in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


Bitcoin (BTC) has thus far traveresed a correction that can be labeled as abcde (red). IF the purple wave i and ii are complete, then a renewed uptrend is expected.

The correction has retraced a bit more than the 0.382 Fib zone; there is a chance for 0.618; but given the abcde waves; 0.382 is highly acceptable.

The bull flag is very noticeable! The two white parallel lines encase the abcde red corrective waves and since wave e seems complete, a new set of impulse subwaves for purple iii should be starting, if not already. The white waves provide the bullish pathway towards $12,306 or so.

This direction would certainly complete and confirm the Right Shoulder of the Inverted H&S.

Legal Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor nor is any content in this article presented as financial advice. The information provided in this blog post and any other posts that I make and any accompanying material is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered financial or investment advice of any kind. One should consult with a financial or investment professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs. Plain English: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.

Please consider reviewing these Tutorials on:
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #2
Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #3
Laddering and Buy/Sell Setups.
Laddering Example with EOS
Tutorial on the use of Fibonacci & Elliott Waves
@haejin's Trading Nuggets
Essay: Is Technical Analysis a Quantum Event?

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A rising bitcoin will be good for all the altcoins.

If you find @haejin's blogs interesting or helpful, please remember to upvote them. Please also leave comments and upvote other good commenters.

We are under attack from people who think haejin's success on this platform is a bad thing and want to take it away. We need to stand together and stand with haejin to keep this service free and public.

Ps if you you make some money on @haejin's teachings, consider converting it to steem and powering up your account. It will give you greater voting power and will likely go up in value (not investing advice)!

here here.... I've had enough of being down voting by bullies. We need to protect good content writers. Try and get them on DTube... not let them be run off by bullies

Outstanding topic

Other than upvoting, how do we share steem coin?

just by sharing it with your fellow steemers. We are steeming

K, thought we could add to the pot

I think you can allocate some voting power so someone else can vote for you and you get part of the payout or something like that. May have misunderstood but pretty sure I've read that.

You can transfer steem or sbd in the wallet.


From the beginning of my blog; i've posted 10 per day as that is my bandwidth in taking analysis requests. When my posts were getting $0.02; no haters complained about too many posts. I did not suddenly ramp up my post number to 10 per day so as to capture more payouts. However, these are twisted to fit the haters' rationale in their own way. Such is the way of this world.

Please double the number if you have time. There are many more coins we would like to have reviewed!

In old adage: The taller the tree, the wind will become stronger.

Hopefully your roots run deep enough until this blows by...

You do see the difference between posting 10 times a day at .50 and posting at $450 though right? I mean it probably wouldn't have made much of a difference if you had built up to that number, but you went to the $300 range over night, because of a single voter and stayed there.

This is all so crazy. You know what I don't understand though? You and rancho have communicated outside of steemit. Why didn't you just ask him to come on here and say why he upvotes all of your posts and nobody else. I mean that would have went a long way and it would have been way more effective than having him downvote for you on your side. It probably would have saved you a lot of grief and maybe have even made you some more money. How come you guys never chose to do that?

Outstanding topic

I have to ask this question - why does ANY of what you just said above matter at all? @haejin is a tremendous asset to the steemit community.

Because on Steem people are the ones who vote on where the rewards go based on a concept called "proof of brain". When one person with a very big vote upvotes one individual indiscriminately, it looks like abuse. All people on the blockchain are supposed to be on the lookout for it and mitigate it if possible. A little conversation on it would go a very long way.

It's just a joke, MEME. Laugh for one moment while everybody freaks out over the whole situation. Hopefully BTC will go to the moon and everyone here will take good profits - then, hopefully, there will be a lot more reason for people to enjoy life. But, we don't seriously need 3 BTC updates every day. One is enough.

Outstanding topic

Outstanding topic

Great stuff. Thank you for the regular updates.

Outstanding topic

Head and shoulders spotted on BTC 15M. A completion of this structure puts around 10.5K. Going to set bids around 102K-10.6K since we are still on a higher TF bull run.

Outstanding topic

This is correct, I had around 10.7K since Fib retracement should be .5 for this wave.

That would two heads and shoulders. Never heard of it.

Yes, plus there are H&S bottoms still in play

I believe greater confidence is with the pattern that jives with Elliott Waves. This is why I've been combining both methods for over 15 years. It's far from perfect but I failed in trying to use just patterns starting in 1997 and failed in trying to just use EW. Then in 2003, combined the two.

The 15 min chart to me shows more a completed and confirmed wedge. A breakout jives well with the next impulse count on EW.

Outstanding topic

Wouldn't this be the correct EW count?

Outstanding topic

Unless it's a leading diagonal, your 3/4 overlap isn't allowed.

Yes, diagonals are common in subwave charting, and trying to locate the final end to C wave. Good call on this one. Channeling ABCD is wild, and really thinking outside the box.

Not trying to argue or question, but I seems to recall from reading online that ABCDE often appear at wave 4 or wave B, and should be in triangle shape, either expanding or contracting. The ABCDE mentioned in this post is at wave 2 and forming a parallel channel, could it be possible that this is one of the exception?
Please keep in mind that I am just trying to learn and not challenging.

This is also correct

Cryptos are not the same as equities. There are quite a few personality differences and cooky cutter applicaton of equity based EW doesn't always fit. There are also triangles that don't count as abcde but have the pattern resemblance. Cryptos are very different.

Outstanding topic

Thanks for pointing out that cryptos are different from conventional stocks. You mentioned that in your morning video but I forget about it. Learn something new!!

We're waiting for the bulls to kick in, i just don't see it happening in the next at least 2-3 month, people are too afraid after January crash.

Talk about market influence. Haejin posts bull flag and btc jumps 100$ in 3 minutes. Not sure what think about this. Thanks for the update Haejin, good work as always.

Maybe Hajin is the market maker who can move the markets $100 at will?! lol

That is more of a coincidence regarding Bitcoin. Quite different from a coin with 0.5 btc volume, they can make substantial moves on a published chart.

But sure, it builds confidence amongst scared holders and traders when Haejin or another of the well known influencers post a positive chart.

My objective is to help others augment their due diligence.

Outstanding topic

I appreciate your work Haejin, I have learned quite a bit from you as well as tons of research. Your posts usually either collaborate with my T.A. charting or help me see another perspective. Dont let the trolls get to you.

Thank you so much for all your work and efforts. Alleviate your genuineness! 😁👍

Quite interesting, at Hitbtc the price is still working the support line from ath and 6.Jan top.

Outstanding topic

Wow, thats nice :D

es una actividad de lo más arriesgada, como así aconsejan los expertos antes de que millones de usuarios se lancen a comprar criptomonedas como locos tras escuchar los cantos de sirena que vierten los medios de comunicación. De hecho, en las últimas horas el bitcoin ha caído hasta un 10%. ¿A qué se debe?

Hay diferentes variables que afectan a la cotización del bitcoin, pero la explicación mas lógica a la caída del bitcoin a la que estamos sintiendo la encontramos bastante lejos, concretamente en Corea del Sur.

Y es que el Gobierno de Corea del Sur acaba de anunciar la intención de prohibir el comercio de criptomonedas, haciendo que los precios de bitcoin caigan en picado y provocando que el mercado virtual de monedas se encuentre sumido en un estado de confusión, sin saber que hacer con sus inversiones. El ministro de Justicia, Park Sang-ki, acaba de afirmar que el gobierno estaba preparando un proyecto de ley para prohibir el comercio de la moneda virtual en los intercambios domésticos.

"Existen grandes preocupaciones con respecto a las monedas virtuales y el Ministerio de Justicia está básicamente preparando un proyecto de ley para prohibir el comercio de criptomonedas a través de intercambios.”

El futuro del bitcoin
caida bitcoin
Tras el anuncio del Ministerio de Justicia coreano, el precio local de bitcoin se desplomó hasta en un 21 por ciento en el comercio del mediodía hasta alcanzar los 17,064 dólares. Ahora mismo la caída del bitcoin se sitúa en torno al 10%, cotizando cerca de los 14.000 dólares después de que hace unos días se alcanzaran máximos de casi 20.000 dólares.

Aunque bitcoin es la más famosa de las criptomonedas, actualmente el mercado permite trabajar con otras variables tan conocidas como Ripple, Tron, NEO, Dash, Verge, Monero, IOTA. Todas ellas estarían reguladas por la misma legislación y los inversores temen que otros países sigan a corea del Sur y comiencen a regular el mercado de las mismas.

¿El fin de la burbuja?
Varios analistas llevan avisando de que la cotización de este tipo de criptomonedas está muy por encima de su valor real, por lo que es de esperar que la burbuja del bitcoin y otras monedas virtuales acabe estallando más pronto que tarde. Los mismos anticipan una mayor caída del bitcoin en las próximas semanas1515669605_457324_1515669634_sumario_normal.jpg

Outstanding topic

This bot sucks at spamming

I'm gonna report him to @steemcleaners

12k plus is not bad. I hope it continues to go or at least nothing less than that for now. Thanks for sharing.

You made a good call to this illustration sir!

Talking about bitcoin. I really want to go into bitcoin but I heard they have too many scam on it whereby, after paying to them,they disappear into thin air, delete you from their contact list.

Pls @haejin, is there any trusted hand you know I can really register on bitcoin?

I know you are not an expert but you are my expert here.
Tnx as I wait patiently for a reply to this effect.

Happy weekend and happy steeming!

Thank you for posting your charts. I agree the fundamentals are lined up for a bullish move. I think even by tonight well see 11.3, Saturday up to 11.8, and of course, Sunday will dip. The bears always grab the wheel on Sunday.

Germany Announces No Taxes From Bitcoin Trade. @titanik

really awesome and excellent

Believe in your investments and be patient.

hey there

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vote and tell me if you like it

This Bitcoin/crypto correction for the last two months or so has been trying at times. Nice to see the possibility of BTC back on the up move and hope it drags the alts with it. 2018 has had a rocky start, but with 10 months left there is an eternity left for crypto to really move. Could be that Trump's tariffs, especially on China, could kick off the long awaited 'crash' in the broader financial markets. If it does, hot, big money could flow into crypto like Clif High predicts for spring. Thanks Haejin for the technical work.

Outstanding topic

we are in bear market

Outstanding topic

Just a suggestion... If you try to add comments that add to a conversation, you might just find someone like me upvote your comments with my normal 100%.

It think we will hit the 12k target either saturday or sunday

upvote on these post..congrats man..keep it up!

Over the week, we had a bit of a scare as Bitcoin failed to break the $12k resistance and dropped back down to $9.4k. It’s back up now, however, but not all the way back. As we approach $11.5k and possibly $12k once again, keep an eye on buying power; if there’s enough volume to push us over the previous resistance, we could be set to soar. Overall, the market is showing signs of life but it hasn’t been completely reborn yet. With an overall market cap of $455bln, it’s up a whopping 0.04% from last week.
trade bitcoin and altcoins:

interesting!!! @haejin , even my long-term point of view is similar! the waves of eliot dont lie! On March 26, the yuan oil futures market opens with what I see a small big movement on the rise in #bitcoin. @haejin what do u think?

I post good quality memes, to entertain The Whole Community, check my timeline!!!

I post good quality memes, to entertain The Whole Community, check my timeline!!!

Always Very. thxxxxxxx

Great info & thank you. I watch compulsively. I bought more BTC on the last dip @9460.00. Hope it rockets to 13K. How do you think the G20 meeting around March 22nd will impact crypto?

You are like a river, you never let the rocks stop you, you just keep effortlessly changing your path to move around them, always making it to the ocean

Well done - thanks @haejin

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You are so up to date and so good at what you do. Please, keep it up.

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