You will have more than a door hitting your ass when it comes back around to your turn. Bet on it!
Feel the BERN!! It's only a matter of time.
As a Technical Analyst in having counted the Elliott Waves of your comments, upvotes/downvotes...your time of what's called an A,B,C crash approaches.
Someone will approach to put you in your place.
You should know, whenever I decide to leave anywhere, the door opens and closes to my whim.
haejin.....I'm so sorry these people can't see what a noble cause you forward. I have signed up to steemit just to say this. you are doing something much greater than the low brow, short sighted haters will ever understand. please don't forget your greater purpose. I have, to my own shame, sat on the sidelines listening to your every word and have seen massive profits. if haters nee to know, I have turned 7k in 37k in a month because of this altruistic man. I couldn't have done it alone! Haejin is smart enough and experienced enough to make better money elsewhere. His motives are pure. I WANT TO PERSONALLY ASK YOU TO FORGE AHEAD, AND CONTINUE TO BE THE BIG PICTURE SELF-ACTUALIST THAT YOU TRULY ARE! please, haejin, remember that you really do help people! I wish you the best in you ambition, and bless you and bless your fortunate family!
I think this feud proves what a mess this social media platform is. Hopefully, a better platform on the blockchain will be built in the near future that innovates around whale abuse. powering down
Agreed. I had such high hopes for this site. I tried to powerdown 40 steem and it only let me power down 3 steem! Someone is manipulating the system! Please let me know if it lets you have all you requested, after the 7 day waiting period! voted and followed, Thank you, Marco
Interesting. I only started aweek ago. I would like to find out if this pays in real money or monopoly money.
I think it takes 13 weeks to power down...
@Haejin WE LOVE YOU!!! you know you are crushing the game and DOING SOOOOO WELL, when hater trolls like @berniesanders start being threatened by your success.. VOTE FOR @Haejin the crypto master!!!
Those whales will fuck up steemit for good. Keep good work @haejin
Dear Haejin,
Please consider moving your platform to Patreon
These toxic downvoters dont even deserve your attention and anger. They are worthless people.
So many ppl appreciate your post and LOVE your post.
I support you in every way possible. It's hard to find a professional who is as honest as you.
perfect idea. Then those who claim to support @haejin and to have made thousands off of his time and energy can reach into their own pocket and pay the man what he's worth.
How about we power up and keep upvoting. You can lease SP with the money you tip for @haejin. We can stay and fight. STEEM still has more upside. We are at where Bitcoin was 4 years ago.
Even though all has gone south, the best is yet to come.
this +1
+2 you know how many friends of mine are making serious buck they have never seen in there lives because of you @haejin ? The fact that someone actually says, 'I'll keep downvotin because you get rewarded too much' for info that probably made someone a millionaire already? Fuck you.
Jealous much..
I just signed up to steemit just to follow you, if you move on to the next, which you should please tell us so and leave this platform for the greedy whiny fucks!
I hope you don't leave @haejin! I've been following u and upvoting you , your wisdom has helped me so much. thanks and keep doing the same
dear haejin, I do not understand these people, if you think of going to a place of payment I will follow you.
What Haejin Must Do?
lets all flag / downvote berniesanders
Already doing it, and to his followers! Lets pay @haejin with bitcoin and litecoin, this will shut down berniesanders and teach steemit a lesson in respect!
We are with you @haejin! We will not let this hatemonger ruin the steem platform with his abuse and censorship. Best of luck! has a history of killing off accounts and they take (I think) 5% cut. Above all THEY ARE FIAT!!!
Upvoted because I appreciate your concern. But isn't the way. Take a look at
@haejin. Stay and fight this back. You have 1000`s supporting you 100%. I think many of your followers are in need of a clear instruction on how to best do that...
@Haejin, Keep up the great work! Bernie has been on here for nearly 2 years and you have only been on for half a year. You have 2000 more followers in only a quarter of the time!!! You are mooning Haejin and at this rate you will have enough followers to defeat such childish antics by @berniesanders.
Keep up the good work Haejin. Just new in this crypto stuff but learned an awful lot of your analyses already. Much appreciated.
You are right, at the end he cant fight vs all your followers if you teach them how to vote or downvote (I didnt know how to vote and right now I dont know how to Downvote). I signed up to help you with this. It will be easier for us if you make an small tutorial in order to know how to vote and downvote. Thanks a lot for your help, please keep calm and we will pass this.
Let Sanders waste himself!
Using no way as way and no limitation as limitation, That is the way of the Dragon!
I didn't even know that you can downvote anything here... I still don't know how, I tought you can only upvote a post...It is sad that you can downvote because it can be used for bad malicious intentions.
it seems that flagging a comment is how to downvote. Anyways it is not that important, you just should know how to upvote haejin so his posts wont become invisible.
please get some steempower so you can help as well! thanks!
I suggest gifting @haejin with bitcoin or litecoin, and stop buying steem power- as it can be used by the enemy against us! teach steemit manamgement a lesson, hit their pocketbook hard! give stright to the source, not to a middleman!
I am new here too, and still figuring things out. I thought I had finally escaped the melodrama of facebook and found a civilized adult platform.
WE HAVE YOUR BACK @HAEJIN! I suggest all your supporters gift you bitcoin or litecoin- instead of steem!!! This will teach steemit a lesson!