Bitcoin Says It Is Time to Get a Job!

in #bitcoin7 years ago


I Just Woke Up to Mayhem in the Bitcoin and Crypto Markets.

  1. Bitcoin is doomed.
  2. Governments are banning crypto.
  3. Banks are closing accounts.
  4. The futures markets will be used to keep Bitcoin down.

How I Feel About It.

  1. It feels good to HODL.
  2. Bitcoin is up $11k in the last year.
  3. Everything is on sale.
  4. We can get back to business as usual.

Lambo's are Expensive to Maintain.

There are 2 pages

I am at the HODL mode and collecting BTS, EOS, STEEM, ADA in the panic market time!@hilarski,


Coincidence??? Multi-Year Bitcoin Crash Pattern... Like Clockwork BTC Has Crashed 25-35% For 4 Years In A Row Starting 23-24 Days Before Chinese New Year

Thanks for the good laugh!
What happened? Just the same Asian stories that S Korea is considering stricter AML policy and even considering closure of Crypto Exchanges as well as China is planning to do the same... But is this something new to you? We are being bombarded with the same type of news since September 2017.
Plain and simple: one of cryptoplayers with above than averaged cryptoassets is selling own stack (yes, the market is very thin, even some of your orders can move it slightly), then the crowd sees the plunging prices and joins this race. That's it!

I have no regret for keeping my BTC, Lambos can be so expensive. the patience is worth it.

I am very surprised what has been done in some countries that prohibit bitcoin. but through the development of digital currency, all people in the world will meraskan revolution the most powerful later. hopefully we are part of it to develop it. I feel comfortable with the presence of bitcoin. thanks for sharing sir. i like you

This is clear indication that the thought process is different.
What gos up must come down. It is the usual thing.
If you just purchase some altcoins or BTC, just HODL or buy more cause it is less expensive.
Keep on steemit.

in my opinion, almost all governments in the world fear the bitcoin revolution. this is due to some ruling factor that can not provide ground as an excuse for not receiving bitcoin. big ruling powers but a lot of debt becomes an obstacle for them. JP Morgan belongs to a company that thinks silly about this. they do not have enough reason to go against the bitcoin. we are here to continue to support this. may the future of the world be brighter through digital currency. thanks for sharing sir.

many of the world's countries have given unrealistic reasons. I see in Indonesia many observers who talk about digital currency that could endanger the future of the country later. but instead they do a lot of it. I became confused about this. but they do not feel what they have just said to deceive themselves. I will always like the bitcoin development system. I am feeling comfortable here. may digital currencies become an advanced economic revolution. thanks sir.

I heard it’s the new year in China and everyone is profiting there but I feel like we should not panic and this is the time to HODL because 2018 just began and crypto will rise after every great fall

Crypto is future, that is enough reason to hold.

This is exactly what we are going through:

Basically everyone here owns some Steem. We have a key to the future, owning a piece of the blockchain that will change everything.

Crypto always crashes... always goes back up.

Newbies thinking this is the end and selling and veterans knowing it will dip and selling to buy more on the bottom... and hodlers just hodling haha

Yeah it s time to invest on it..Blockchain will change the world. Bitcoin is its first case use.
After all, this is just a way of creating something , with limited supply that can't copied and can be transferred over the internet. A currency is the first case use, there will be countless others. Eventually, most assets will be transferred in this way, and its why the DTCC is so into blockchain. However, a decentralised blockchain will always be more secure than a centralised one. Bitcoin isn't going away.

i think still buying and hodl cryptos are wise decision and this year we will surely see more growth in crypto space.

Haha ..everything is against you have any idea what happened to market there anything serious?

Just the usual FUD out of Asia.

Apparently Korea but in the bigger picture it's all about venom against decentralized world by the centralized money advocates.

It's happened the past 4 years like clockwork. China New Year.

i am still hodl still your next suggestion hilarski sir

It is strongly recommended that you consult with a licensed financial professional before using any information provided here . Any market data or news commentary used here is for illustrative and informational purposes only.
Trading involves a high level of risk. Future results can be dramatically different from the opinions expressed herein. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. Consult an investment professional before investing.

Side-effects include nausea, vomiting, acute transitory aphasia, smurtlhopr

...always read the label.

Exactly my feelings and thank you for this:

How I Feel About It.
It feels good to HODL.
Bitcoin is up $11k in the last year.
Everything is on sale.
We can get back to business as usual.

Coming soon:

Good job @hilarski.

Steem On!

This is not seems good @hlarski:

Bitcoin Says It Is Time to Get a Job!

Anyways I believe HODL is the best policy right now. I buy some more coins. Let's see what happened next. Keep sharing dear!

HODL and bought some ADA EOS and IOTA in this sale.

Any states do everything against BTC. So be patience.
BTC moon soon.@hilarski, Thank you for the one part of BTC post. Yep...I agreed these days bitcoin dip lot of margins. I saw today dropped over passed $1. This time better for the but BTC and keep HODL. Korean and France banned some crypto exchanges. But I think after the April BTC will start rise again with other cryptos. I trust bitcoin yet. This is only my opinion..

Even so, I still feel fine.

Sir, I agree with you. The government is now unable to stop the Bitcoin on the right track. So says Bitcoin is illegal. Bitcoin will be sued for those who deal with them. The government says that Bitcoin is causing unnecessary confusion over users. Bitcoin will never stop in my opinion. Because Bitcoin is the future generation coin.

As you said Sir @hilarski, Government now disallows Cryptocurrency, now this issue has occurred in my nation Indonesia, the Central Government is endeavoring to boycott any exchange with respect to the Bitcoin. On the off chance that I may ask counsel from you Sir, what should we do with a specific end goal to settle on such a choice won't keep going long, in light of the fact that as an individual from steemit and furthermore as the understudies about the universe of digital money this is a hindrance to us. This reality likewise influences clients of steemit in our nation.

I was blown away to see the market today! It is funny I was talking with a friend while driving yesterday and the topic was about blockchain saving the world with it's ability to democratize the world and allow easy transfer of wealth...that is unless the governments crack down with massive corporate interest.

I am going to focus on your second and more positive list!

There are some rational reasons to keep calm and carrying on hodling. Serious investors are just getting interested in a market that has so far been dominated by crypto nerds and retail investors.

upvoted // resteem

Thats how I've felt the whole day, I feel like I'm talking people off the ledge and I'm over here just hanging out like nothing is wrong. I've witnessed multiple drops and every time BTC has recovered 200%+ each time. I know its painful to see your money to disappear but calm down and go outside and enjoy life.

Everyone at work : BITCOIN IS CRASHING ! ! ! !
Me : No its on sale, go go and buy some more.

Weak hands are leaving lol, I think the next bull run will happen soon.

Whatever they do, bitcoin will no longer be unavoidable

Good post hilarski:)

How I Feel About It.
It feels good to HODL.

So I'm bit relax now after reading your views on the Market. Thanks again!Hahahahahahaha. Great Response from you Sir @hilarski:

There is no substantial reason to panic, it is just the usual dip. BTC is bouncing back soon

Haha. Stay tight!! Storm is ending slowly. Every january same thing. It will blow for sure.

As you said Sir @hilarski, Government now prohibits Cryptocurrency, now this problem has happened in my country Indonesia, the Central Government is trying to ban any transaction regarding the Bitcoin. If I may ask advice from you Sir, what should we do in order to make such a decision will not last long, because as a member of steemit and also as the students about the world of cryptocurrency this is an obstacle to us. This fact also affects users of steemit in our country. Suggestions and feedback from you might be a little help Sir. Thanks.

Hold hold and hold is the smart movement now banks and governments are trying to eliminate the power of our hands but they can't do nothing because we are in a new money revolution. Regards

Yeah, Cryptocurrency and bitcoins is our future.
And we have to work according to it.
For getting benefits and achieve our goals to become more success.

Thanks @hilarski sir for sharing this post.😊


Upvoted +Resteemed your post.

I believe in power of HODL.

Very good,good job..


🐒 Hold LONG POSITION using this system

The Bitcoin price is from the Coinbase trading platform GDAX .
The Steem price is from Bittrex

🐒 As of today ending trades for System # 6 using Bitcoin are 12 Total trades , 10 Profits , 2 Losses , 83.33% accurate and a profit per Bitcoin of $7,815

🐒 As of today ending trades for System # 6 using Steem are 12 Total trades , 10 Profits , 2 Losses , 83.33% accurate and a profit per Steem of $3.66


but is it fear for crypto and why goverments banning it?yes i also shoked to see the market today is too down but no worry we hodl and wait for a good time which will come in some days again @hilarski thanx for your give advice for it..

your post helpfully for me

Off course most of the countries are against the digital currencies..we don't know what will happen in future from our govt side..that's the big issue raise now a days.. @hilarski

Bitcoin disciples argue its price will rise further, viewing volatility as a necessary bump on the path to even higher valuations.

Haha love the optimism. As more and more parties become involved in the crypto world there will be more and more attempts at manipulation. On these red days its just good to get away from the exchanges and do a little more steeming

Today, on January 16, the cryptocurrency market experienced a major correction, for the third time in the past 10 days. The price of most cryptocurrencies including bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, and Bitcoin Cash declined by around 10 percent, while small cryptocurrencies recorded larger losses.

With the exception of NEO and Monero, all of the top 20 cryptocurrencies have fallen in value. Cryptocurrencies that have recorded a decline of over 10 percent include Ripple, Cardano, Bitcoin Cash, Stellar, EOS, Dash, Tron, Bitcoin Gold, and Ethereum Classic.

i was shocked also to see the diving price.
more over i was about to cashing out some, to pay so bills.
meh, need to hodl for hodl for a bit.

Buying bitcoin and other crypto like a crazy. It like giving candy for free.
Hold, buy, hold, buy.......

Good information, very nice post. Thanks for sharing

bitcoine to the Moon and Beyond.great news.
the is the best treading is very good for us.
Yes am very happy because this is the first Good news I got this year..
I just hope this year is filled with so many good news!

                  RESTEEM DONE !!!!
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