The List of ICO's Under Investigation in China is Out!

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

I Was Seriously Underwhelmed By the List.

On the entire list the only ICO I knew anything about was Binance. Now, I am really thinking that the FUD caused by the China news was way overblown.

See the List Here - Chinese Government Reveals List of 60 ICOs Under Investigation

A list purportedly naming 60 different companies slated for investigation and monitoring surfaces on the internet after China’s ICO crackdown.

Like usual government interference in the crypto currency markets is given way more weight than they should be given. It is like giving a neighbor power over the decisions in your house.

When the Gov Fud Comes the Best We Can Do is Position Ourselves for Profit.

Update from the Binance team.

Hi Everyone,

Regarding the recent announcement from China's PBoC banning all ICOs, we are working around the clock on a solution that will fully satisfy the new regulations in China, while preserving and enhancing features that are valuable to our western community, which accounts for more than 81% of our user base. We will share more details as they become available. Please be patient as we work through this process.

Thank you for your support!


Yup... "But it still work."
"Ok I try. Herro internet? We ban ICOs now!"

I started laughing out loud at this cartoon. Like @hilarski said - so messed up, but so true. Hopefully, the next time something like that happens I'll be in a better position to buy more, because wow.

So messed up, but oh so true.

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RandyHilarski Randy Hilarski tweeted @ 06 Sep 2017 - 03:29 UTC

The List of ICO's Under Investigation in #China is Out!
#ICO #Bitcoin #Ethereum #Binance #Crypto…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Look, a sea of green! Great post thanks!


Pump and dump requires a price drop for the buy back.

Owning the media is handy for that...

Excellent point. I agree 100 percent.

this was just a joke. fud there, people had panic and we had profit. simple.
Hope it will happens again.

WOW, I am in agreement with you. The only one I am aware of is Binance as well.

puts on tin foil hat

Could it be, that the State entities around the world, institutions, and the organizations that support them inject FUD into the space so they can scoop up some more cheap coin? Wash the weak hands out at a loss? Ohhh, it is possible and probable imo.

As much as I love the free market, this is Capitalism 101. Once you know how to spot it, it loses its power. I hope many of your readers weren't duped into selling at a loss, especially after the rebound we had today in the market.

Retweeted. Get the word out.

Of course they do, if not they will be made to look foolish.

ICOs are the real crypto bubble. They're bound to implode sooner or later, probably taking Ethereum down with them. This is the part of the sector that looks like the dotcom boom and bust of the 90s.

Here's Binance's newest response:

China PBoC Update

7 minutes ago Updated 

Hi Everyone,

Regarding the recent announcement from China's PBoC banning all ICOs, we are working around the clock on a solution that will fully satisfy the new regulations in China, while preserving and enhancing features that are valuable to our western community, which accounts for more than 81% of our user base. We will share more details as they become available. Please be patient as we work through this process.

Thank you for your support!

looks like banning facebook is not enough. consumer should be free to make choices. hmm and I am afraid that they will ban steemit if we talk to much about them lol

great contest! China news was way overblown.

It is crazy how the Chinese government is able to manipulate the price of Bitcoin but I guess that is what we are going to have to be used to for a couple of decades before bitcoin becomes more stable but I guess in the end it is easy to manipulate any markets as it's been happening for ages

You are so right with this comment, the governments world wide have being doing this for years, at least we are now able to get into the game as well.

Market tend to get effected so quick by these fud. I hope in future we all can absorb such fud and avoid huge dumps.

Bring on the dumps. I'm okay with buying the dumps and selling two days later. Over and over and over again!

These are actually ICO platforms, like in Gibraltar, not individual ICOs.

I've only heard of a couple of those. You're right, there's always profit to be made.

thanks for your update is china news. whatever it is wait.
100% like and resteem

Binance refunded TRON, which as freaking huge, and sold out in practically minutes!

The struggle in China right now is real, and my NEO wallet is really feeling it. :'(

I do hope Red Pulse for example survives the regulations, because it was definitely going to be a driving factor for NEO price recovery. Fingers crossed!

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I have no idea how they can skip coins like TBC and OneCoin.

The list are only ones based in China.

What's interesting against this post is that I came to it from a cryptocurrency group on Facebook. In fact from Fb to Twitter and then to your post.

Binance (BNB) is a much hyped coin within crypto community at the moment. I'm afraid the coin will become the next victim of unnecessary FUD (once again). Anything going viral will bring the price down.

Let's see what happens. Market can go crazy on little things.

You're quite right. The banned list really looks unimpressive. Points to you for the ability to sort hype from reality and make profitable trades with that perspective.

Given this list it really makes no sense for established, top-tier cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to sell off like they did following the "news." I guess that's what emotionalism combined with trading does to the market though.

I've never done day trading so what this makes me think of most at the moment is the negative hype in the US about the "dirty" VW diesels. I owned a diesel VW Jetta at the time. It wasn't a top-of-the-line car so I didn't love it but it was practical, functional and averaged 43 MPG during the time I had it. When I decided to upgrade and wanted to sell the VW I was doing pricing research and realized that all the negative news had dropped the price of VW diesels by $2000 or more.

There was no change in car function. Everyone's Volkswagens worked just as well as prior to the news but nonetheless it was easy to find news clips with worried owners talking about how they don't know what they are going to do and how they were really upset. Too easily manipulated those folks.

Thanks for sharing the ICO list!

@hilarski The titles of your topics sound really good, inspiring and helpful for newbies:))

Upvoted and resteemed! motive is encouraged to steemers from {Resteemed and Upvote}.

I was worried because Binance was on the list, but their statement is reassuring.

ICOs are the bubble that will pop, not cryptocurrencies.

Very nice contest! China News was way overblown.

@hilarski - Good new Sir. Now my coins are showing green. Nice information you shared Sir. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

China government has a way of manipulating and pokenosing into cryptocurrencies in a bad way. However, reliable cryptocurrencies will weather the storm.

that is great!!!

nice post

this must stop some shitty ico's from china and market is all green again cheers.

I would hate to have the neighbor making decision on my house.

Wow that's a big news! And I think now market back to green! Thanks for sharing such useful post with us!@hilarski,


amigo #resteemia at your service

i didn't see NEO in that list. did you? anyway useful info shared @hilarski

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

-Excellent post thanks for sharing

Thank you for the link to the document.
I think it is very healthy that they start regulating ICOs to prevent scam projects and Ponzi schemes.

I am quite sure they will change their decisions and remove the ban after proper investigation.

Might been, and seems so far like it's been a good thing. Besides, I can get my EOS so cheap now muahaha 😈

Thanks for the link,and looks like market recovered quite well :)

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Thanks for this update @hilarski

Market tend to get effected so quick by these fud. I hope in future we all can absorb such fud and avoid huge dumps.