List of Crypto Terms. Courtesy of the Decent.Bet Team

in #bitcoin8 years ago


Anyone got any new ones to add to the list
✔️ Altcoin
Any Crypto Currency other than bitcoin
✔️ ASHDrakes
A situation where you lost all your money.
✔️ BagHolder
A person who buys and hold coins in large quantity hoping to make good profits in the future.
✔️ BEAR or BEARISH Negative price movement
Buy The Fucking Dip (an indication to buy a coin when it has dumped so hard)
Positive price movement
Long green or red candles
To Sell off a coin
✔️ Dumping
Downward price movement
Do Your Own Research
✔️ FA
Fundamental Analysis
Fear Of Missing Out (A coin is pumping and you get the feeling it’s gonna pump more, so you buy high)
✔️ FUD
Fear Uncertainty & Doubt
Hold/Hold a position
Joy Of Missing Out
Margin Bull Position
Market Capitalization
Continuous upward movement of price
✔️ OTC
Over The Counter
Upward price movement
✔️ SAJ Candle
Huge green candle
A coin with no potential value or use
Margin bear position
Zig zag price movement ( Upwards & Downwards )
When you have a bad loss
✔️ TA
Technical Analysis
Someone who is always wrong predicting price movements.
✔️ RSI
Relative Strength Index
Very Wealthy trader/Market mover.
✔️ FML
Fuck My life

If You Have Anymore Let Me know in the Comments.



STACKIN = Accumulation lol

Nice comment

I think Shitcoin is easily guessable. 😄But I found this quite helpful, was wondering about some of these in some of the articles I was reading lately.

actually this post are really very good thinking

The word has not only to spread,


Sir really very good article use ,great post

Really nice info given by you. Thanks for sharing such great post with us.

Nice post.. Very short but educate and fun

Sir this post are really great ,this is short educate and fun

Great post.

Thanks @hilarski, the necessary information for beginning traders!

yea the necessary information for beginning traders!

The list is complete. Great job, you have included everything @hilarski.

Great post. I thought "bag holder" also means after the large purchase, the value tanks, I've certainly been there before!

Definitely Bag Hodlers are long regardless of the price.

amigo #resteemia at your service

you got it. nice work @hilarski

'UpVote ReSteem Comment'

Wow thanks for this terms.
This last week i used to see so much usage of HODL,FUD.... and i did not understand the terms.

I am completely a newbie and i have bookmarked this for future reference.
Thanks for this list(i am now an expert hahahaha).

‌‌‌Thanks for giving me good information. great post hilarski!

Thanks, there are acronyms I did not know, especially this post is good for what we started. ;)

I would add,
OMG - "Oh my God" related both to winning and losing streak. :)

Funny that is also OMiseGo. So be careful with that one ;)

@hilarski - This is the 1st time I heard most of them Sir. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Thanks for the valuable information about crpto term. Please friend you are genius enough to provide such a valuable lesson from which everyone can benefit a lot. Thanks again, wish you good luck good health and happiness friend.

Informative and entertaining. I can think of another one, but the last one on your list covers it. look forward to additions. Thank you.

This definitely is useful for some new crypto users here.
There are some in this list I never knew.
Maybe 'ATH' - All Time High

DILDO , I cannot stop laughing after watching this to be in the list.

Saw a list like this here on Steemit yesterday - can't remember where. Having said that, there are several more that I don't recognize at all. 😖

Thanks for sharing, very useful peace of information especially for people new to Crypto

A few more . .

This one comes by way of courtesy from 4chan/biz . . is KYS - Kill Yourself . . apparently only for XRP hodlers

BFRN - Bif Fat Round Number - a psychological barrier or support level. Like btc and 5000 usd.

LoL - Little Old Lady - A simple trading strategy of buying at low end of ranges and setting sell orders for half of your stake on a double, getting you a free position the rest of the way.

Shiller - A person or group who buys a coin and then hypes it up so people will buy up a coin, hitting their sell orders.

I love to short BFRN!

You found it :D That's nice friend! What is this, is this safe platform to bet? Then I am interesting about it!@hilarski,


Yes, it is an online gambling site.

didn't know half of them, thank you!

Decent Bet puede tener mucho futuro, definitivamente invertiré en esta ICO!

thanks for sharing those terms i like the most FML

Bookmarked - I do not have enough of this stuff to worry about, but you never know! And it is definitely hard to understand you guys on some of these posts. Thank you for this help :)

I have a job for my brain tonight) Thank you, I have to teach this)

Hmm, knew like little less than half of that ^.^


RandyHilarski Randy Hilarski tweeted @ 06 Sep 2017 - 16:28 UTC

List of #Crypto Terms. Courtesy of the Decent.Bet Team

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Hahaha. Dildo? That's hilarious.

Maybe more related to bullion slang, but there is TPTB (the powers that be) and PPT (plunge protection team).

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Thank you @hilarski for sharing this tips.

Upvoted and resteemed

There are some in this list I never knew.
great post......

nice!!! thanks for this, i'm going to skip this, thank you again for the recommendation :)

upvoted and resteemed

i hold none of them :(

nice post.

Thanks the good information. @Hilarski

Nice list Randy. Most of them are new for me!

Hmmm... I think I may be a bagholder