How China ended the Bitcoin mania:

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

China ended the Bitcoin/Crypto party by closing all exchanges in China by the end of Oct. and banning all crypto-trade and blocking Chinese IP addresses from trading Cryptos on exchanges outside of China on Nov.1 onward, which removes the largest buying-block (the Chinese) from the Crypto market on Nov.1. With that, Bitcoin and all Cryptos will be selling off sharply on or before the end of Oct. as Chinese exit their Cryptos and they won't be returning after Nov.1 for them to rebound up briskly like they always did.

Get out before the Chinese herd exits on and towards the end of Oct. You can mock this warning, but heads up. Bitcoin's crashing down towards the end of Oct. will also cause the Altcoins to crash down sharply too. So, now is not the right timing to be long in any crypto given the China news factor.