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RE: Market Watch October: Told Ya So

in #bitcoin4 years ago

I see a lot of negativity within the crypto community because you're not in control of your keys. But if you're already in crypto and understand what that means, you're certainly not going to be buying through fucking PayPal.

This is for total noobs to the crypto space and like you said, the perfect introduction. It makes it as simple as possible and then if they like it, or even better if it just becomes normal, then they buy Bitcoin and control their keys elsewhere.

Another point that gets overlooked is that Bitcoin will make my life as a freelancer a lot easier.

I'm in Aus and work with clients and another freelancers across the US, Europe and the UK. It's a hugeeeeee pain in the arse for everyone to swap between AUD, USD, GBP, EUR blah blah blah.

If I can just hold my work money in a Bitcoin balance directly within PayPal, it's actually going to be really handy for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's a dumb thing to be mad about in my opinion. This is a progression. People have to learn the hard way. That means huge hacks in 2021 when everything is at all time highs and the honeypots are the biggest. That's just the way it is... get over it... lol.