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RE: I think BTC is nearing a bottom...

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Or We could start geting males pregnant, did you know that when a pregnant woman have any kind of accident the fetus sends steem cells to help the repair? How awsome would it be to have a prostatic fetus and trick it/him/he/boob (I always go with boob whenever i'm confused) into beliving such thing.
I'm not saying a fake fetus would be cheap, but it would be highly reusable!


Neat idea! Reminds me of that old Arnold movie, "Junior" -- which then reminds me of "Kindergarten Cop" and him mangling the words, "It's naht a too-more!" LOL

But yeah, I had learned that, fairly recently; perhaps at the stem cell seminar -- I'm still forgetful, unfortunately.

When's Binance coming back on line??!? Grr...

At least they make all thge FUD go away by simply by remembring anyone can look into the Blockchain and prove that no hack happened.

Loved that scene so hard.
That and Turboman, He's a excelent actor regardless he's so bad at acting. Wich one more times proves that ability is not always all, sometimes ppl'll love you just for what you are <2+1