It appears as though bitcoin may have been co-opted by the banksters through their infiltration and control of Blockstream and Bitcoin Core.
I discussed this further in an interview I just released with Victurus Libertus.
I also rebuked the conspiracy theories that some people still believe that bitcoin was created by the CIA.
You can see it all here:
I should also mention that at the current pace of registrations Anarchapulco will sell out within the next 1-2 weeks. So if you planned to be part of the greatest Anarchapulco yet, with over 1,200 people in attendance, more than double last year, and with Ron Paul as keynote speaker, you should register ASAP at Anarchapulco.com.
You can also register there for the TDV Internationalization & Investment Summit which is held right after Anarchapulco on February 19th.

I don't know if the CIA invented Bitcoin, but they certainly worked hard to co-op it and make it fail (making it slow and expensive)..... to then offer us a different bogus Crypto like Ripple or something Government controlled.
What I know is that the CIA was there every step of the way since Mt Gox (I will prove it in one of my next posts).
Maybe they gave us Bitcoin as a teaser to get us on board with crypto.... to then get us into some NWO crypto to monitor and tax all transactions.
Blockchain can liberate humanity or completely enslave it.
A very valid point on blockchain having the ability to liberate or enslave, I'm interested to read your post about the CIA's involvement.
Blockchain is a tool, and much like a knife, it can feed just as easily as it can kill.
Love the Rothschild quote, what do you think their strategies are with respect to the crypto market, promoting easily controlled currency like ripple, or by hacking the current systems, perhaps both? They could also just use their insane monetary influence to buy out almost the entire market and drive up the price of all cryptos making them even more money/control compared to nation states. Perhaps they're eyeing the right time for there take over, or have been behind some of the absurd crypto surge lately.
I definitely agree with you on your analysis of the governments role in digital currencies. Thank you for constantly informing us!
~ Elias
In my opinion the chance that you as one person are compromised by your sponsor bitcoin,com is way bigger than hundreds of core devs being compromised because one of the many investors in Blockstream is a company led by an suspected person.
It makes a lot of sense for AXA to invest in fin tech, even if it is just to make money (they invest in personal alcohol tests too, what is the story behind that?). Please come with proper FACTS before you spread FUD about BTC.
Because if it is not true it is still the greatest tool to our freedom, you want to bash that and make people sell?
And do you realize how much delay the big block community has caused? Because of blocking Segwit we have one year delay on great innovation. There are two companies already accepting main net LND in beta on there own risk, so very soon we will have this rolled out and it will be huge.
Bcash is dropping in te same way as after the previous spike that was caused by market manipulation and paid shills. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR BCASH
Berwick seems to be shilling for Bcash scammer Roger Ver now.
Also bear in an he's also trying to sell people on gold.
Now creating FUD about BTC, perhaps the Rothschild's have compromised Berwick!
And what if he is? Your anger should be better directed. Worry about the masses behind you not the handful ahead. And what is wrong with gold?
If your so right find a way to become a trillionaire instead of wacky nonsense, you compromised yourself.
Because Bcash was a fraud from the very start.
At the time of the fork last August, Berwick said precious little about it.
He was busy soliciting members to his group and making BTC promises he didn't keep.
At the time I signed up for his bullshit. When he failed to deliver on some of his promises I opted out. (to his credit he did provide a refund, and didn't have to seek the credit card redress)
Before Berwick never claimed any technical expertise about BTC, now he's acting like some self anointed fucking expert.
And now with associating and promoting Roger Ver and B(trash)Cash, he has brought his whole credibility into question.
Maybe Roger promised him a place in the sun on St Kits.
I reckon Bitcoin will weather the Jeff Berwick storm, as it has all the rest of the storms.
Gold is also difficult compared to Bitcoin, hard to transport and easily seized by government.
What guys like you and Berwick fail to recognize is the inherent value of Bitcoin is the immutable security, and truth.
Bcash has no such track record, just the opposite Bcash was born upon deceit and a known greedy scammer, we will just have to add Berwick to that cadre of deceitful clowns.
@alexcaskie Tried to buy some goods with btc yesterday...the fee was higher than the own price of the goods...whats the advantage of this technology if it no longer works as electronic peer to peer cash? I also think gold precious metals are way better than fiat as store of value...gold has been there for 5000 years and its price is clearly manipulated
@alexcaskie Thank you god everyone is starting to see how jeff manipulated the cryptomarkets with his huge following, he knows how gullible the public is and used it to his advantage, by gettin into cryptos at low levels, then recommending them then being one of the few that profit from everyone elses investment, and wtf is up with all these "subscribe to our newsletter" that used to be the last thing he talked about IF he ever even mentioned it, now thats all he does, promote "being a subsceiber" i was a subscription owner and becsuae it was only the basic package all i got was access to his books, which is fine, but i mean come on, he divided his entire following between those who have the primeum subscription and those who have the basic. Forcing people to upgrade just to get the next crypto "SUGGESTION" really makes no sense comimg from the man who wants peace equality and prosperity for all.
Bitcoin Core has only a few developers now similar to the Fed Reserve about 7, hired by Blockstream. The rest have been kicked out.
You either are a fool or a paid troll. You will find out soon what is happening if you are a fool.
Says the guy who’s anarchapulco.com wesbsite says and I quote “Brought to you by Bitcoin.com” on the front page.
We know whose pocket he is in....
Roger Ver is obviously a super rich crypto motherfucker, and it's obvious he's manipulating the entire network on different levels.
The Bitmain miner thing is another angle these guys are working.
I just bought two Antminers and had to pay in BCH, which I did. But there is clearly some behind the scenes skulduggery going on.
Berwick says BTC is compromised. what is more obvious is BCH is compromised security wise with a small network of miners.
Between BTC and BCH, BCH is much more susceptible to a 51% attack by the someone like the Federal Reserve.
i wasnt aware of that....what do you mean by 51% attack? my knowledge about this subject is a bit limitated sorry
If someone (or group of people working together) own at least 51% of all (currently) available coins, they could theoretically manipulate the market in any way they chose, as they hold a majority stake and can move it how they wish. This is impossible with BTC, as no one person, or even group or persons could ever realistically own or control that much BTC at one time. I doubt it's possible with BCH as well, but it is true that it is probably more possible with BCH than BTC.
A 51% attack is where a mining entity controls 51% of the mining, allowing them to take their own transactions off network, then double spend coin on the 49% side. Effectively destroying the security and accountability of the network.
There are some videos which explain it better, I'm no tech expert myself.
A 51% attack is based upon blockchain nodes. I have a node on my PC, it is about 500MB, or less than a DVD. Lets say there are over 10,000 nodes in the world. You would have to control 5,001 nodes in order to takeover the blockchain, the other 4,999 would just simply comply. It is a data record takeover, not a market price manipulation.
Ok so it does. Does it mean he can only speak glowingly of it and not have his own ideas?
Can he talk about only bitcoin because of it?
Buy both btc and bch :P you will be safe :D
wondering if you have finally figured out what hedge-x was talking about...
I see why it is hard to voice your opinion Jeff. People are vicious and suspect.
Hard to stay balanced. I've followed you and like you, and even disagree with you about how you have stated you started here on steemit. But I still respect you and wish you well.
Where do you think steem will be as a blockchain in the 2 year future window?
Here is a nugget that you might find interesting about some strange happenings in bitcoin past involving a higher than usual payout.
I hope that was a better attempt at communication then name calling.
I'm trying to slow my roll and improve also!
Stay positive and loving! https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@poias/bitcoins-s-strange-block-7438-and-the-185-billion-possible-payoff-steemit-investigative-report-pt-1
Neither Jeff, perhaps you should stick to the walking the dogs videos. You were much more effective with your doggies.
Cheers A.
I probably should add, that the real fool is someone who pays $2000.00 transfer fee for 2 BTC...WTF!
Thing is I don't even believe you. Most people now are not transferring BTC at the moment, they are using other coin; LTC, DASH, ETH, XRM, ZEC, for example.
It is foolish to incur the crazy high fees.(if we are to believe you)
help vote brother🙂
I think you are a fanboy that is letting your emotions in the way. Which will not amount to a hill of beans either way!
I am positive that Jeff has done more to "cheerlead" bitcoin and improve it then you ever will.Do you hear yourself @michiel? Where is your proof?
I don't have any proof, I don't say he is compromised. What I say is that THE CHANCE IS BIGGER in my opinion. Because it is hilarious that he is heavily sponsored by bitcoin,com and shifted his stance in the debate exactly the day that the first attack from Bcash on BTC started (flippening FUD part 1, the day that Bcash stole a majority of the miners of BTC by misusing a flaw called the EDA). While only a few of the hundreds of core devs are a little bit sponsored by one suspicious company and then 'core is compromised'. I still hope Jeff really thinks it and is wrong, because beside this subject he is doing very good things. It is sad that the voluntarist community get divided now.
Bitcoin and true cryptocurrency are NOT fintech. Deal with that.
Bitcoin and the community have fought a long time to get this far and won't be co-opted by a fast moving, yet zero substance coin.
Bitcoin has a commanding market presence and will continue to dwarf all other cryptocurrencies with a wide range of acceptance, and as the trading bases for 100's of exchanges.
For those of us who've been in the space for a long time, we've seen a lot of FUD and still hodl is a way of life.
-The Beached Whale-

Editor in Chief - The Anderson Report
It's hard to call it zero substance when it's transaction fees are a fraction of bitcoins. I won't even send bitcoin anymore. I just put it into LTC, Dash, or BCH to send. And why should we wait for the lightning network which is inherently less secure when it has been proven that it is not needed.
You are so right
BCash, not to be confused with Bitcoin Cash, I mean BCH. Well depending what exchange you’re at, it may not be BCH, sometimes it’s BCC. Wait, BCC, that’s Bitconnect right.... oh never mind.
Have you even sent bitcoin lately? I will probably wait longer for a single confirmation then a reply.
You would be unwise to dismiss it. I really don't have to feel emotional about it.
Actually I have, it’s alarming. It’ll get worked out though, things always do. It’s the ‘immediate satisfaction’ factor that we base our emotions on. Like the guy in the gym, he can’t be a big buff guy after the first week so he quits. His immediate satisfaction wasn’t met. Bitcoin has challenged all the criticism and succeeded while proving itself to be safe, accurate and secure but that immediate satisfaction isn’t being met so some people are throwing in the towel. Lame!
still a good chance to make some gains by buying zclassic before the bitcoin private fork.
also spreadcoin before the bitcoin spread fork
I have already Mainly split my BTC into ETH/LTC, just waiting on another pump and I'm ready to drop the rest.
I love hearing from you.
stay blessed and happy :)
Bitcoin Cash to the rescue!
Jeff, there is energy technology which the deep state has, which would let them mine Bitcoin for nearly free... One example is Patrick Kelly which made the bible of alternative technology. Google: PJKbook
So what would happen? I think miners wouldn't be able to compete... until they had the same technology.
Also remember the hearthbleed bug, SSL having huge bugs for years and NIST recommending bad ciphers for cryptography. And of course Meltdown and Spectre. Those people are not stupid.
We, the common folk, would bebifit from a block expansion! 8 BIT or bust! Let's make it heard that we want 8 megabit blocks for BitCoin Core, like now!
very informatic
does this mean jhon mcafee will have to eat his dick on live tv?
Hahaha! Right?!
At least ill have that to look forward to if bitcoin dies.
We're all assuming he actually has one...
Someone needs to fork BTC and NOT change the name. Stay BTC. Fuck the Bitcoin Foundation. Let the market decide who is the real Bitcoin.
damn (((bankers)))!!!!!
The banksters have a lot of tools at their disposal... tools to influence and control the price of things. The Futures Exchanges are just on of them!
Great topic, re-steemed!
Guys don’t question Jeffs expertise. He’s actually trying to keep us informed is all. Ive learned to just take what he says as advice. Havnt gone wrong since.
Bitcoin is getting rusty compared to these new coins and news like this does not help at all.
Bitcoin has the expiration date set. It remains to be seen how it will last!
I don't think that the banks are organized enough (who are the banks?) to do any longterm disturbance to Bitcoin. And as much as Bitcoin marketcaps grows as much the risk will decrease. Right now the exchanges are closed because they can not handle those hundrets of thousands maybe millions of people who are willing to invest. So Bitcoin starts to become mainstream. 2018 will be known as the year of crypto you will see
The banks are the elite that seem to be pulling the strings in the world since the napoleonic wars. (And probably throughout history)
Haha good one!
Cool username you will like my post :)
I agree Bitcoin has been taken over. But why do we keep telling the Globalists what we plan to do next. I mean literally telling them the play by play. Will just buy this instead. Anyways fuck the government. I hope the all burn in flames.
Bring on a Richard Heart interview with @dollarvigilante
I have been warning people about this.......
First of all greetings. I think one way to protect your cryptocurrencies is to distribute it in several of the main wallets where they can distribute them and where they can save them.
Another way is to change them in other cryptocurrencies where they are doing a daily study of which grows and rises and can have several cryptocurrencies and make their respective trading and can generate double.
Dear Jeff , please organise one in Asia such as Anarchapulco Bali. Would be a mega fun event and bringing it outside the continent.
alwys use hardwallet to protect your BTC online wallets are more risky now days
Very exciting you were able to book Rand Paul.
Some interesting points you have;) But I don't really see why people are panicking, just spread your eggs into different baskets and you'll be fine. Feels like people are more here for ideology and not for investment.
Bitcoin is highly encrypted but it not impossible that it can be hacked. But yet it would take a lot of effort to break it that would make it not viable to do so.
Bigger block sizes leads to more expensive hardware for nodes i.e. centralisation, bitcoin cash is not the answer. Diversity is the key! Bitcoin has the hardest proof of work if it was possible to hack it that would have happen already.
Bitcoin is not compromised , bitcoin is working as it is supposed to work segwit is a cutting age fork that enable it to scale while being always compatible with legacy nodes but it needs a while to get adopted and when exchanges will start to use it we will feel that transactions are fast with less fees. bcash is a lazy scaling solution quick but you will see that segwit was the mature choice.
Great video and information!
Thank you for the information and the interview. It sounds more and more common sense to me the way you explain bankers and gov's want to keep messing around with the people.
This was a great interview. I really appreciate Jeff's honesty, he is willing to consider all perspectives before making a decision. My only regret is not listening to him earlier!
Regarding the statement "It appears as though bitcoin may have been co-opted by the banksters (...)" - given the ROI (return on investment) rates of about 1000%, it was just a matter of time that the crypto sector will draw the attention of banks. Think about various financial products that could be created on the basis of the cryptos (as it was the case in the 200s regarding house loans). In other words, this developement should not be surprising.
I am sure at the Anarchapulco event there will be many interesting debates between Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash :)
Honestly, I'm tired of the BTC / BCH debate. Both are part of something bigger. Divide and conquer...
Love the Rothschild quote, what do you think their strategies are with respect to the crypto market, promoting easily controlled currency like ripple, or by hacking the current systems, perhaps both? They could also just use their insane monetary influence to buy out almost the entire market and drive up the price of all cryptos making them even more money/control compared to nation states. Perhaps they're eyeing the right time for there take over, or have been behind some of the absurd crypto surge lately.
I definitely agree with you on your analysis of the governments role in digital currencies. Thank you for constantly informing us!
~ Elias
Thanks for the info.
Nothing is impossible nowadays, be clever and dont trust to anyone. Follow your instinct.
Thanks for the info