Your post is an obvious attempt at low effort fishing for upvotes.
was createdwas created so we are both only a couple days old and have a level playing field.@duplibot the day before @ipostbtcprice
At the time of this writing your reputation is at 23 while mine has reached 36.
After 4,632 posts you have received 517 upvotes, but also 71 downvotes. An upvote rate of 11.2%
After 231 posts I have received 60 upvotes, and only 1 downvote. An upvote rate of 26.0%
We can just look at your pending rewards and see this is working well for you.
Today, I am politely commenting on some of your posts to alert the community and bring pause before they upvote and discourage your future posts.
I'm not here to start any flag wars and I'm not trying to esclate conflict here. I'm simply looking to the community to validate my actions and ask that you do the same.
If you'd like to open a dialog, catch me on or Discord (duplibot#1884) and we can work together.
Thank you for coming to the table and opening a dialog. A few points to consider.
Already today you have made 1,002 comments and 4,633 total over your life of a couple days.
You weren't able to reply to me earlier today because you were out of bandwidth. You were out of bandwidth because the reserve ratio dropped. The reserve ratio dropped because people like you are posting way too much content to the blockchain. And this happens every single day.
While some see value in your comments, it is really the responsibility of the original author to note the current price and add context. In many cases, your comment is entirely out of context for the original post.
And finally, let's not ignore this, the entire purpose of your comments is to capture upvotes, a motive born of self-interest.
Perhaps the solution is for you to create an opt-in so an account can personally invite you to comment. Or at the very least, build an opt-out system that you reference in every single post to see how many people ask you to stop.
In short, if you keep posting at this volume I will not stop replying to discourage upvotes. I'm more than willing to continue the discussion.