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RE: I think BTC is nearing a bottom...

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Wait? Am I your wife? aahaha just kidding, but I WILL need some kind of reconstruction on both knees, I had anterior cruciate ligament rupture on both knees, one 10 years ago (Dancing a dude crash me and broke it, Fuck my life XD) and the other a year ago in Taekwondo, at least I complete the fight and got Silver medal in fight and Bronze in "Tul". Anyhow, I'm sure in a good 10-15years I'll need to replace something on the knees so I could keep up my stupid active life up to the 100! <2+1
Never give up!


Nice! Just read your intro, in which you mentioned the ligament as well. I'm red belt with black tip, in TKD, although haven't practiced it in many years, nor have I been stretching... :)

Seems like the stem cells might help your joints, as well. At first they were using aborted fetuses, and the cells had already differentiated, which was why the stem cell treatments ended up causing cancer.

The second stage was using the patient's own cells, either bone marrow (which is painful to extract!), or fat cells, which are then treated to turn back into stem cells. Only problem is, the cells divide at the rate of the age of the creature; in other words, cells from a 70-year-old aren't much help. They are some help -- but most issues require a lot of help in order to resolve.

So the third stage, is using umbilical cords and afterbirth from healthy children and healthy mothers. This is working extremely well, from the seminar we attended.

I'd much rather use my own cells, personally. There are potential rejection issues when taking on someone else's programming (DNA) -- not to mention the spiritual/demonic issues...

We're too old to have saved our umbilical cords though, which I recommend to anyone having a child these days.

If you need it, hope you can find something like this near you! Insurance won't pay for it, but the results may just be worth it. The doctor near us charges $4k for a single shot, $7.5k to do both knees.

Or We could start geting males pregnant, did you know that when a pregnant woman have any kind of accident the fetus sends steem cells to help the repair? How awsome would it be to have a prostatic fetus and trick it/him/he/boob (I always go with boob whenever i'm confused) into beliving such thing.
I'm not saying a fake fetus would be cheap, but it would be highly reusable!

Neat idea! Reminds me of that old Arnold movie, "Junior" -- which then reminds me of "Kindergarten Cop" and him mangling the words, "It's naht a too-more!" LOL

But yeah, I had learned that, fairly recently; perhaps at the stem cell seminar -- I'm still forgetful, unfortunately.

When's Binance coming back on line??!? Grr...

At least they make all thge FUD go away by simply by remembring anyone can look into the Blockchain and prove that no hack happened.

Loved that scene so hard.
That and Turboman, He's a excelent actor regardless he's so bad at acting. Wich one more times proves that ability is not always all, sometimes ppl'll love you just for what you are <2+1