in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

As promised I am holding a draw to win FREE Bitshares. NEW to Bitshares? That's OK....


As a follow up to my last post, which explains how to get a FREE Bitshares Wallet, and a FREE Bitshares account, I thought it was only appropriate to give some free BTS funds to some lucky people who participate in this post.


Let's get some important details out of the way...

  • (1) My last post was a simple tutorial on how you can get a FREE Bitshares Account, for trading on a decentralized exchange, which has similar power to places like Bittrex, Poloniex, and Coinbase

  • (2) If you don't already have a Bitshares wallet, once you create an account with my previous tutorial, now you can receive bitshares from anyone. It's free to get one, so why not?

  • (3) Going forward I will be doing more tutorials and explanations on how Bitshares works, in a very simple and understandable way. So don't worry, I'm here to answer your questions and help.


  • Why would I care about Bitshares in the first place?


  • Read my last post here. It helps you, a LOT today and in the future as cryptocurrency changes, the ways to move your STEEM and SBD changes... It's good to get knowledge early.

So.. if you are one of the lucky few reading this post that DOES HAVE a Bitshares account and a free wallet to receive funds, you could totally win some free Bitshares!

I implore all of you to consider adding a Bitshares wallet (and software) to your computer, so you can experience the next generation of cryptocurrency trading that is becoming increasingly more important every day.

For those of you that have gone through the first step.... Here we go...

I'm going to be voting up good comments below, and running them through and randomizer to fairly decide WHO wins what...

You do not have to re-steem this post to be eligible to win...

  • EXTRA BONUS OPPORTUNITY: If you do re-steem this post, you will be guaranteed to win something. The value of what I'll be giving away to all participants who do re-steem (and have a bitshares wallet) will be calculated based on the number of participants.

Don't worry... I won't let you down. This is a worthwhile venture to upvote, comment and to re-steem this post.

If you choose to ONLY comment and upvote (and have a bitshares wallet) you still could win some free bitshares.


Simply leave your Bitshares account / username below WITH a comment of some sort.

Wait 2 days to hear the results on Thursday, January 18, 2018 when I will announce the winners, who participated, and how the payouts work. This gives plenty of time for everyone to enter!
The mystery of what you could win, or what people get by re-steeming this post, is all up to the amount of participants I get. This makes it fun. It's free have nothing to lose by participating.

If this works out well, I'll do more of these in the future!

Q: Do I have to be a new Bitshares user?
A: No. Old timers who have a Bitshares account can participate too.

Q: I didn't remember what you said about how to get a Bitshares account and wallet
A: Read my last recent post here

Thanks for the comments, re-steems, upvotes, and just saying hi...

There are 2 pages

Let further teachings come, there is so much to learn on bitshares, bub-h is username.

Bitshares (bts) themselves are a great investment! It's also super easy to turn your Steem or sbd to bts transferred into your bitshares wallet (I use via the main page. Then of course I like to pick up some eos when I get a chance! It's a great way to expand your crypto knowledge little by little, diversify your investments, and support the birthchain of Steem :)

I couldn't deposit any steem in last days, message "gateway closed", do you know about this?

they are updating the gateway, dunno how long that's gonna take... in the meantime you can use to easily and quickly turn steem into bts and deposit it in your bitshares wallet

Thanks, will try, following in the hope of mastering bitshares one day :-)

This is exactly what I do!
(except I don't you openledger xD)
Great minds think

(except I don't you openledger xD)

Do you mean you don't send directly to but instead use ?

No. I mean I only use the interface- not openledgers xD

yeah, I actually just realized that has a way better exchange setup :-D learn a little bit every day. Thanks. That answered my question! It seems you can't transfer steem/sbd directly to openledger at this point. Glad there's another route!

yes... eagerly awaiting their upgrades to complete for steem. I like to hope\pretend this has something to do with a new hardfork here, or something :)

blocktrades is super fast about that transaction too... they do it INSTANTLY. I haven't had the opportunity to compare fees, but the fees aren't so bad from blocktrades, and it's nice to have a simple way to get bts in my bitshares account :-)

The interesting thing about which easily moves SBD, STEEM, to BTS, is they don't list 100 coins. The pick only like 10 and focus on those..

They do what they do well. They specialize. It's unlike most coin exchangers or exchanges today.

Specializing and having a niche market is important. :)

Alas, the trade rate on blocktrades is a little disappointing. Currently on openledger, you can sell SBD for 17.9 BTS, but you only get 11.4 BTS for it on blocktrades. :frownyface:

maybe it's better to send the sbd to bittrex or polinex and buy the bts there? oh yeah, but bitcoin :shrug: thanks for the tip

interesting, I just exchanged some sbd for dash, and think I would have gotten a better rate with blocktrades... and realized you can't exchange for bts at bitrex so :-/

This seems like it's going to be fun!
Thanks for giving people the opportunity here

Let's trade bitshares account names ;-)

Anyone reading this.. @akrid is a good hard working person. He's not new to Bitshares, but he understands its value. He's welcome to participate just like anyone else is...

Thanks @akrid for coming by. I hope you win :)

Umm.. re-steems are a guaranteed to get something though. Did you catch that part? :)

Wait... hard working or hardly working?! It's challenging to know sometimes with the motley crew we have over here. 😝 My wife told me to resteem my shirt the other day - too many wrinkles in it. I'm not saying your post is wrinkly, but just to be safe I resteemed it.

HAHA that was a good one.

Always hard and always working

Thank you for your kind words!
You bet I resteemed it lastnight xD

Now, time to cough up your account name :-p

resteemed from my @newsteem account since I just resteemed your last bitshares post via @inquiringtimes..... try to keep a limit on those resteems, ya know? :)

I took akrid's tutorial class on bitshares, that is what got me started


@intelliguy, I learned a lot from you about BitShares. Thanks again!

I would like to participate in the BTS give away, this is my BTS acc: skytrex1989

Resteemed & upvoted!

After a bit of difficulty 6 months ago, my account name on Bitshares is t-vulgaris3 , and I've been really happy with my experience there (using openledger as the UI for it)- @pairmike is the Steemian I'll thank for steering me there.

Thanks for telling people how the bitshares system works.
My bts: jjb777
Cheers J

well, I posted a few days back about why everyone should consider signing up for a free bitshares account and going LTM (Life-Time Member) more than ever, now that now an LTM has recently cost as little as US $25 bucks (now a bit higher, at around $37 based on the current price of BTS).

Does that count for inclusion in the contest?! 😁

Link: Great Time to Sign up For a BitShares LTM Life Time Membership, Before KYC Becomes "Keep Your Crypto"!

bts: phoenix-rising

Sorry Alex. It took me 4 hours to compile the accounts, do everything, create the post and send out the rewards. You missed the draw by seconds I guess because this comment wasn't on the page while I was doing my tabulations. :(

...but glad to hear you are promoting Bitshares as well. It's hard to get into it as a newbie, but once you start getting familiar with it, it grows you on pretty fast. Helping people try it is the best thing we can do as experienced users.

I have previously started a bitshares account but only used it once as the users were quite small. But given the current situation with centralised exchange I will definitely look into it again. Thanks for the reminder, my username: Vincent-777

These types of posts truly do help spread the good word about this point the only thing missing from making BTS a top 10 coin is more publicity. Once the majority of people using crypto realize theyd rather be on a Decentralized Exchange and actually own their own private keys we'll see huge adoption. People know me as that person who has more knowledge about crypto than most and when people ask me what they should invest in, I instantly tell them BitShares.

Thank you for your efforts to propel BTS...resteemed


So I just created my bitshares account thanks to @intelliguy... Your instructions in the former post were super straightforward. My user name is ( yee-d ). Thanks once again

Guess what? You have inspired me to create a bitshares account and checkout the Bitshares exchange! The funny part is.. I have researched Bitshares and even bought a small amount on a different exchange! haha thanks for making me step up and finally create a bitshares account. My account name is chase-bitshares I have also resteemed your post. Thank you!


Nice info, I hear a lot about decentralized exchanges and had not jumped into them yet. However one has to keep up on the times and DEcentralized exchanges are where its at!

It's actually a survival situation for cryptocurrency. When you have an account on a centralized exchange, with a balance... Over night they change the rules, and force you to obey or your funds get locked... That is a problem. It hasn't happened once. It's happened several times.

So when you say:

DEcentralized exchanges are where its at

It is true. But some people insist on losing their money, coins and funds first, before they look for the better way. I'm sorry they have to see it first, but some people insist on it.

Yes, it happened to me on Bittrex just the other day. I wake up one day and they decided to announce the delisting of Trig, then they locked the wallet for withdraws. Grrr just change the rules whenever they want.

I am a late comer to the Crypto World, But bitshares is one of the first, what i like to call, Alts with a purpose, that I discovered. It allows contracts, user created assets, prediction markets, trading, borrowing, shorting, lending...

It has taught me alot about the crypto space. And I discovered so many great people and projects, Steemit, because of my activity on Bts.

I would suggest everyone get a Bts/Openledger account if for nothing else the easy and trust free trading available. some shops only acceept one type of coin. I can get any I need of the DEX.

Bts account is glitchout01

Thank you for furthering the community, resteamed to my followers, lets get some votes rolling. :)


PS, Wanted to share this as it is a eye opener.

@glitchout01 I'm impressed. You've done your research.

There are hundreds of alt-coins.

There are many centralized exchanges to trade those coins.

There is only a bare few decentralized exchanges that allow the owner of the coins the power to keep access to their coins without deposting them into a centralized exchange database like bitshares.

When you said:

It allows contracts, user created assets, prediction markets, trading, borrowing, shorting, lending...

You are right. However, only 1 out of 500 people know this... I plan to cover many of these topics. You are a very informed and educated person about this subject. Very nice to see.

I keep having this feeling when Bitcoin was 25 cents, and people were trying to convince people to buy Bitcoin and don't worry when it hits $1.00 dollar, people didn't listen.

This is the exact same problem Bitshares is having. The opportunity is obvious. Yet only a small number of people listen. It's crazy for me to watch.

But!! It won't stay this way for long... just like Bitcoin. Once people see the numbers, they are going to wish they got into it early (even for free)... the chance is now.

Thanks, I have done some homework, but must always do more. :)

I have learned that I have the ability to take technical overcomplicated things and simplify for people to understand. Plus it helps I like to take things apart and see how they tick. :)

Looking forward to your next installment to see what knowledge I can glean from it.

Thanks -Glitch

Bitshares is an amazing platform to enter world of crypto.
My account: generosus-1

The more I look into bts the more solid it seems. Longterm basis pillar.
bts: paradigm-prospector

So seems I am one of the few visitors :-). I stumbled over your post because a couple of days ago I got my wallet. Still everything is quite new to me, but I am learning. Here comes my account name: saluton1
Look at the price today! Time to buy.

I'm already a user of but anyway, appreciate your help and initiative.
my bitshares account is: toofastedie-1

Thank you for this wonderful piece of information, will look into bitshares now and create my account... Will be back with my username as soon as I read your previous post. Thanks once again

I have created a bitshares wallet! Am I able to send STEEM or SBD directly to it?

Yes, but it's named different. While browsing around, look for a Bitshares dex token named OPEN.STEEM and OPEN.SBD

Also in the menus, you'll see DEPOSIT or WITHDRAWAL on the Dashboard which allows you to choose Open.X as your gateway to deposit steem or withdrawal it.

But you're ahead here. I didn't explain any of this yet. :)

The more I look into this, the more appealing it becomes! Thanks for you tutorial!

Alternatively you can turn STEEM/SBD directly into BTS using!
It's very easy and super quick- but the fee might be higher than you can get otherwise.

I'd say nominally higher. Not vastly higher. Would you agree?

I find that between the steem and bitshares blockchains, it's a pretty low fee!
However BTC, LTC and ETH are usually higher.
Some people say it's a ton higher. My experience is that it's moderately higher. Not a whole lot, but enough to say so.

Thanks for the offer, I was kind of surprised the other day when I sent some whaleshares to buy STEEM (upvote), I guess obviously they don't buy as much STEEM as they used to. Peace / clumsy-silverdad / resteemed

Look at the website first. BeyondBits whale has more SP than the whaleshares whale at the moment.

Long time hodler of BTS here, saw it going from 04 to 40 back to 05 and then up and now down. BTS has shaken everything out of me ;)


I'm going to give you free advice and a hint.

While everyone fluffed off "HERO" smart coin. It is times like these that HERO became extremely important. Try re-reading what you missed. HERO would have preserved your BTS position. If you understood it when the time became extremely important.

To overstate it. When BTS was constantly going up, no one cared about borrowing HERO into existence.

When BTS was dropping, HERO was worth borrowing. No one got that. Until after the aftermath where people are finally going to learn to understand HERO

Hey, thanks man. But its easier to say that than do it, lol I wrote an article a month ago What to do when your crypto investment goes south, but forgot to follow it :) More like, its really hard to "see" that its going down when the BTS believer in you tells you its going to rebound, every 5 minutes.

Am still going to look further into HERO and what you said. Thanks!

I have had a bitshares account for a about two weeks now with user name david1ekpin, the platform seems to be a bit confusing even for a developer like me. Because of this post I will take my time and study how things work there till i get the hang of it, am sure an hour a day will put me up to speed, thanks for sharing boss.

If you need any help there is a huge community out there. Feel free to hit any of us up in chat or on the various discords.
Mine is glitchout01#4855 for anyone who would like to contact me for assistance with anything crypto. If I dont know it we can figure it out together. :)

A very nice invitation to help someone else out. You get a special upvote for that.

thanks alot for wanting to help, will reach out

Tell you something. I got invested in Bitshares potential almost 2-3 years ago. I only felt confident trading with it just recently. There was plenty of documentation, but the more I read it confused me.

It was only through hard trial and error I learned how powerful it was...

That's why I intend to slowly step through a tutorial... in a digestible way, that will bring others on board who can benefit from this technology.

I won't hurry it. I'll purposely be slow and succinct in the way I explain it. This will help a lot of people.. and months from now, when someone asks "I am new to Bitshares. I am confused", even if I don't get any payouts from my old blog posts, leading them here will help people for the help I wish I had. :)

Part of paying it forward I guess...

It takes time to adapt to bitshares, there always are things that you don't know - yet!
and everyday comes with new knowledge - your comment about borrowing HERO blew my mind, thank you for opening my eyes to something new! also there are millions of people that require this eye opening and as a growing community it is our duty to help newcomers!

I await this tutorial, thank u

my account name is error51. I signed up a while ago on openledger. However, it looks like steem and sbd are not in my list for withdrawals. Is there a different route that some of you are using?

from @inquiringtimes:

It's also super easy to turn your Steem or sbd to bts transferred into your bitshares wallet (I use via the main page.


One thing to realize. If STEEM can do 3 second Blocktimes and fast confirmations, so can Bitshares. Moving from STEEM, SBD, or BTS is suppose to be just as quick, and as strong. (They are both run by Graphene technology as the backbone code). My coming posts will demonstrate.

Love me some bitshares just became lifetime member and have been moving all my coins over. With correction I have also been picking up a few extra bts. Dcliff82

Is Dclif82 your bitshare username, to be sure to where I might send the free BTS to ?

Yes sir dcliff82 is my bitshares address

I want to continue learning how to use BitShare and this great idea I learn and win Bts, I join this great training and for more know how to use BitShare as centralized exchange each time will be locked and need to bitshare to be used by all

my bitshares is: historia-fitness

Good job. You are now participating in the free chance draw / free giveaway by having a bitshares wallet.

If you re-steem (not asking you to, it is your decision), I guarantee something will show up in your bitshares wallet.

I am super excited by the development of the UI (Tradingview!!) and the big kahuna, AriseBank (allowing for a TRULY decentralized ecosystem). Here's hoping that everything works out for BTS! Thanks for the awesome article and for promoting BTS! Cheers :)

ID: tmdhml

Account: egor-ravid

While there is a massacre on the market and everything is collapsing, it is important to remember that Bitshares still has the best tech on the market. The fundamentals are still there. Fill your bags with this dip, it may be the last one.

When you say "everything is collapsing".. do you mean the wall of red numbers on

Yes, I meant the collapsing price. You don't have to go to cmc, just open your bitshares wallet. Now, I'm no professional trader nor analyst, so I am far from understanding the reason for this drop and, even more importantly, why do people still let btc price to affect everything. But I am very optimistic about bitshares' future. Some great news from Stan about the enterprise alliance could probably send bts flying up amidst this red sea and finally break this stupid peg to bitcoin

The drop is not because BTS value isn't worth it, as you know. All coins drop in relation to Bitcoin.

BTS is a strong opportunity because it has strong "utility" which is huge in the cryptospace.

Right now, injecting fiat or any new comer to BTS gets a real nice chance to get in before it changes (which it will) in 2018.

We were 84 cents earlier. I predict we'll be above $2.00 by January 2019

That's exactly what I'm talking about - the fundamentals are there for BTS, the only reason for this drop is BTC. Which is pretty stupid if you ask me.
Why the hell is everything valued relatively to bitcoin? Take ethereum for example, they are doing their own thing, have nothing to do with bitcoin. Granted, they have issues and it's a pretty crap platform right now, but why does the price follows btc drop? It's like if walmart shares would drop if microsoft were declaring bankruptcy

I like it let's get as many people into BitShares as possible .. Thank you

ok, here it goes,
my account is felander-a on bitshares and i have had it for a few months, mainly using it to

  • buy the Builteam tokens, first in the auctions and now in the staking
  • also to sell of some of my pocket coins and turn that into BTS as well.
    but I am now very confused, when you are doing one of your tutorials could you explain how i can enter crypto-bridge and bitshares with the same password and account but that only my pocket shows up on the bridge account and not my BTS.
    How can I send from one to another if its kinda the same account but different???

keep up the tutorials, very informative

upvoted and resteemed

Good post dude !

Thanks a lot of discuss about the cyptocurranec. Waiting your next post

Great read! Upvoted!

This is the start of investing in BTS.
My account is mkrVx0.

Thank you!

I have Bitshares and I fully believe in it. My friend @felander got me into it and explained me what it is happening behind it and I'm a believer. The guys are hoping to make this available for the 'normal' day-to-day currency flows and it would be the next thing in my opinion. So the sooner you're in it, the more you're going to benefit from this on the long run! I already have a bitshares account, as I said, I got into it a little while back. My account is w0lfje

That's so nice of you! can't wait for the results @intelliguy
my bts username: alexandraioana26
resteemed already

My Bitshares wallet is : dovahkiin-1
Really appreciate that you are so kindly help each other here.
Done re-steem this post.

I always take all my Sbd here to Bitshares via blocktrades.. My confidence in bitshares is 1000% and I'm a proud bitsharevangelist. wallet id- jemimah1

Simple interface for investors in cryptocurrencies and blockchains. Agile platform capable of providing a diversity of investments. Tested team that continues to innovate blockchain possibilities.

openledger account : jacobts2

Looking forward to learning all about bts I'm pretty new to all this but i have used blocktrades before which is very simple
Not sure my comment is worth much but my bts name is dune-69

As regulation and lawmakers begin to clamp down on centralized exchanges, BitShares is becoming more and more necessary!

BTS: jeffjagoe-24

Thanks for the opportunity! @intelliguy

Complete newcomer in the crypto world here... Thanks for the useful information. BTS account username: lor-enzo

Damn ... I'm late... I read some of your posts and I realy liked. So I gonna follow you and in the next time I will be ready! 👌

bitshares is the only exchange I use, I love it. Awesome of you for holding this intelliguy <3
bts name : krazy-krista

I got started with bitshare about the same time I got started here on steemit. The UI is simply beautiful and easy to understand for the most part granted some inelegance and walk through will be needed at first. But bitshares is awesome in that it allows for multipul other tokens to be sold and used on their system. This opens up the entire bitshares community to develop their own coins for their own purpose. I see this growing as it becomes easier to create your own sub cryptos.

Bitshare is really a great investment. I love the platform in that I can buy also whaleshares and hairshares which are really useful to steam

Bitshare username : dha-yor01

After a research, Bitshares became my first option on altcoins. And it´s not my first option in crypto, because Bitcoin still is the mother of all cryptocurrencies

Finally got myself into Bitshares; It'll definitely be a valuable tool if governments step in to regulate centralized exchanges. And the best thing: It's and actual working product! How rare is that in today's crypto space where most of the coins are merely ideas.

Hope I'm not too late!

My username: gil-galad

Now, give me those bitches... I mean, Bitshares

b-8asic username

I am already wanted to open the account here to try it, after having a hard time with my last decentralized exchange, Bisq. Let's see how it looks like.

I wasnt to gone on the UI of openledger, but more and more I am seeing this format. It seems there are some new masternode exchanges working of bitshares.

Upvoted, resteemed openledger paula-01

There are 2 pages