Just got my FreeRoss T-Shirt the other day, and I wear it proudly. It's so blatantly obvious the U.S. government is severely violating the Constitution and many precedent setting laws in this case. The U.S. government is corrupt and doesn't follow its own laws / regulations unless it's going to further some fucked up agenda or pad the pockets of some favored politician or corporation. Every time I see one of these posts it infuriates me (for the travesty of justice being brought down on people like Ross).
I hope we can wake enough people up to this extreme injustice to bring pressure and get him released. My heart goes out to you Lyn for your willingness to fight to free not only your son, but to raise awareness of the tyranny his case represents that threatens us all.
Yes, people need to wake up. For all our sakes. Thanks for supporting us by buying a shirt. Please post a pic of you wearing it, or send it to me so we can!