earlier today that Bitcoin's had six, 25% or more slides since 2016. So far, we've come back stronger after each. Stay the course crypto investors...

Excellent work... Thanks for sharing.

Great insight. UBS Wealth Management and other major financial institutions call bitcoin a "bubble". Their exact words, "The bubble to end all bubbles...". They say this as a negative. But the way you put it (negative and positive aspects) makes sense.

Hi Ivan, When does your course start exactly? Is there a fix schedule or is it at one's own disposal?

I'm intersted in your Academy, but I`m about to finish my dissertation in a completely different field and I have no time left in February and March.

I'm pretty sure it is on-demand ... I've bought it but also have limited time so won't be able to do in Feb probably.

Hello Ivan,
Thanks for the great video.
Could you expand a little bit on the last part, please - about what Julian Hosp said ? I found his youtube channel but, unfortunately, I don't understand german (... that's german, right ? :) )
Thanks for your work.

I do not think crypto is a bubble. The fat money are bubble

I agree that we are in a bubble. A lot of altcoins popping up with different use cases across various industries claiming changes and never done before tech. A familiar reminder of the dot com era. Unlike before, investing is much easier now as all you need is an internet connection as a minimum. The problem however is that there is so much info to learn and filter especially on deciding who the next Amazon, Google, Facebook for the "new economy" will be.

Nobody really knows if this is a bubble or not. The problem is the large number of investors who placed their money in this market without knowing anything about cryptocurrencies and who were carried away by advertising and the promises of getting rich overnight. Of course, without these investors, the cryptocurrencies would not have had that huge growth.

But before investing again you have to wait for that feeling of fear to disappear, as fear can blow up a market very quickly. As experts say, a market can fall much faster than it rises because of the fear of losing everything.


2018-01-17 23_31_17-11,113 (BTC_USD) Bitfinex - Trading.png

I think it’s a partial bubble. Some coins fully deserve a high valuation(like Steem) while others are just vaporware/scams. The bubble popping(s) will be more like what we saw this week where there’s a brief drop in price and toxic coin fully deflates.

This is really good lesson for people who's new to cryptos. Thanks

Thank you for the post. I see bitcoin as "Dial up" internet that we had in the very beginning with that awkward noise it made to connect lol
Crypto is here to stay no doubt. It's just a new concept and will take time to prove itself

Love your videos, had teaching me a lot!!!! I think may be we are in the crypto bubble (that hasn't explode, the prices are not that low...) but I really feel this is quite positive for two reasons, it is building a "crypto knowledge structure" in the society (from goverments to industry to regular working people and students) and it is showing an interesting kind of market-tech self-regulation, like a survival mechanism.

Looking forward to learn something from your course...

love your videos ivan

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This is an insightful view of the crypto market correction we're seeing. I like that you are looking at bubbles from a place of historical wisdom and seeing them as a natural part of a world-changing technology, as it emerges. And, as well, your view that bubbles have positive aspects, along with their negatives, which help that new technology gain public acceptance, infrastructure, and momentum in the world.

I agree. You can see a bubble from a mile away. Just look at all the crappy projects and their market valuation. And the people that hype them.

I can spot the difference half a year ago and now. Back then people really took their time to analyse everything about the project, not they just go with the hype, supporting projects with where their github has last commit 3 months ago and totalling 3 commits, market valuation 100 millions.

But I think like in every bubble top projects with real world value will survive.

#bitconnect alone could be responsible for most of this BTC wreckage - considering it makes up over 10% of the TOTAL market losses last 48 hours 📉🔥📉

$2.8 billion to $0.

I agree. You can see a bubble from a mile away. Just look at all the crappy projects and their market valuation. And the people that hype them.

I can spot the difference half a year ago and now. Back then people really took their time to analyse everything about the project, not they just go with the hype, supporting projects with where their github has last commit 3 months ago and totalling 3 commits, market valuation 100 millions.

But I think like in every bubble top projects with real world value will survive.

guter Beitrag

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