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RE: How to PROFIT during this Dipp

in #bitcoin7 years ago

hmmm interesting.. I never thought usdt can be that helpful. The issue is you may miss out potential larger gains. USDT itself is going through issues. Concerns are rising against its reserved backed by actual US dollars. So be cautious when using USDT long term or too frequently.


Interesting strategy! I do technical analysis and try to find coins that has a great upside and high probability of impulsing, like this one:

Library Credits (LBRY) - Analysis

Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 16.48.36.png

Doing the same
Making huge profits
The only thing is that it could take a while but 90%chance you get great profits

Yea, 60% of the the it works every time!

Buy the dip and HODL guys you'll be fine ;)

I bought alot in dips

If I was dealing with 20,000.00 or more I might worry more about holding tether USDT, but I'm working with an amount I can afford to lose. When the market goes way, way down I put funds into USDT until it's over. It appears to be immune to a total market collapse.

Yeah man I wouldn't touch USDT with a 10 foot pole, I actually read of the concerns your talking about months ago, interesting that not many people seem to know about it yet.