Bangladesh Bank has issued a warning to Bitcoin.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)



 : It is often heard that international hackers are demanding ransom by  hacking different computers and they are asked to pay ransom in  Bitakayane.

Bangladesh Bank has issued a warning in exchange for virtual currency transactions online.

In this case, Bangladesh Bank has specifically mentioned Bitcoin.

The Central Bank is trying to bring the matter to the attention of the  public by publishing advertisements in different newspapers of  Bangladesh.

Bitcoin is a kind of crypto-currency or virtual currency. The price of the currency is only in the rise.

Although in reality it does not exist. Programming is done through the internet system, which can be bought if you want. Some people have developed it using the Internet system.

In economics, it is a kind of gambling, on which the money may be beneficial for somebody. That's why many people are attracted to it.

The Bangladesh Bank said, there is no recognition of financial demand,  as the virtual currency does not issue legal authority of any country.

Bangladesh Bank has warned that virtual currency transactions may violate money laundering and terror financing law.

The central bank of Bangladesh has said that there is financial and legal risk through such transactions.

How can the goods or services be bought with the currency, which can be bought with bitcoin?

Ahsan  Mansur, an economist from Bangladesh, told BBC Bangla a few days ago,  "If a person has such an arrangement to offer such goods or services, he  will be able to sell it for the exchange of Bitcoin, as online, as we  are shopping on e-payment system. Can be possible ".

"It  was worth a thousand dollars a few days ago," he said, referring to the  recent increase in price, even before he was one hundred dollars in a  year. "It's worth a hundred to one thousand dollars in a year, then it's  worth 19 thousand dollars in a few months. Behavior is not "

He said, many people here are now investing in this for more money.

In such a case, when these people suddenly withdrew from the market, many would be in danger 



but we should be abide all rules... And must be quite dishonnest...

Thus we need to develop stronger security measure. The phenomena may even be beneficial. I hope Bangladesh sees that