See, it is cashing records! ;)
Thanks for sharing, good job on the writing too. IT is not too surprising to see the King of Cryptos getting such a boost, but for how long?Till people realize there's much more powerful cryptocurrencies out there like Bitshares or even our beloved Steem for that matter!
All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
Amazin post! I'm going all in !

This is ridiculous!!! I'm screaming like a little girl!
I even made $80 on 1 comment recently!
Awesome! Good for you, good for us all! Namaste :)
I kind of dig the approach of BItcoin either becoming a zero or $1M+ It makes no sense to think of an 'in-between' scenario as this field is probably governed by 'winner takes it all' rules (take Facebook as an example in the social media scene). If that's the angle (winner takes it all), most people are much too modest in their price projections.
Winner take all is a bad scenario for Bitcoin. A sister currency like Litecoin is good for both currencies as it drives innovation via competition for all parties involved. Without litecoin how long would it be until Bitcoin decided to implement segwit? It would probably have taken a little longer...
Historically competing currencies have not cancelled each other out, except in the recent history when competing currencies are banned in favor of government issued fiat. That's not to say I don't think Bitcoin could hit $1M.
litecoin is going to the moon I got in early and I am loving it.