As I recently suggested, with cryptocurrencies having a massive spike from $60 billion to over $95 billion in just the last 10 days, they have begun a retracement and currently sit near $88 billion.

Most of the cryptocurrencies are in the red today as a result.

While in Las Vegas this weekend I did an interview with Omar Bahm of Crypt0 news. He and I spoke about several topics including; what government and central banking really is, cryptocurrency, and a bit about why I like Mexico.
One of the things that I pointed out was how cryptocurrencies are perhaps the best modern example of truly free markets at work and how we are all born anarchists until we become indoctrinated by public school and tell-a-vision.
I mentioned how people need to realize that with governments becoming more and more tyrannical and bankrupt that we will very likely see a hyperinflationary scenario or catastrophic collapse quite soon.
Of course, I point out that perhaps the best way to protect yourself through all of that will be through investments outside the western financial system like cryptocurrencies.
You can check out the full interview here:
If you are still learning about cryptocurrencies check out my free four-video webinar HERE. It will give you the basics of why they are so important and I’ll even send you your first $50 in bitcoin directly from my personal wallet if you accept our offer at the end of the webinar.

I am hoping we get a nice little pull back...BUY BUY BUY
Should include steem on the list although it's not yet in the top 10
We don't need the government to tell us what to do @dollarvigilante. Cryptocurrency is evolving already and they should envolve with it too.
In August 2016 it was #3 Now it's around 14th
Giving the shout out to my boy @crypt0 (Omar Bahm) jumping up the the big leagues brother
nice work collaborating @dollarvigilante
I think they should do more shows together. Both are kickin some ass on steemit.
you got that right @magicmaker!!!
Jeff I wanted to thank you for your great blogs and informative videos. Since joining steemit I have been watching a lot of your video and really been enjoying them a lot. Going to be looking into your Acapulco get together. Thanks for all that you do.
when I'm older i will try not to use a bank as much as possible, they give you .25% a year for savings then loan it out for 16%. I love cryptocurrency because you can be your own bank. This is why i want mass adoption, i would love to buy items online and in store with bitcoin that i have recently made from a trade. Cryptocurrency is the future, so invest! long term!
You are not allowed to use fractional reserves either. Imagine how rich you could become if you could loan out 10 times or more than the money you had.
There are peer to peer lending options to use other than banks too. I have accounts with lendingclub and prosper as two examples.
Banks only exist because people use debt. Everyone should do their very best to avoid all forms of debt. Sure, a mortgage is a bit of an exception, but I would avoid a mortgage if at all possible too.
Don't use debt. Get out of debt. The less debt people use, the sooner the system collapses. Governments use debt too of course, and it is used to justify taxes. No government, no debt.... no taxes!
Very true, its amazing the banks can get away with it.
Banks are infiltrating the cryptoverse with Ripple and the other cryptic differentiated currencies that are conceived with financial institutions in mind.
Do you think it unwise to invest in Ripple from a moral standpoint? I haven't bought into Ripple but like the idea of profiting off the banks attempts as I assume they have lots of money to back it.
But a large part of me feels like they've had enough of my money.
I would not invest in the ones backed by powerful financial institutions. Banks are going to lobby for SEC and other regulators to step in to close the drawbridge on ICO's once they have entered the Crypto kingdom.
words of wisdom
The mortgage should not be an exception. Mortgage literally translate to "death contract." The way to get around getting a mortgage is to rent with housemates or live with your parents.
True, but I bought a foreclosure that is a superb rental. My mortgage payment is way below that of rent. I know no matter what house prices do I'll not be stuck here either. There are smart ways to buy a home in your advantage in other words. :)
Waking up.... thank you @dollarvigilante
Wow sweet GIF to illustrate the new mindset.
Thanks @tastetwist
Thx for sharing
Dollar Vigalante continuing to show us the way!
"tell-a-vision"! 😂 Jeff just when I though you'd peaked with terms such as "Prime Murderer", "Killary Clinton" & "USSA" you throw this one in the mix.
Love it, and your broader message too. Resteeming. Keep up the good work.
"Certificate of Confiscation" :D
Why is Jeff positive on China regarding anything but economics, capitalism, etc.? I lived there for six years and the place is a shithole. He says he wants to live there. Maybe he's interested in one of those forest cities they are talking about building, which sound good. But the people are some of the most hateful, xenophobic people I've ever been around.
Nice post as usual @dollarvigilante what are your thoughts on Michael Tellinger and the Ubuntu Movement here https://steemit.com/activism/@michelrnilles/cooperation-not-competition-because-in-unity-we-thrive
From what I'm seeing, the governments aren't giving up so easily. The UN and their Ethereum blockchain refugee donations (paired with eye-scanning identification technology OF COURSE) and now some Texas congressman pushing for anti-money laundering laws on crypto startups ... I've been saying it for a long time: the keyword in cryptocurrency is CRYPTO -- and we need to keep it that way.
They are not going to give up their power easily. We'll at least have an economic collapse. At worst we'll have a global war. It may be nuclear too. I keep hoping for the best while preparing for the worst.
@finnian, right. People like Soros are fighting the good people. But global revolutions are happening thanks to the awakening we are having and we will continue to fight for our rights.
We must continue to vote out the swamp. That is how we drain the swamp. We do better when government is smaller. We do better when we can have more freedoms, rights, liberties, of speech, expression, arms, press, & religions. We should not have the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the EU, the UN, the NWO, the SOROS, the ROTHSCHILD, or the others. We should not have taxes. We do not want government to treat us like kids. We are not kids. Thanks for writing, @edumurphy. Right, we need to keep it crypto. We want things to be as decentralized and free as possible. More freedoms does mean more responsibilities. We can handle it like Spider Man.
Cryptocurrencies to End
Love the channel man :) You are the reason why I joined Steemit!!! Check out my Bitcoin price forecasts https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@hotsauceislethal/bitcoin-price-forecast-7-25-2017 and let me know what you think of my work!
Great post will up vote and resteem.
I left the western world a long time ago. Asia has its faults but i certainly feel a freer person.
How can i join team ? pls can any one tell me iam new and very poor
Great interview with crypto!
I had a conversation, the other day, with a prison guard. Something came up about government.
He said "The government should do [insert whatever]".
I said "There shouldn't be any government".
He looked at me stupid, like I lost my marbles.
Try spreading the word of anarchy to programmed slaves and see how they respond. We have a long way to go. Let's keep trying.
buen video te felicito
Hi, recently discovered your vids and although you aren't advocating to buy steem, I have decided to take a reasonably calculated gamble! You may therefor have my upvote and thank you for the content you are creating!
Awsome! Thanks for the news Jeff and thanks for bringing me here to steemit. I hope all cryptos fall,,,,then ill but in! Kerp the post coming!
Hey Mr "Mythical" jeff
Thank you for the great video.
I wish i had followed you more religiously,
advising to buy Etheruem @ $2 is crazy!! I would now be rich :(
I dont think central banks are like communism because they are private companies and goverment dont really have any control over money supply or fiscal policys really is dicated by money creators..
When you look at China and how they run PBOC is much different the amount of control they have can stop the markets in one day if wanted to.
Im not saying it is a good thing but it is a stark difference between the Federal reserve that works independent of anything else.
Rant off.
What do you think of established economic institutes trying to manipulate markets accumulate crypto currencies for themselves and what we can do to stop them?
You are mythical! Lol. Learned alot from you the past few years. Thanks! Interested to see whats about to happen with the cryptos after the bitcoin fork. If it happens...
Cryptos are transforming the world. I loved your article on EOS yesterday, by the way! :)
Stupid BCC ruined our momentum! Just another bump in the road. I bet we would have already broken past the 3k mark if it wasn't for the bcc jokers
Great post.
We are so lucky to be living at this time in history.
We are now experiencing the power that the Internet has through these cryptocurrencies, even the power to redistribute wealth and to make fiat obsolete and out of the hands of corporate and governments control.
This could be the beginning of a wide spread earthquake in the financial history and finally, slowly, hopefully the point where mankind will reach a new step in its evolution.
Give me the control of the STEEM and i care NOT who makes the laws
Thanks for your efforts, we are always waiting for your new
Central banking is only the first government function to be disrupted by the blockchain. The government won't be able to compete with the rapid innovation that's approaching.
nice post !!!
Crypto is here to change the world!
Awesome post! I’ve been watching your videos on youtube and is actually how I found about Steemit! Thanks a lot and keep making great content!
Awesome interview. Love it! :D
Awesome interview. Maybe not mythical but most certain that you are popular among the crypto peeps.
Some great points.. we all talk about free markets and democracy but in the modern world we live in there are still so few that control so many... crytocurrency is great in that it cuts out the 'middle man' and lets people truly engage in a free market!
Thank Jeff! I like
Posting a great greeting from @ abupasi.alachy
I hope they end capitalist tyranny
I always find Mr. Berwick intriguing. His unrehearsed manner and something under the surface that wins my trust. There's trained or tamed anger. There's finally being able to say what he wants to. He always seems bored too. Bored listening to himself, bored talking to others, and bored talking to cameras. The appeal is that he's crawled out of the cave and can't find enough people to enjoyablie prosper with. Don't know if that is anywhere near the truth. I think that's an appeal in my perspective and one in most others.
Anyhow, listening to Mr. Berwick always opens my mind a little more.
Its nice to have cryptos as a safety net.
If hyper inflation or a tyrannical regime destroy a countries currency cryptos are available and far more liquid than gold for example.
informing and educative.
upvoted and followed.
Great post its simple math 1 + 1 = 2 :D
Informative post 👍
Nothing to do with this post Jeff but I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your vids on your other youtube channel. It is so relaxing just listening to the background noise when you are out on your walks with your furry friends! Great viewing. Many thanks.
Jeff, you have almost saved my life. Last week I quit alcohol and went on a 5 day fast at the same time after seeing what you have achieved. The book by Allen Carr that you talked about in one of your videos was simply excelent. I cannot reccomend it enough to anyone. Ppl are waking up now at an alarming rate and the system as we know it is about to totally fail. Times are great and its people like you out there that are making it happen.
Everyone needs to get their local communities engaged, grow local food especially fruits and pay and receive in crypto where possible. My mother is a yoga teacher and has started teaching classes in my small town. I had no idea how many people out here would even be interested in this kind of stuff. Really this is a new age we are entering. Its obvious to me now.
There will be no world government. There was never meant to be one. Our destiny was always to rise above and kill the jews. JK but you guys know what I mean.
cryptocurrencies are now stable and secure & have bright future.
Government is only good for two things. Having an actual fair and just court system, and employing old men who like to argue. I might send my grandparents to local government as apposed to a retirement home.