Bitcoin Destination - "Moon"!

I Don't Know What is Going to Happen After the Bitcoin Gold Hardfork But I Do Know I Couldn't Care Less.
See the Original Tweet by LedgerHQ.
I believe that Bitcoin is going to shake off the Bitcoin Gold hardfork like a bad case of fleas. So I am going to go about my business and ignore it. This also means that I will not move Bitcoin around for the sole purpose of receiving free Bitcoin Gold. I did the same with the Bitcoin Cash during its hardfork and it worked out fine.
I'm ignoring Bitcoin Gold and accumulating cheap alts instead, hope it works out :)
I doubt any reputable exchange will touch that thing with 10-foot pole. I believe Coinbase said it will not be listing it. Maybe some of the small, less-known exchanges may list it.
As for the BTG effect on the price of BTC: it will probably be a non-event. I think the current rally is driven by the ICO mania. Every time I re-load the coinmarket cap page, there's a different ICO popup advertisement.
I've seen so many over the past few days that I can't even recall the names of half of them, much less what they're about. Absolute madness!
I havent looked into BTG much...what is the major drawback to it.
I feel it is a non-issue since it seems the BTC crowd cares nothing about forks. The developers seem hard at work staying on the BTC blockchain.
Drawback for me is the unnecessary inflation. They should just go start their own coin. It also causes a huge distraction.
I really is much ado about nothing. Just noise to me.
Many are questioning even the validity of the new coin. I think BTC marches on regardless of what BTG does. Most will take the free money, watch it run up a bit, then dump it.
By Dec 1, BTC will be back on its path towards $10K....Nov might see a hicccup because of all that is going on.
Totally agree with your points, no use jumping around, keep with what is already offering useful ideas trading into the market.
Let those who go on a wild goose chase, enjoy, I will sit tight, continue to grow passively.
@hilarski I like the Alts with the dip in price, not to worried about the Bitcoin Forking...................
And I would have moved, but I do not know where. So far, too few exchanges and purses have announced its support.
nice post!
For me it's good opportunity to buy steem and other alts so just great :)
@hilarski - Sir, you shared an useful information... I was confused by upcoming fork... but you told me what should I do next.... Nice article Sir
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
I'm buying both alts and BTC. I did however get all my BTC in one wallet to be able to get the BTG fork profits. Thank you for sharing your opinion on this though.
By the way I'm on level three row 4. I have a window seat next to the wet bar on the BTC Rocket. Cheers!🍸🍸🍹
this fork is 100% useless imho.
No one cares about it, btc will go to the moon.
Any update from exchanges? Crypto Exchange announces it will have BTG wallets ready before Bitcoin Hard Fork — @Steemit
WEX (the new BTC-e) won't support it.
I am not worried about BTC at all.
There is a ton of development going on with apps being created all over the place. This will make for a sensational run.
The tech giants who threw out the absurd prices for BTC know something. When you have the support of guys like Gates and McAfee, two guys who know a bit about the tech world, that is saying something.
Long Live Bitcoin Core :)
BTC Rocket and Free BTC Gold :D Nice combination! Thanks for the tip friend!@hilarski,
I'm with you on this. Bitcoin and Steem for me. Great post!
Two topics I wrote about today so I cant disagree with you in the slightest.
You are right LOL
yo pienso hacer lo mismo con mi pequeña cantidad jajaj. saludos amigo.
btc is going to the moon. nice post @hilarski
hii dear @hilarski, nice updates,nice suggestions, yes you are right that Bitcoin is going as high that go to moon.
Steem on!
I did a big mistake. When bitcoin releases my friend told me to buy it. But i didn't and now I feel foolish in front of him :/
everything now that will come will make bitcoin to the moon bitcoin has now become unstoppable
beat us if you can haha
that's cool btc gold get some free
Bitcoin has really been a force to be reckoned with. What will the value of the Bitcoin Gold be? Surely it can't be where BCH is now can it? (Though I like the name a lot better).
Id be interested to know your views on the bitcoingold wallet and coin claim process as it appears on their twitter @btcgpu and sites. When i saw the claim site this morning it seemed to be a possible scam - asked for the private key of your btc account to claim gold NOW. have printed an article about an hour ago which confirms the gold will not be created on the blockchain but must be claimed . It doesnt mention that it cn be claimed already, or that dedicated wallet is available. I downloaded the wallet to android this afternoon , then panicked when it asked for btc wallet seed or private key and posted a warning here. But since then ive searched harder and become increasingly unsure... Maybe they are just doing as much as possible to ensure the free coins are claimed, so increasing the chances of its survival? Its just that keys apparently need to be handed over before the btc is removed that makes me nervous! Id love to hear your thoughts ...
Any update from exchanges?
Nope, check their website or each of the exchanges on Twitter.
Don't spam, I answered your other comment...
Why would I spam first of all? Am I getting $100? Have a look at my reputation score, spamming doesn't take you there. Might be due to some network issue or I have mistaken to click on the post button twice. Yes, the mistake is from my end and that doesn't mean I am a spammer. It is really not wise of you to comment such thing without knowing the facts.
"Spam" is when more than one message is sent, and it doesn't have to be intentional or make any money.
I was providing you with value, both to indicate that I had already provided you with value on your other comment, and to indicate that you had posted twice.
It's entirely up to you how you decide to take it.
I too foresee bitcoin maintaining its meteoric rise despite the BTG hardfork. HODL
We'll try out some swinging into Neo, Litecoin and Ether... let's see how it worked out in a couple of days :-)
Smart advice.
Unfortunately, I barely have anything invested right now. I had to spend a lot of it on hospice care, so now I'm just kind of watching the train leave. lol
I'm working on an influx of posts, so hopefully I can get lucky with those.
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Bitcoin top level ! Rocket
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bitcoin price is high and offering to buy bitcoin gold, but hence look at reputation between them, bitcoin already half way to moon where bitcoingold on far way behind! i think hold on only bitcoin.
Man no matter what BTC is flying over the top and to the Moon
Cada vez que puedo chequear tu blog, me encuentro con temas de altísimo interés. He aprendido aquí, que una buena inversión son las monedas que tienen poco valor y tienen tendencia ala alza, o por lo menos, lo tendrá en algún momento. Respecto del BTG, hasta ahora no produce en mí el deseo de ver esta nueva moneda. Parece un ataque frontal en contra del BTC para bajar su precio, aunque dudo mucho que esto lo afecte.