You’ve all heard the saying don’t fall in love with a trade. I'm sure you've had a laugh when you've read it once or twice, but I assure you that if you're looking to take your trading to the next level, that it is one of the most important concepts that you simply must grasp.
Getting Tunnel Vision
Now ask yourself this - How many times has the following tunnel vision scenario happened to you while you're trading:
BTC/USD breaks above resistance and momentum is strong in your direction. Everything looks to have lined up perfectly with your trading strategy.
You move away from your trading screen to go and get a nice relaxing cup of coffee. Maybe a frothy cap with no sugar?
But when you return to your desk, your stop loss has already been triggered...
"Wait what?!" you say. "How could this have happened? Resistance broke and there was plenty of buying momentum."
"I was right..."
But the reality is that you weren't right. You were wrong.
You just think you SHOULD have been right. There's a big difference.
So you now flick back open your charts and notice that Bitcoin has suddenly dropped further than its average daily range, so you get back into your long.
You tell yourself that you were right before and this is just a better entry.
But it's not. You were wrong before and you're still wrong now. No matter how many times you tell both yourself and the market that you're right, nothing is going to change.
You were wrong.
It's now later that day and you've started adding sugar to your caps because you can't shake the fact that this perfect Bitcoin trade setup didn't go your way.
You decide to go long again, because well, you're right and the market is wrong.
The process repeats another couple of times and before you know it, your trading account is down 50% from where it was barely 24 hours ago.
A quiet "Fuck..."* is all you can muster.
So tell me. Does this scenario sound familiar?
To become a successful trader you have to separate your ego from your wallet. You just can't allow yourself to be caught up in the idea of being right or wrong. Trading is a long term risk management game and you have risk management procedures such as your stop loss in place for this reason.
Don't be your own worst enemy. You have enough enemies in the market all trying to take your money from you. You don't need to add yourself to that list.
It's you against the market, but so often traders end up making it you against your own ego.
You Against the Market
Don't ever lose track of why you're a trader in the first place:
It's not to be right, it's to make money.
If you're looking to be right and gain some sort of fucked up validation from that fact, then you're looking in the wrong place. Trading just isn't for you.
To make money, you're going to have to be wrong.
You're actually going to have to be wrong a LOT. You just have to get used to it and learn to embrace it.
Best of probabilities to you.
Peace 🏻.
Instagram: @forexbrokr
Website: www.forexbrokr.com

these are good tips, been day trading for a while
Thanks mate, I’m glad you took some value from my words :)
So true! I sometimes tell scientists 'don't fall in love with your hypothesis' for very similar reasons.
Yep! This is exactly the same concept as in science.
You're not running an experiment to be right, you're running it to find the truth.
Morning, nice post
Good morning :)
Thanks mate, I hope you took some value from it.
Good morning friends how are you good on me I love you very much. You are very good. I will try to follow your posts all the time. You are a good friend of mine, I am very happy with your post, hoping for your next post.
Cheers Rony. Thanks for following :)
Wellcome friend
man i am a living example of this lesson! i've gotten too excited on a few trades and been set on doing them NOW and yep... have found them drop the next day quite a bit!! since then, i've learned pretty fast to hold that urge to buy now! great advice @forexbrokr, but about a month and a half too late for me LOL (not that i would've listened anyway :)
It’s okay to be wrong, just accept the fact and move on. If you have an edge that you trust, then you’ll make money long term so who cares if you’re wrong on this one trade!
Good luck man, see you around.
for sure! there have been many that i feel are good picks in the long run - just haven't always bought in at just the right time...
and i'm actually a lady ;) <3 see ya!
Oh no, I’m sorry.
Hope you’re having a fantastic day regardless. 😎
Very nice post bro! ;) that the most important in Forex trading! Mindset!
Thanks mate. Have a good one!
You have spoken the truth... sometimes Traders guess the market direction and later feel they are right. I think it's high time we trade the proper way and avoid guess work in the forex market...thanks for this post
No worries, thank you.
Best post
Its spame coments
Yep. So flag it.
Okk boos
@steemflagrewards good call @forexbrokr
Just doing my bit ✌🏻.
wonderful & astonishing!
Spammer & scum!