Noted everything but the
and can go to bed and rest peacefully
I still haven't mastered this one yet xD
You know, I was wondering as the other day you told me your team have losed the game ( shit happens xD) Wich sport do you play? And most important, what happened that you lost an eye? must suck to lost peception of deepness in space, I know cause one of my handball friends lost the right eye on a motorbike accident 3 years ago and he's still dealing with that problem.
Oh, and do you only trade BTC or use the same system on altcoins?
Unfortunately I'm also recovering from concussions, and I don't remember the part about "my team lost the game"... :( (If you could link to the comment, it might spark a memory.)
I'm mostly blind on one side, from birth. The eyeball grew wrong; instead of being more "round" it ended up oblong, like a football, and protruded back towards the optic nerve, in fact punching through it (not literally; the optic nerve just never developed, because "something else" was there).
Note that I wouldn't have been able to describe the above to you if I hadn't had the first concussion! About a month after it, I was talking to my wife and looked to the left quickly, and then threw my glasses and held both hands over my eye, crying in pain. They did a 4-hour MRI and found blood being re-absorbed behind the eye. I had had surgery decades prior, and the concussion must have loosened it, such that moving my eye rapidly "broke" something. The pain was similar to the pain I had after the surgery, so I'm fairly certain that's what it was.
Since it's "from birth" I have no idea what "depth perception" feels like. For me, if parts of an image are blocking parts of another image, then I know the first image is in front of the second. And those "magic pictures" are just an exercise in frustration for me. When I was a child, someone gave me a book of optical illusions -- many of which, I could not experience! For instance, take an empty toilet paper roll (or paper towel), and look through it with one eye, while holding the palm of the other hand about six inches in front of your other eye. You will perceive a hole in your hand! I won't. And 3D movies are either all red, or all blue (depending on which lens the colors are in). We bought a 3D TV with newer special glasses, but I've never tried it because I know the experience will be "less than reality", for me.
And yeah, I was always chosen last for "depth perception games" -- i.e., baseball, football, basketball, hockey -- pretty much any team sport! But I did better on the Science League, and Math Team. :)
Fortunately though, I'm not the thing described in Revelation, as it's my right eye that has vision. :)
Holy DNA making a mistake :/ We should create a Crypto that focuses on solving Eye problems, although Your case might be harder since, as you said, no optical nerve was developed in the left eyeball, but I'm most secure that within the next 10 years problems like that will be solved in a 15 min operation and a not-so-expensive organic protesis.
Good luck with the rehab, and don't worry for being pick the last, in the games what matters is to be a goodd companion than a good player, a support player can learn to be momentousness to any team game, as Goal keeper I've learn that :)
LOL at re-reading my "Science League, and Math Team" after having earlier gone over a bunch of The Breakfast Club quotes to make sure I got a reference right. One of those quotes was John Bender talking about the clubs Brian Johnson said he was in (physics, math, and Latin):
Describes my high school years. :)
I like that, "goal keeper" -- I have a goal to purchase a house this year, and intend to keep it! :)
My wife needs both knees replaced, and we were going to do the surgery this year; fortunately, we've found a place that uses stem cells to help the body self-heal. Might be useful for the concussions as well -- and, there's a possibility that it could help my eye. Some patients in Florida had stem cells injected into their eyes, and went blind -- which I already mostly am in that eye, anyway, so it's less of a risk but still I get 5% or so of my world from that input.
So I don't want to be the guinea pig, for that experiment! But I think you're right -- decades ago a doctor told me, "It would take a dozen doctors their lifetimes to connect all the nerves so you could see" and perhaps someday soon I might be able to have my vision restored!
That'd be welcome. I really want to see a hole in my hand!! :)
Wait? Am I your wife? aahaha just kidding, but I WILL need some kind of reconstruction on both knees, I had anterior cruciate ligament rupture on both knees, one 10 years ago (Dancing a dude crash me and broke it, Fuck my life XD) and the other a year ago in Taekwondo, at least I complete the fight and got Silver medal in fight and Bronze in "Tul". Anyhow, I'm sure in a good 10-15years I'll need to replace something on the knees so I could keep up my stupid active life up to the 100! <2+1
Never give up!
Nice! Just read your intro, in which you mentioned the ligament as well. I'm red belt with black tip, in TKD, although haven't practiced it in many years, nor have I been stretching... :)
Seems like the stem cells might help your joints, as well. At first they were using aborted fetuses, and the cells had already differentiated, which was why the stem cell treatments ended up causing cancer.
The second stage was using the patient's own cells, either bone marrow (which is painful to extract!), or fat cells, which are then treated to turn back into stem cells. Only problem is, the cells divide at the rate of the age of the creature; in other words, cells from a 70-year-old aren't much help. They are some help -- but most issues require a lot of help in order to resolve.
So the third stage, is using umbilical cords and afterbirth from healthy children and healthy mothers. This is working extremely well, from the seminar we attended.
I'd much rather use my own cells, personally. There are potential rejection issues when taking on someone else's programming (DNA) -- not to mention the spiritual/demonic issues...
We're too old to have saved our umbilical cords though, which I recommend to anyone having a child these days.
If you need it, hope you can find something like this near you! Insurance won't pay for it, but the results may just be worth it. The doctor near us charges $4k for a single shot, $7.5k to do both knees.
Or We could start geting males pregnant, did you know that when a pregnant woman have any kind of accident the fetus sends steem cells to help the repair? How awsome would it be to have a prostatic fetus and trick it/him/he/boob (I always go with boob whenever i'm confused) into beliving such thing.
I'm not saying a fake fetus would be cheap, but it would be highly reusable!
Neat idea! Reminds me of that old Arnold movie, "Junior" -- which then reminds me of "Kindergarten Cop" and him mangling the words, "It's naht a too-more!" LOL
But yeah, I had learned that, fairly recently; perhaps at the stem cell seminar -- I'm still forgetful, unfortunately.
When's Binance coming back on line??!? Grr...