RIPPLE (XRP) is running up VERTICALLY! While this is NOT a sustainable trajectory, it can make MASSIVE PROFITS for many! I present the Forest from the Trees with regards to degree of trend for Elliott Waves. People often get caught up in the short term twist and turns of price such that they confuse the trees from the forest. The below chart shows how the next short term target of $3.56 can be hit as wave 3 and then later $4.11 or HIGHER!
The below is XRP/BTC price chart. One of the most important skill any Technical Analyst can develop is called Forward Discernment. An ability to see partially completed patterns and conceptually visualize it. This is vital to be able to effectively gain market call accuracies above 75%. Most analysts have difficulty in this area but it can be a learned technique. For the below chart, forward discernment shows an a,b,c,d,e triangle. This now provides greater awareness in the probable price pathway and this is good, because awareness keeps the panic away! I'm projecting 26,055 Satoshi as the next target step!
Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?
Follow me on Twitter for Real Time Alerts!!
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BTS Wallet - haejin1970
BTC Wallet - 1HMFpq4tC7a2acpjD45hCT4WqPNHXcqpof
ETH Wallet - 0x1Ab87962dD59BBfFe33819772C950F0B38554030
LTC Wallet - LecCNCzkt4vjVq2i3bgYiebmr9GbYo6FQf

Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**

I don't have any RIPPLE :(
DOn't buy it now. Wait for the BTC run and Ripple will go down. Inversely correlated with BTC.
Do you understand anything about the BTC futures market ?? Explain to me how someone who is in the whole on a long futures contract is going to manipulate the market ?? To do so they would have to go out and start purchasing real BTC and still leave enough trading cash to pay the margin difference on the Futures contract. The number of Futures contracts sold is pitifully small in comparison to the Daily BTC volume so why would they all suddenly step up and go nuts ? Also do not forget the people who have sold the contracts and are currently in profit - do you think they will sit idly buy with all the Cash they have from the sale and let the price go up ? They would already be putting sell walls in place if your theory was true
The news, that future contracts bet on bitcoin ~8000 USD is impacting the price. Not the fact of future market themself
Last time to buy it then
I prefer Mad Dog.
XLM was a good buy has had a big run up as well.
Actually is better than good. IT'S GREAT. However, be careful ,guys, such price heights aren't normal, ripple might face a mini correction soon
See my above comment about BTC futures price manipulation and how it will affect Ripple prices
Yes, I agree to a certain extent on the manipulation subject. HOWEVER Ripple opposite to many altcoins is not a decentralized transaction system, it is highly centralised, meaning that the majority of Ripple coin are held by the creators themsleves. When you have a centralized coin and not a highly distributed coin such as bitcoin, the majority of price flactuation depends only on a few actors, in Ripple's case the creators themselves thus its in their interest to keep the price stable
You obviously do not understand XRP and the company. In November to remove exactly this kind of comment - they locked up all 48B available tokens in Smart contracts - each of which Vest every month (1B coins) for the next 48 months. They have already made a public statement that they will not use these to control price action - they are only for spending for funding the business and the growth of their XRAPID network. Any that are not spent are locked back up in contracts that tag onto the end of the 48 months i.e. it is a rolling 48 months. I can not find the December number - but in November (the first month) they only used 320M tokens and put the rest back into a smart contract
55* Billion
These always correct.
I'm still happy to have gotten in at 18 cents/coin this summer. Excited to see where this goes!
I remember a few month prior to Ripple XRP rocket launched, we were at just $0.21 and slowly moving up - down. We speculated $1 by 2018 and everyone was excited about it. Now we see that $2.90 was nothing for this monster and after doing some thorough analysis we came up with a possible outcome for Ripple XRP long term. Aside from Ripple is now one of the most valuable startups in the United States of America after Uber, Airbnb, Palantir and WeWork.
I would like to humbly extend my dissenting opinion...
Can someone guide me on why does exchanges and coin market cap show different prices for XRP?
This is Binance showing $2.62

This is coin checkup and coin market cap showing $3.08:

Its the same way for bitcoin differnt exchanges trade at different prices if you hit the market tab in coinmarketcap it will show you how much that coins trading at each exchange.
check out my ripple technical analysis on my page
XRP short term play, long term dump... Banks are just interested in the technology...so they create their own coins. Banks will never use XRP.
I dont care what berniesanders says. This man helped me find some coins that I made profits in and if I want to support him back by giving him upvotes thats my choice. Berniesanders making a ton himself on his posts he needs to stop crying.
I just want good info on alts I should be looking at. Point me in the direction of a 100 bagger and I'll be your friend for life!
Tron is still cheap. Cardano and Stellar are around a buck still. XRP is a good one. Just pay attention to Haejin’s post and most of his predictions are dead on just pay attention to the time the posts are made and do final anyalsis yourself as markets change drastically. Best to have as much as you can get. I have over 13 alt coins I am holding right now and all those I mentioned are some of them. I plan to hild all of em for 2018 might sell some when big profits kick in and buy different things but mainly holding.
If you please could recommend the exchange that you are using that would be greatly appreciated! alot of talks and scams about people beeing ripped offed scares the shit out of many of us.
My favorite is Binance to buy alt coins but they don't always have what I want so I use 3 different exchanges and would open a new one if I needed to buy something different that I can't at one of my exchanges. But its safest to store your coins in wallets after you purchase them unless you plan to actively trade with them its best to keep them at the exchange.
Here are a list of top exchanges for ripple:
Out of those I would use binance then bittrex (binance cheaper than bittrex)
I agree Binance and bittrex but I believe bittrex isn't taking anyone new at the moment. But I could be wrong things change everyday.
these are the exchanges recommended by Ripple.
what other coins do you recommend to buy?
XVG wait for a good dip its a lil up right now and been going up and down a lot recently, RDD, POE, POWR, Doge, NEO all of these are worth checking out. Make your own call on when its best to get in not telling you to jump in blindly but these are all worth taking a look into.
I bought POE & Wabi a week ago and here's how it has been:
What are your thoughts on Wabi btw? It has a very low supply (Walton is a example) and the company is good at what they do..
One thing I am confused about it when to get out because I am more in favor of swing trading (as I don't much money to invest for long term and invest by saving weekly or daily)..
And its whatever works best for you. What might work for me might not for you. Me myself I plan to hold most of my alt coins for this year as long as it continues going up.
Poe is a good coin i have some myself right now and im familiar with wabi also good. Nice choices. 👍
Heard EOS is in development stage, etc. and has alot to prove yet!
Would you recommend it for short term as well?
So Bernie is using his politic power and influence to make money? Political corruption at its finest. Personally do not think people who are in office should be able to participate in this kind of wealth gathering.
LMAO I don't think its actually Bernie Sanders just some guy or girl that likes him or something using his name as their steemit name.
I bought this coin at 0.0003500 to your recommendation, I have almost made $50,000 thanks to you. I have also been practicing my analysis on this monster for the past month! Fun stuff, I'm extremely grateful ! <3@haejin CHECK OUT POWR, your analysis is almost spot on, I believe some waves are off but the main target you set of 0.002200 satoshi is on the cards!
I had a low holding on this but it turned out to be a good amount, the price was stagnant for a while and keep going up and down in cycles. suddenly we had a lift off, in the long run say end of 2018 what price do you think it can reach, POWR?
If 0.00022 is wave 1 then$6-8 minimum, Possible top 10 coin at sometime during 2018-2019, If it stays top 10-20, Elon might consider a future partnership, If that's the case then $40-70 is entirely possible as well, This is an extremely strong project.
Of course Haejin will tell us to separate the technical from the analysis which is extremely wise, but I really do see an extremely strong future for POWR!!!
I need your diligence to hold for Long term. I keep seeing "Better" coins going to explode, and I miss out on coins like POWR..Which I had.
Nice chart synco..well done sir
Thank you! :)
Good analysis.
So many are negative towards XRP because it's a 'bankster' coin.
However I say if there is profit in it go for it. Makes a change to be able to make something off the banksters rather than get robbed by them.
Personally I'm staying nimble with regards to Ripple as it may be one to get rid of quick when the top comes in.
But a profit is a profit , right!?
I'm with ya mate, that's why I said about being nimble. Picking a top is incredibly difficult thing to do so I have an exit strategy for XRP.
I'm not comcerned about losing the investment in Ripple as it was a wild speculation when I bought in at roughly 5c, however I don't like to lose so will endeavour to be on top of the situation and recycle the profit into the alts I hodl.
Hello gentlemen!
You both seem knowledgeable on this subject so I thought I should repeat the question I asked above,
I bought some XRP and was thinking to sell but there is a problem, I am on Binance and since a couple of days now, it's showing a different price:
Can someone guide me on why does exchanges and coin market cap show different prices for XRP?
This is Binance showing $2.62

This is coin checkup and coin market cap showing $3.08:

Sometimes, the difference increases to almost a dollar.. And this is sort of very fishy to me atleast..
Oh, so there is nothing worry, right?
I am going to cash out as soon as it hits $3.5 again on Binance.. it was booming on Friday and I should have sold it at $3.70, will learn from this now and not get greedy next time.. XD
Ripple is not a real crypto currency. Developers own 20% of all tokens, then can crash the market anytime. There is no proof that one day bank will use Ripple.
You are nearly as good as @berniesanders at FUD.
Ripple is not mineable, it is a centralized database controlled by a few persons. Instead of accusing people of FUDSTER, do your own research please next time, thanks.
I have done my research and Ripple is no different in that respect to BTC - controlled by a few people (As in the form of the big mining groups) as are all mined coins. At the end of the day the vast majority of coins out there are by definition Centralised, even though everyone believes they are decentralised. They are controlled by a small number of powerful mining groups. The only Truly Decentralized coins are BTS, Stellar, EOS etc.
EOS blockchain does not even exist yet... If one day EOS exists (it is clear in the EOS website there is no guarantee about it), EOS will be controlled by 21 "producers" (let's call them "miners" to simplify), but they will be elected by votes like Steem, it is intermediate between centralization and de-centralization.
Banks use RippleNet and they don't need XRP as a means of exchange. We the people are only buying these worthless coins and that's the only thing driving the price
well said, "worthless coins"
Read: http://willbanksusexrp.com/
The proof is in the deals with Japan and South Korean Banks who are signed up. Ripple labs proved a super fast transactional speed test and thus this is a functional business product in which it will sit on top of banks to transmit digits of money, hence it is a real crypto currency. Moving high volumes of money through countries across borders is very slow prior to what Ripple is offering. What exactly is Bitcoin BTC offering? Oh, "Store of Value" - nothing like the intention of 9 year old white paper of actually having fast transactions and low transaction fees. Quite the opposite! SAD!!!!
Not long ago I found a nice man named Haejin. He freely gave his knowledge of cryptos to everyone. Then by chance I noticed a turd in the periphery. His name, @berniesanders. Turds should be flushed before they are stepped on. His shitty blog from what I have seen is written with tears of inferiority. Crying that Haejin is more popular and makes more money than him. Very sad. He and his retarded crew of rejected basement masturbators watch Haejin’s posts and cry as they see his money rise by pure quality of content, something they can never achieve. So please, @berniesanders go to the place all good socialists should go, to the great commune in the sky, to be with your jealous little idols, Marx, Mao Zedong, and Pol Pot.
one more follower and you have 11111 ;)
the number is in synchronicity with the universe! Good fortune ahead.
It's already 11154 and we may hit 12K in the next 24 hours.
And, the number that you saw was the same as the Executive Order that President Kennedy made which was the reason the banksters murdered him.
EO 11110 was to use silver certificates, i.e., sound money. The Wikipedia article seems rubbish though, it says he was going to temporarily issue silver certs and then move to FRNs (Federal Reserve notes) -- he was killed because he wanted to get away from FRNs, not move towards them.
On Jan. 20th, it's believed they will announce Ripple on Coinbase. That will totally change all technical analysis for a few weeks.
I heard that it was jan the 8th.
Interesting. Where did you hear that?
they just announced they aren't adding anything and please read the GDAX outline for new coins
Yeah, I just found out a few hours ago. What's this GDAX outline your talking about? Got a link?
That would be a great announcement.
Very interesting. This is definitely going to cause a boom in price.
It has a few really good reasons why it will boom really high. I wrote about that jew a few hours ago.
Top 4 Reasons why Ripple is Explosing UP!

I hopefully/ highly doubt it will reach near $100 in the near future, if it reaches just over $7 it will overtake BTC
You mean, if it hits $7 it will imply the market cap will be higher than BTC?
LOL XRP 100 USD. Seriously, look at the marketcap. That is not going to happen anything soon.
Agreed, not anytime soon.
I'll take a peek! Thanks!
Comeon man!
It need a trillion dollar market cap to get here, it might get to this point in like a couple of years but things like these are creating a wrong hype, due to which people then buy at the wrong time with wrong positions, ending up with huge losses..
I know everyone should do their own research but we have got to be careful with this and act responsibly as a community..
You're probably right, and my $100 was just a guess based on the power of "hype". I looked at how quickly the price had jumped from $0.50 cents to $3.00 all based (mostly, according to my perception) on the hype that it was nearly certain it would be sold in Coinbase. The expectation was it would be announced sometime near the 20th. As this day was approaching the price continued to go up. I'm fairly certain that if Coinbase would have stayed quiet, the price would be at $4.00+ today and maybe $10 by the 20th. And if on that day they announced it was true, that would cause a spike to (just my non-professional guess here) $30-$40 on the same day...with $100 in the near future.
But what do I know...I'm just your average IT guy tryna figure this stuff out.
Even thought they denied it, they eventually will add it.. probably in a couple of weeks so that people don't go ape shit on them like the bitcoin cash incident..
If Ripple becomes number 1, the trust in the whole Crypto market will be gone and prices will crash. Because this would mean that decentralized systems lost against centralization. Think twice before you invest!
Agreed but at the same time, all publicity is good for the crypto space, be it from ripple, bitcoin or some shitty PAC coin, etc.
The problem is public awareness and adoption, which is not happening without major institutions like banks, etc. jumping in into crypto space..
Considering the marketcup I see it difficult to continue with the climb because historically the ripple has always made deep retraces ... Do you know when other xrp will be released on the market? I know that more than half is held back. and then in 2018 a part will be included in the market
I understand they put it into a trust and will only take out $1B worth each year and return what they don't use on the business.
Intresting info,
Can't really fully trust bankers though
Thank you so much for your support. We are learning a lot from. And hopefully we will be doing the same to others. And i will also advice that you stick to what you do best (TA) here on steemit.
Is haejin accurate ?
Everything about how accurate he is in predicting !
i have not seen your post once before..today was the first time i came across it. and i confirm your accuracy. because most of my personal prediction on some altcoin are just right and almost exact figure in forecast .....i think i have a lot to learn from you. i started crypto trading like a year ago.. but have been doing binary option trading for 4years.
all trhesame thank you, and i just voted you and i am following you right away.
Wanted to thank you for your dedication and hard work! My family and I thank you 🙏🏻 !!! HAPPY NEW YEARS!! The popcorn symphony crescendo
Could you please do an update on Status (SNT)?
I brought XRP yesterday to buy some other coins that haejin recommended as it has low transaction fees, now I am planning to HODL because ripple Tsunami coming and I am planning to ride on the waves. I wonder what is pulling up the prices?

Bankers are the ones
Ripple is poised to make me some profit
brother i got flag on your last post i know some is trying to keep people away from you . we are always waiting to see more prediction and analysis from you and thats why they are getting jealous they flag my comment for no reason i need a proper reason why they flag my comments ?
Yes, Basically! Will it keep it up, I hope so. Would love it if Coinbase adopted it too.
Its rumored to be going on Coinbase by the end of January
Oh really, where is that info? I want to read more :) @xwarrioryz
Thats great tips one.. I gain knowledge in your post...
Hi Heijin, you are doing an awesome job , please do DNR, i suggested this a week ago and it boomed by +1000% from 3500 sat to 34000 sat ! would love to see your touch on this!, thanks
what's unique about DNR ?
Circulating Supply
2,097,979 DNR It is low I think there is potential for more growth.
Berni sanders is stupid
I had 20k ripple at 16 cents, everytime it went up a bit I sold 1k thinking im being smart, I did make good profits all the way to 2.5$, but now I have 1k left, I am not touching that unless ripple reaches one billion billion dollars, yes, and thank you
XRP is being used by banks and whales as a holding station for BTC money. They move BTC money into Ripple to cash in on BTC futures (currently short) positions, keeping BTC price within range of short positions. They soon go long and flood the money out of Ripple into BTC sinking all the people who don't get this and bought Ripple high. They will do this again and again, back and forth between Ripple and BTC to take advantage of futures and cause dramatic swings to shake out the little guys. Use this knowledge to your advantage and when Ripple starts to go down, move to BTC. When BTC starts to crash, move to Ripple and ride the wave up with all the bank $$.
I have tested this theory for the last two big dips in December and it held and was exactly reverse correlated...check into it yourself. Also, Ripple is remaining high and steady without a pull back as btc is remaining low and steady without any significant upticks. Also, please note January's BTC futures range on CME is High 15470 to low 14205. We are EXACTLY staying in that range. When the these shorts settle, I expect a flip to long positions in Feb. some time and a huge rush upward and out of Ripple. Be prepared. Her is the link to the CME futures prices: http://www.cmegroup.com/trading/equity-index/us-index/bitcoin.html
in 2018 XRP will cost more than $ 100
if your real then up vote our news posts
Waiting till results become more sccessful!
I have bought today 50 XRP for $3.29 ) For long
Please check Electroneum .
Wow, I didnt believe in technical analysis at first, but his analysis seems quite accurate. ***Hope you can do an analysis on NAV coin :) ***
Please do a TA review on NAV coin. The blockchain model behind it seems interesting, but I dont know what are the reasons for the recent unpredictable changes in NAVcoins prices. #Navcoin #TheNextBigPassiveIncome Please support me in getting his attention :P #NAVcoin
Thank you
Ripple rocks, here is my take on https://steemit.com/ripple/@kaliweed/when-the-smoke-clears-will-ripple-be-left-standing
Let me know if you agree
Thank you so much
This is like Apollo, going fast to stratosphere. The question is, this will reach that and stay floating in the middle of space or will explode?
If Buy ripple hope now hope us not to late
Please i want hear from you guys because am totally confuse last week it was $1.20 now $2 i dont know if buy it now i will profit from it just need advice from expert
Hi @emmaani I would encourage you to check out my video
Good luck with your trades
I'd suggest not chasing any single coin that has gone nearly straight up in the matter of days. You will like want to sell when the inevitable correction happens because you will feel the pain of its price going down. Buy some that have already corrected or wait to buy ripple until it corrects. You can make a killing if you do exactly the opposite of what everyone else is doing. I'm a contrarian and it's very effective.
As Ripple is going to Coinbase soon, I am going to buy some! There is going to a huge boom afterwards.
Great post
@haejin I am not sure this is right. could ripple done the correction and will go up again?
Good analysis. Well done Haejin Lee!
Thanks. Would you mind post XEM's prospect post?
can you please do an update on ZRX or AMP please and thanks
Hey, Haejin! Could you have a look at YOYO?
XRP is following your projection! Nice job!
Got myself a nice portfolio from profits I made from XVG which I got from Haejin and now I have 10 coins that I have over $1,000 atleast and still half of my money in xvg. Im very grateful for you bringing XVG to my lap.
I got in Ripple to so Im hoping it keeps going up as well as cardona, stellar, power ledger, neo and tron which are all going up.
What do you think on xvg for 2018? Can you make an update on that.
And check out my new hashtag would appreciate some support from a powerful steemit member like yourself. #SupportTheNewSteemians
Amazing TRX (Tron) call today! I got in at 521 and it's 865 now, having hit a high of 917 in the past 11 minutes.
I keep wanting to sell this coin that I've been trading now for 8 and a half hours, that feeling started when it was 34% up. Now, it's up 66%.
Thank you so much @haejin!!!
XRP came charging out of the woods. Crazy!
Yes, thank you always!
By the way, how do you think of SNT?
its absolutely insane seeing how much its risen this past month! If it gets added to coinbase it will be interesting to see how much higher it can go
Everyone thinks that ripple will get on coinbase, so that info is already included in the current price. It is more likely that it corrects after hitting coinbase as it is currently hyped, IMHO.