CRYPTO NEWS: TV superstar Ellen loves Bitcoin?!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Hey guys, Doug Polk here back with more crypto news. Today I discuss:

  • Coinbase charging users without permission
  • Ellen DeGeneres expertly explains Bitcoin
  • Tether printing another 150 million tokens
  • Coin Central's weekly cryptocurrency news recap

Let me know what you guys think!


really good stuff in there , Thanks for the info .

I thinkindex7.jpg looks like BTC now

I love your vids! Keep up the great work!

Imagine your first intro to crypto was from Ellen :$

No, please dont... that said my first intro was from the mainstream media a few years ago saying it has hit $100 and was clearly a complete scam and in a bubble... Cant remember if they said it was a pyramid scheme or a ponzi scheme, but it was one of the two.

Ahaha that's a bit better. I on the other hand am a fool and had close friends try to urge me to get into mining since it's inception but I couldn't wrap my head around it

Well I had a fool moment too, I couldn't figure out what in the world a paper, hardware, software mobile wallet etc all were, so I just kept my bitcoin on an exchange for nearly a year before bothering to try and figure it all out. Fortunately for me nothing terrible happened to my exchange in the mean time before I got a Trezor but plenty of others in the same time period were not so lucky... I guess for all of us when we are first introduced to something we are not going to be experts in it.

Alls well that ends well, i def missed the boat but gonna try to catch up by grinding it out on steemit *Fingers crossed

I'm glad to see you got through a whole episode without "bullying" poor little Suppoman, the modest Superhero of Crypto. BTW he isn't interested in debating you, but he wants to fight you.... go figure...

Ellen doesn't even get the "normal" news right :))

I want to know what was going on with Ellen's right pocket. Funny stuff Doug

i still don't like the amount of attention ellen and other celebs have put on BTC in the past few days.

BTC is the wrong crypto for new players.

The biggest problem is that this attention lures "dumb investors". When I say dumb investors I mean people just investing in cryptos because they heard someone mentioning one will be rich in short time. They have no clue in what they are investing. Of course this can also be good for the market as we all saw late 2017 but can also have drastic outputs as we again saw early 2018 with all those scare sell offs after bad press and the tons of spreaded rumors. Many of those investors lost a bunch of money because many sold in loss scared of a complete market crash.
Dont' be a sheep! Develop critical thinking on your own!

IMO BTC is the only crypto for new players. Steem being second (not to buy mind, just to play with)

Bitcoin is the safe play, and hence the best option for newbies. You just can't go wrong with Bitcoin. Very easy to go wrong with a lot of altcoins if you don't know much.

ye bitcone is the best start. u are almost safe there.

I think the only wrong crypto for newbies are scams. BTC is just expensive, not complicated or elite.

hi duoug , always good to see you , i think ellen really tried no doubt about that , its a huge plus for bitcoin.

Would love to see you use more often but I'm just happy that you're posting to Steemit. Keep up the great work brother!

Guys i'm not moving over to Dtube

The number 1 rule of YouTube content is don't compete with yourself. Posting your content on multiple platforms means your video will perform far worse in the YT algo. To get maximum reach, you need the most watch time possible

February 16, 2018Doug Polk (@DougPolkPoker)

Lol, that's actually not true at all. SEO is SEO. And posting your YouTube video in other places and getting a lot of views will actually help your ranking in YouTube/Google. Did Doug Polk say this himself? @imaverick

Yeah he said this on twitter

he would say something like that but i want to upvote his videos and give him a few cent!

Good to see she is on board.

Poor Ellen if you wash or lose your hardware wallet you have lost none of your crypto.

Are you punking me Ellen?

but if u forgot your pin code and have recover the sheet in your left pocket and your Ledger in the right one. and you are pouring strawberry jam on your trousers, and have to wash it.

Are you the real Doug Polk?

I believe he is, there was a twitter post from him confirming this was his channel. Just google "twitter doug polk steemit" you will find it.

He should do a dtube exclusive, I thought it was a fake account at first

I've heard your name before but this is the first time I'm seeing one of your videos. Informative, but also really entertaining! I look forward to seeing more.

Wait, are you not the same person as Ellen?

Haha, nice bull run!

the Ellen clip was actually pretty good, but a dont like that part but the wallet she could have said a little more about security, all and all its a good one and its better then rest of the mainstream media

The real story is that foam-pacolypse that is happening on Doug Polk's wall.

Wow, Coinbase looks like it totally fucked up. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Robinhood, SAVE US FROM OURSELVES!!!!

This will only bring investors that wont put the work in to even know what they are getting into but it will help Crypto moon......

I've been reading this morning that Coinbase wasn't actually at fault. Am I wrong? I've been using them for some months now with no problems at all. Just wish I had fiat available on it when the dips come so I don't have to pay a transaction fee and then wait a week for my coins.

Ellen talking about it is great for cryptocurrency. She has a huge audience and just getting them familiar with the audience is fantastic. She presented it much better than most "financial analysts" at least.