Paying With Bitcoin (or Steem) Directly From Your Browser - This Is Happening As We Speak

in #bitcoin8 years ago


Last week something very important for the cryptocurrency ecosystem happened, but unfortunately it was buried deep down under the "China - JP Morgan Chase" whirlwind which took Bitcoin for a spin.

Now, that the mud has settled, it's time to look over that thing.

In-Btowser API Payment Implementations

You may not heard of W3C, but it's one of the most influential (albeit notoriously slow in taking decisions) organizations on the Internet. It's the one that establishes standards and good practices. And last week W3C announced that the in-browser payment API implementation has been moved from "Under Consideration" to "Development". What that means, in laymen terms, is that the consortium is now implementing standard payment methods in all major browsers (Chrome, Safari/webkit, Microsoft IE, etc).

This is HUGE.

And I mean, HUGE-HUGE.

Because not only it will contain API calls for fiat payment methods, like credit and debit cards, but it will also have room for cryptocurrency based payment methods. We could see Bitcoin-enabled payment sites using this technology as soon as the middle of next year.

How Does This Work?

If you are a merchant, you can build your site in a certain way, implementing certain extensions (APIs) that will signal you will accept payments in a variety of ways: Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and, why not: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Steem. Now, a potential customer visits your website and sees all these methods listed like some sort of a drop-down field. All he has to do now is to pick "Steem" from that drop-down and the payment process will be done with Steem.

There are two levels of this process: the server and the client. Both these should be covered in order for the payment method to be implemented. The credit card companies and online payment processors will probably be the first to implement that (they're corporations, after all, they do have big resources lined up if they need to) and the crypto-currency ecosystem will have to rely on a distributed, community effort. But as soon as W3C specs are published, we may start working on these extensions.

This is a fabulous step ahead, not only for bringing the crypto-ecosystem on the "white" side of commerce, but also for boosting consumption of the tokens which are now traded based pretty much only on speculation (i.e. too few economical processes involving the exchange based on buying or selling goods).

In less than a month, on October 23rd, we will see a first demo of this in-browser payment API, from early bird partners like Airbnb, Google and Mastercard.

And according to persons close to the matter, cited by Coindesk here, we may see a relevant adoption of this tool by the middle of next year.

image source - Pixabay

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

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I can't and prob. never will take people serious who say that cryptocurrency has no future. News like this makes this statement even more true.

The implemen.tation of this would absolutely be huge. I can't believe I've never heard of this. This would enable crypto to be a medium of exchange in real life day to day use. Wow indeed. Talk about a vehicle that would allow Steem and other cryptos to be used daily that could boost the mainstream adoption of crypto. Thanks for posting this!!

Wow, native browser support for crypto payments?? This is truly good news!! We will fly to the moon :)
Thanks a lot for posting this!

These are really great news, true move forward that remained underexposed in a wake of recent events. Does that mean that payment providers would basically be rendered useless for current fiat currencies?
I am not even talking about obvious positive implications on crypto payments.

"in-browser payment API implementation has been moved from "Under Consideration" to "Development""
That f*ckingPBOC and JP Morgan sh!t covered this amazing update! Yeah this will be huge as you said huge!
Thanks for sharing such kind of amazing news with us!@dragosroua,


all i can think is about bloody time! :)

It will definitely be interesting to watch the prices explode after more people hear about this. What coin do you think might benefit the most? because bitcoin isn't super fast at the moment.

Bitcoin can be superfast, if all the gimmicks will be implemented (Lightning Network, for instance). But the speed of PoW currencies is by definition slow, so I think currencies which don't have transaction fees will benefit the most (Steem, for instance).

That's really useful to know. Didn't realize steem has such potential as a currency. Thanks for the insight :)

LTC is much faster and much lower transaction costs. I wonder when this sleeping giant will awake.

First chance I get, will be dipping my beak in the pool of LTC.

Did you check out the JP Morgan thing, turns out they bought a lot of bitcoin ETF after the price drop.
I agree with you, W3C recognizing cryptos is a very big thing. I need to buy so much more before the price boom when their API releases. I don't know where to start!

One of the best news I heard over the FUD from the recent week.

Buh Bye...


Wow is so huge thank you so much for this awesome information Witness:)

This really looks very interesting.. In browser payment will be really very user friendly, hence may be very popular. Thanks @dragosroua for sharing these amazing updates.

Can somebody tell me what is API ?

[Search engine of your choice] is your friend.

Great job bro.i resteem this post.i hope this post will be in hot of luck

MinnowsPower listed your post "Paying With Bitcoin (or Steem) Directly From Your Browser - This Is Happening As We Speak" as one of the top 20 posts of the day...!!!
Revealed a big news, which buried in last weeks dramas.
100% Upvoted @dragosroua by @MinnowsPower

MinnowsPower is not a bot, I am a Crowdfunding Hybrid

amigo #resteemia at your service

good news, a big news. next we pay via browser. nice info @dragosroua

'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'

Good post bro.i resteem this post.i hope this post will be in hot list.go ahead. best of luck.

But what if JP Morgan and China just wanted to horde btc then sell it again after the price boom. Let it cool for a moment and repeat the cycle. Bottomline line they would earn alot from it by manipulation through false accusation. And I believe they will do a rinse and repeat cycle after a few months.

Yeap. So, what else is new? :)

the hope will rise again, thanks.

wow !
Steem too ??
Great development .
Thanks for sharing dear @dragosroua !

@dragosroua - oh my goodness, browser payments, oh that's excellent work Sir. Lovely news. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Hi someone have some more information about Air BnB accepting bit coin?

Nice posting

wow now this will be great to see the implementation of Api's will be a game changer :D

First time i heard that we can payment through browser so its very interesting to see. But question is about security ?

I look forward to seeing how this is implemented. It is pretty easy to screw things up, and potentiate problems with poor implementation. The web is full of such problems, and W3C hasn't been (no one has) innocent of potentiating problems.

This certainly could change the world, and I hope it does.


time time time..time is very important..thanks for the news :)

Truly amazing !

nice article and you are indeed good in the material of cryptocurrency.

Sounds great! Cryptocurrencies are gaining more and more leverage by the day... Thanks for sharing... I discovered your app and I just wanted to thank you personally for your hard work. It is such a useful tool to me.

P.S. I voted you for witness ☺

Thanks for the useful information.