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RE: Your Opinion On Bitcoin: Are More Losses Ahead? Look At This Chart. By Gregory Mannarino

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The fundamental reason why bitcoin was attractive in the first place, was its potential to become a universal currency, that transcended all borders, and provide freedom from the control of governments and central banks, plus the blockchain technology provided not only security but anonymity.
This is no longer the case.
Governments and banks from all over the world are now taking action against crypto currencies, Bitcoin in particular, because it is the most outstanding example to date.
Bitcoin will continue to fluctuate, as every other asset does on the stock market, for sole purpose that every other asset fluctuates.
New money fill flow into Bitcoin and Existing Monies in Bitcoin will also flow out.

The important thing to note is that the so called "TRUE" value of all crypto currencies, lies not in the currency itself, but in the technology that is behind it.

The Block chain technology is what is truly valuable, and the establishment recognizes this.
That is why Visa, MasterCard, Banks and a growing list of companies are working to incorporate this technology.

The future is undoubtedly cashless, the currency will be crypto, but none that is currently available. It will be enforced and controlled.

Bitcoin will be manipulated up for profit, and down for profit also. The magnitude of those fluctuations however is purely speculative.
This will be the fate of any other crypto currency, that dares to challenge the establishment.

Happy New Year.