Christopher Does a Great Job of Putting Bitcoin in Perspective.
He is selling a Crypto course but the nuggets of knowledge you can grab from this video are great. Bitcoin is on sale! What are you doing? Buying or Selling?
Did You Miss Buying Bitcoin and Other CryptoCurrencies on the Way Up?
Now you are being gifted with a second chance to get into Crypto at discounted prices.
I am new to cryptos. Only trading cryptos cos steemit came by. I just pray Bitcoin comes up again. Nice video. Thanks for sharing
Biggest risk is inaction.
This is how life rolls.
Keep on steemin'
Yes, he did a great job. Thanks for sharing. It is a great opportunity that a lot of people will miss out on due to human instinct.
I’m a big fan of this guy for some time. He was broker at Maryl lynch, after he quit he posted very interesting videos on you tube. He is pretty good.
That's exactly what all of this is... A second chance to get into cryptos with big discounts!
@hilarski i only take a Short view in the vid cause i am outdoor...! But the first minutes: true! They try to make negative promotion for cryptos cause they get panic about the power behind...afraid of the power of us!!! :-) hehehe! I will take this to my profil! Habe to see it later again ... true words the firsts minutes! Thanks
Great video... very motivating, Thanks @hilarski for sharing this amazing video...
@hilarski Everything is ON SALE Today !!!!
what an great video so inspiring
you can check my post about this crash..
All analysts say that 8K would arrive. but again breaks another support, and the word that is fashionable is HOLD
yes friend bitcoin is crashing now a days it is sad news for us😐 but i wish it will go up soon.
Its nice to describe the valuable post and important video.Hello sir @hilarski
The same people who were complaining about being late to crypto, or that others were so 'lucky' to have invested early, are the ones now selling or not buying.
It is very simple, if your stomach can't take these drops, it doesn't deserve the climbs either.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm poor as fuck but I'm buying up what I can. If I lose my couple hundred of dollars invested then so be it. I see this as an opportunity!
I'm not trying to shit on you or anything. But Green is a shill. All he wants out of his fan base is their money. He doesn't give a shit about anything other than that. I am kind of digging the message in this video though.
Did you hear anything in the video above that was incorrect? As long as he is speaking the truth about Bitcoin I am cool.
Yeah, I agree, which is why I stated I was digging the message.
good video friends, good photography.
Excelente articulo, saludos!
wow nice excellent viedo good information
very nice
I'm agree that this is 2nd chance for those who were not able to buy BTC at high price. BTC will raise once the issues resolve. Thanks for sharing valuable post @hilarski! post a great thought about better know,,,,our cryptocurrency market condition now a days so poor,,,,,so at this time,,,,i think ,,we should buy some future it would be so helpful.......
second chance to get into Crypto at discounted prices-
Thats great news for us.
Time to stack those coins! By 2020 they'll haters be saying awhhhh you were just lucky but its not luck its strategy and patience. This is the time that separates the hodlers from the bag holders. I'll be buying all the way down to $5000 if we go there. Mostly good alt coins but some Bitcoin too.
without having to listen to the whole thing, at which point of time does he explain the crash? Also Christopher Greene has a pretty poor reputation for being right. Did anyone take his course?
Great opportunity to buy. But if your capital is small, then it is better to buy other currencies, in my opinion. The maximum growth of bitcoin is 10-12 times. It will not give a big profit, if the initial capital is not large enough. I think to use those crypto investments, which today are inexpensive but have potential growth prospects. Not 10 times. And in 1000! Then even small capital can bring a solid income. For example, Neo or Steem. I think is a more profitable investment.
10x profit is not "a big profit"? From what planet do you come? This I would call greed, and exactly this attitude is putting off many people from the crypto field, when they say, thats pure speculation but not a reasonable investment.
A small cap might bring you 1000x profit, but the risk is much higher that it eventually will go to 0.
Dear friend! You read my comment? I say have a small amount of investment. I live in a poor country and the maximum that I can afford for investment is about 30-40$. And of course with such investment bitcoin won't make me rich. Even if it will grow in 10 times. It will be nice and cool, but it will not be an impressive result for me. But if I invest the same money in something that still has more ahead of global growth, then of course the profit will be more global. And it will be really great result for my capitals. I believe that now steem is more promising investment than bitcoin.
I did, but what I said is not dependent on the amount you invest. Especially if you don´t have much to invest, I would advise to not go the most risky road. Such a high reward you are dreaming of has also a very high risk.
That is why I risk only the amount I can afford to lose. The market is always the risk that your investment will not be justified. But I'm here, I believe in steem, and that's why I choose it. With this currency, I am at least familiar from the inside, we all here are part of the lives of the cryptocurrency. Steem has many advantages, its capacity is high. I think that the best days to steem ahead.
People are opening their eyes nowadays but there are some other people that haven't. We have to believe in what we see, make our own analysis. This is not a game, this is serious and is a life changer. I'm a firmly believer that money is just trust, and we have way too much people in this crypto world, 1000% more than a few years ago, and they ain't selling; They're holding and we are holding as well, this is our godamn future and We don't have to allow mainstream media to get into people's head!
I am going to watch this video! Personally I like this crash, but when ALPHA crashed all others will follow him :/ That's the issue! Anyway big BUY time is here!@hilarski,
I am missing the summary of it. why it is crashing. maybe you could write it. i upvoted anyway.
That's great explanation, i'm thinking that i people should wait like a week or two before buying bitcoin, it's still in down trend, but eventually yea, it will go up. That guy in the video is amazing, he knows how to explain things and he has a good understanding about world economy.
I am a big fan of him :)
Hallo sir I’m a big fan of this guy for some time. He was broker at Maryl lynch, after he quit he posted very interesting videos on you tube. He is pretty good.
ha ha lol..i love the meme below.That is the bitter truth
In every investment, there is always risk factor. If we can just hold on to Bitcoin and other crypto, patience is all it takes to wait for future rise! Thanks for posting the video for all that need the extra advice as well as insight!
Bitcoin may be on sale, but maybe bigger discounts are coming still!
As he's stated... Just look at the history. People are too near sighted, seeing red and panicking. You have to look at the long term trajectory and slices of the chart where the same crash has happened. Just realize it is an opportunity and try to catch the bottom.
However, I believe that this is a great opportunity to join the cryptocurrency train, the most important and recognized ones are conveniently priced to begin the first steps in the cryptographic world.
I take the opportunity to wish you a prosperous weekThank you very much dear friend @hilarski for sharing this material.
Definitely right on this. This low dip is an opportunity for many kinds of crypto, not a loss.
That was a great presentation @hilarski I really enjoyed watching him.
Excellent post.thanks for share
Nice video.your post is so informative.i also like you and follow you @hilarski
Great video, Christopher broke it down so well. Most people don't recognize the great buying opportunity. They are busy listening to the naysers bashing bitcoin, later when bitcoin will be at 50K +, there will be lots of regrets.
..information about cryptocurrency.. you always good thing of news.. and thanks for share best of luck.......really... @hilarski your post is so valuable . that's great opportunity. nice helpful
I will say it is a black friday sale. Nothing to worry, as the total market cap is still the same as in Dec,2016.
I’m holding and will continue holding. I started buying in July so it’s still all good. But even if I was in the negative I would still be holding. I also deleted Blockfolio and my other apps for now. It’s best not to look during these times. Ignorance is bliss in this case 😂
My story this week!
Your post is very good and also sngat beemanfaat for me where I read it until very like in your post
@hilarski thank you for your post and great video. I was getting a little worried about what is happening with bitcoin, but this video has given me hope that things are going to change. Thank you once again upvoted and followed. Would really appreciate it if you could follow me as would like to carry on knowing what is happening all the time and would like if you could help me increase with my steemit posts. Kind regards @southafricangirl
This is why HODL is a strong game thanks for sharing the video
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