Cat Coin (CAT) completed a fine impulse set of five waves, then formed the requisite a,b,c correction. Tak a look at the fractal baby triangle! Expect a KABOOOOMM!! Target is 1312 Statoshi!! OR HIGHER!!
Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
These Technical Analysis Books: Elliott Wave Priniciple & Technical Analysis of Stock Trends are highly recommended
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?
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Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**

Oh it has made its move to 900 already
yes and its takes ages to deposit to cryptopia
Missed this one :-(
Bro if you can mention major exchage where a coin is listed along with name of that coin. It would be easier for others to trace.
Coinmarketplace.com is a great resource. If you research the coin by its symbol, you can find more information about. There is a link that details what markets the coin is exchanged on.
coinmarketcap.com perhaps.
yes coinmarketcap.com
Yeah no offense, but that is easily found in about 10 seconds through google. He's doing the heavy lifting for us lol. But yes coinmarketcap.com as someone else pointed out - it has all the info you need. 👍
Haejin is doing you and everyone an amazing service. Bro if you can help him out and research major exchage and mention where a coin is listed along with name of that coin. It would be easier for others to trace.
the picture shows the exchange ( Crypropia ) and the title, text and picture shows the coin symbol and name ( Cat Coin... CAT/BTC)
its also on hitbtc as an ICO .damn man, @haejin does way too much for us. You want him to do your research too?
I dont think we should be asking for these small things that can be done with with a google search.
Seems like there are many new folks here that are noobs. Getting into this space takes many hundreds of hours just to get your feet wet! Careful to be trading if you haven't put in your OWN research.
Got it man. I just give a suggestion
I understand :)
So very true.
the answer is in your sentence
as already mentioned go to coinmarketplace.com, very simple
Not that easy, is it BitClave (CAT). Cannot find CAT COIN !
go to coinmarketcap.com , type cat in the search bar, kaboom
A heads-up for new traders - BE CAREFUL!
Finding the exchange:
Go to coinmarketcap.com, go down to charts, select the tab "Markets", then you see a list of exchanges.Potential scam exchanges:
NB: Be careful with Yobit exchange, many have experienced problems withdrawing! I have traded there myself, and have not experienced problems on the exchange, make sure to withdraw ONLY Bitcoin (BTC), as other wallets are frequently under maintenance! Also make sure to get a NEW ADDRESS every time you use the exchange, as the old may not be active!This is very important when depositing/withdrawing from Yobit!
Bro better to open your eyes when you are looking at screen, CRYPTOPIA - CAT/BTC
careful my brother, the easy way often is not the good way
Hey, wanted to let you know where to get some free Bitcoin.
It's a Bitcoin lottery and you can win up to $200 every hour, there's also jackpot drawing of $500 every week!
You can also mine BTC and they have a gambling section if that's your kind of thing.
Hope this can help you get a little extra in your wallet.
Good luck!
@haejin already 250% in almost 800 satoshi. No time to even transfer crypto to cryptopia. It was a great analysis. @gold84
And yes, too late on this call, my transfer is still pending and the coin literally exploded to 400% within minutes.Hey is that @binkley's @steemthat bot mascot you have as your profile picture!?
it s alrdy exploding. Damn, i don t have time to react on this call. But i think it just explodes BECAUSE of THAT call ^^?!
@kaliju I did not know, I got this picture from pixabay. Perhaps its the same mascot.
Yes, regarding the call, I saw @haejin post 23 minutes after he made it, and when I opened cryptopia, it was already exploding, first 500 satoshi and them 950. End of story for this one now.
Regards, @gold84
Don't know CAT Coin?
Great call very grateful I powered up all my Steem just to give you a decent tip Haejin.
Thank You for the massive gains sir.
Cryptopia shit coin. That's a sketchy buy. Not knocking you, I appreciate your info, you've made some stellar calls but that call might make many people a serious bag holder...
Haejin doesnt even look at website of anything just graph, he says it sentiment and in a way it is, and that sentiment is greed. People are now investing in anything to make money.
can i purchase cat coin?
It is only for CATs! That's the thing! You know those cat's, they do not always want to share!
Every time I think I have settled on the coins that I want to hodl, Haejin comes up with new names. And then I start my research all over again.
Thanks always..
CAT went up 168% in just seconds at cryptopia now. Haejin got market impact!
you know what they say, @Haejin is the moon that moves the tides
pump and dump? :)
too much coin in the market. thank you for sharing. let me know about CAT COIN.
Can you please do the following analyses: ETC, CLOAK, OMG, and BAY. Thanks!!
Good read!
Anyone wanna post something else so we can see other pathways?LTC using @haejins teachings
This is what I have.. similar destinations different counts. All that matters is it goes up :)
Also very good!
nice! thanks
Nice! good job!
24h volume is $197 lol
@haejin your researches are simply awesum, could you please do some analysis on GRX also, thanks
If anyone know how to take market order on Cryptopia please tell.
Just bought it and realised it was already exploded. Thank you anyway. Lesson learned, check before a trade or just make a trade as soon as seeing your post. Hmm is there a way to setup an alarm for your post on Steemit? Thank you.
Follow him on Twitter and set notifications :)
Do NOT chase the price!
Thank you.
@Haejin OMG its popped already!
Looks like the Master is gaining market share..that is quite tough to trade! There can be no other explanation for the meteoric rise...Anyone care to offer an alternative POV?
Where do you find these coins!
check coinmarketcap.com, for every crypto you find the markets it is listed on
Thanks...it was actually a rhetorical question...
well you wouldn't be the first one asking about the exchange :)
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my dear brother nice and very well your post and good job
would be cool to see update on ADA, thanks a lot
very strange CAT COIN volume in 24h is $197 only...
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Poaching and hunting is accelerating there extinction...
It is our duty to conserve these beautiful animals....
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@pleasesaveus thanks you for reading....
Be CAREFUL there are 2 coins with same CAT ticker!!!!!
Nice post boss
Can you visit my blog ??
I followed you to avoid skipping your posts
Can you do same
Happy christmas💯😘😘
Damn, no CAT on Binance !
Missed the train :(
Thanks for the heads up. Good luck to all you CAT Coin holders. I think the biggest value add for me will be the tutorials linked. I am new to all the chart concepts that get talked about here. I like to buy and hold on the long term but I would love to learn the ins and outs.
Wow. Volume is soaring. One btc already :-) :-)
It's only on Cryptopia :/
You should look at gimli, the potential to do a nice x20 is there with this undervalued coin.
seems interesting
Neither time gave to buy haha small burst
it's 282% up . Please comment on gcr .
CAT en 955 Sts xD incredibol
hey haejin what do you think about metal? good? bad? and the ugly/pretty?
It exploded before this post
just opened a cryptopia account don't want to miss out on another UNITS
Jezus. That is fast. Waiting for a fall before stepping in? 500% in 15 minutes?!
Thank you so much !!!
O really! It's a wonderful news.
What the heck! My ETH just cleared to buy this and this is already up 300%? Somethings not right!
Just give me daily updates on BTS and I would be in heaven....that's what I have hitched my wagon to!
20 minutes after he posts this it goes up 400% ![image] (
game over :)
Haejin now has the power to pump coins. Now he can make millions.
HOLYYYY BITCOIN! I am still waiting for the friggen confirmation and this coin already reached @haejin's target in 20 minutes. Wow...
Well, we have to understand. Just 1 BTC alone ate all the sellers, so yeah. It hit 1300 Satoshi in minutes. It's a good analysis. But with such little volume, there is no "Massive Profits" to make on this one.
its a shame that CAT has such a low volume plus it is listed on cryptopia only, I don't like this exchange at all, it has the worst security