Long life to Bitcoin !!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I am an Entrepreneur and that defines who I am 100%, crazy, dreamy, adventurous, mentor, brave ...

In December 1992 at the age of 18 I started my Advertising and Marketing Company; exists since then, sometimes with a large number of collaborators and as many as an individual enterprise; I always advise NEVER BEING SURRENDERED, there is nothing better than being a OWNER OF YOUR TIME; undertaking is a difficult task, but living in debt and looking for work is also difficult, so it is up to you to choose which of the two "difficult" will mark your life.

In March of 1993 in a master class of Marketing I discovered what was the Multilevel Marketing, our teacher projected a video in a device of Betamax (if, I know that they do not exist today) was called "La historia de Jhonny apenas" and there in less than 30 minutes I discovered the power of network business. (you can see the video at this link:

In December 2007, together with my wife Diana, we founded Club Empresarial Latino S.A. a multinational company dedicated to developing businesses of Prosumismo networks, a new Socio-Economic System that offers the opportunity to "WIN FOR CONSUMER" and that we are ready to promote with the implementation of excellent business opportunities of SMART CONSUMER CLUBS. If you want to know them you must be attentive to our launches.

When I met Bitcoin in 2015 I did not understand it very well, it was strange, complex, too DISRUPTIVE I understood later, completely ALEGAL (not adjustable) I learned later, but in my 24 years as an entrepreneur "LEARNING, UNDERSTANDING AND SHARING" has been my motto.
I have decided to become an apostle of Bitcoin / Blockchain / Altcoins because I faithfully share the philosophy of its creator Satochi Nakamoto:

" A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution."

In short, the possibility of creating a currency and electronic payments network really global, and practically free, for anyone in the world to have access to electronic banking without brokering banks, because THE BANK WE WILL BE ALL !!!

Sounds too REVOLUTIONARY to miss it !!!

Long life to Bitcoin !!!